Astronomy and Prophecy: Unveiling God’s Blueprint in Torah

God’s Order

Gen 2:2  On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 

Arrangement of the Camp

Num 2:1  Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, 

Num 2:2  “The people of Isra’el are to set up camp by clans, each man with his own banner and under his clan’s symbol; they are to camp around the tent of meeting, but at a distance. 

What is Adam’s symbol? The very first sign for man to observe is the Shabbat.

Num 2:3  “Those camping on the east side toward the sunrise are to be under the banner of the camp of Y’hudah; they are to camp according to companies; by tribe and leader they are as follows:

Tribe Chief Number Y’hudah, Nachshon the son of `Amminadav 74,600

Yissakhar, N’tan’el the son of Tzu`ar 54,400

Z’vulun, Eli’av the son of Helon 57,400

Total 186,400 “This group is to set out first.” 

Notice that Zebulun is the THIRD tribe to lead out in the East. We are also told His return will appear in the East. We are in the third month which is Sivan represented by Zebulun. His tribe occupied from the Mediterranean Sea to the mountains…. where the Lebanese and Israel fires are right now. This is prophecy in the making in Month Three in the area of Zebulon.

False Prophecies –

A man known as the “Indian Nostradamus” has come forward to explain why his forecast for the outbreak of World War Three earlier this week didn’t materialise … and he’s now pinpointed a new date.

He insisted that the conflict was set to erupt on June 18 and doubled down on this assertion last Friday. Yet, that day passed without incident, and no war ensued.

Nonetheless, the fella hasn’t been put off by this hiccup and has returned to shed light on the miscalculation, claiming the initial date was a mistake from the start. Kumar stated: “Having travelled through 10 and 18 June, 2024, let us wait, if so liked, for 29 June 2024.”

He added: “It may be observed here that predictive alert for better care and appropriate strategy involves careful and serious interpretation of planetary impacts while unintended human error or slip cannot be ruled out entirely.”

I look at this man from India that follows his Indian religion and wonder if I am not a bit like him in being a ‘watchman’ for people. The big difference from between him and myself is that God made much more than just planets. He made a human race with a calendar connected to a language to see patterns within itself. The original children were not called Hebrews but were soon divided into groups that would either honor God’s instructions or they would not honor God’s instructions. We can learn a great deal from astronomy being careful not to follow astrology which gives worship to gods from the constellations.

We are not to make figures to worship from what we see in the sky or what is deemed under the sky or anything in between these surfaces. Yes, even wearing a cross is deemed a type of idol since God said not to have any image that represents him.

God is invisible because He is spirit. Christ came and we not only want to wear his body hanging on a cross around our necks, but we have set up great cathedrals deeming Him. These great sanctuaries and great places of where things may have happened are NOT to be connected to God. They are man’s rendition of what the mind conceives and cannot be held as authentic. Even John and Daniel’s visions have been beautifully turned into imagery but not exactly true. Thus, we can NOT make our words (images) God’s images. God forbids to do this.

Can I wear earrings that are the ‘sign of David’ representing Israel? Yes, because it is about their symbol they have chosen for themselves which God cooperated in bringing about. It is not God that is being represented, but a state of whom I am encouraging to support on this earth.

God’s Sign is a call for ACTION. The first sign of action is The Sabbath rest. God designed six days of work and one for rest. In my growing years, my parents were seen honoring the Sabbath for some reason because they made it preparation day of cleaning the house for company on Sunday. Or we went to the sale barn to buy a pony on Saturday. The Popes had ordained Sunday. We always went to mass in dresses on Sunday (Day Eight).

Catholicism has led the way in moving people off The Sabbath as Ecumenical Councils met and deemed what was truth by a man that was to be called, God on earth. This god on earth deemed what we would honor as holy days even into my 73rd year on this earth. These popes deemed abortion was bad, but now a pope has deemed that if a woman has an abortion, she can ask forgiveness and not go to hell for murder.

God said not to murder. That includes yourself or anyone else. It has been proven that the fetus is not a blob of tissue. I repent of having worn an IUD (inter uterus device). This foreign object inserted into my body by a physician gave me cramps so bad I had it taken out before I was married. This foreign device in a woman’s body is designed to scrape at anything foreign in the uterus. Does this item perform the abortion of scrapping off the blob of tissue (baby)?

In 1970, at age twenty, I was given instructions on how to take a pill that would stop me from ovulating. I was taught how to control having babies.

You just took a pill for 21 days and then menstruated the other 7 of the 28-day cycle. Is this too much information or can we see God in this as in the moon renewing, too? Yes!

God’s program for multiplying the earth was 14 days off and 14 days on. God instructs humans to not copulate during the bleeding cycle (7 days) and 7 days after it. Thus, for 14 days there is abstinence (hiding) and for 14 days there is not.

Humans and the heavens flow to this same cycle. We have a full moon at fourteen days when the moon looks pregnant. It then begins to recede and goes into hiding where it cannot even be seen for 3 days. It is still there but covered completely up as the earth gets in the way of the sun. When we see it again it is called a ‘renewed’ moon. It renews its birth cycle just a woman renews her monthly cycle. All life is set to God’s cycles.

These godmen have successfully deemed Day Eight as the Sabbath instead of Day Seven. They took God’s theme for the earth of having a thousand-year rest at the 7000th year until the 8000th year away. These Popes removed God’s image of REST by moving it to Day Eight.

And it is true…. Most churches don’t teach a millennial reign of an ‘Anointed One’ reigning because these religions tell their flocks that grace allows them to copulate with the world view of New-Testament-only living. We have removed the ‘renewal’ theme believing the lie of abortion instead of multiplication.

Planetary prophecy catches the eye of our earth over Biblical tradition. God’s pattern has been skewed. Deception is so heavy in these ‘last of days’ that it seems impossible to return to the original. Yet, a remnant has returned and is thriving. They will not follow a man from India with Karma thinking.

INDIA – Jubilee year 1950. Pope issues a new holy day.

On the day I was born 150,000 people from India perished. They were crushed from a 9.0 earthquake. It was August 15, 1950.

What else happened that day? The Ecumenical Council of cardinals and the pope deemed they would make a holy day in the jubilee year, 1950. They did this in pattern to help create money for The Universal Church through announcing a new feast day in a jubilee year.

The mother of a man called by a gentile name would now be edified as ‘sinless’. This woman would be placed as high in ranking as her son who was ‘sinless’ indeed. The man named Jesus Christ by The Universal Church back in 325 AD by Constantine and his mother, would become the lead savior for the world. The name Yeshua the Nazarene was made an abomination with The Torah scrolls burnt if found.

Misinformation (abomination) continued as Azazel (thought to be Satan) the goat was thrown over the cliff. Many of the Scriptures about goats have been misunderstood. Our true Savior’s name Yeshua became an abomination on the earth being replaced by a man named Jesus…. of which there are many people named Jesus in Mexico. What is special about the name Yeshua? Because it is directed connected to God’s name: Yeshuah. (God’s letter ‘ah’ (hei – breath) is added to someone who follows God as seen with Abram and Sari.)

All humans are born into choice. We must all repent after making the wrong choice. The Universal Church made up the words, ‘original sin’, venial sin, mortal sin. What do these sins mean?

Was Mary exempt from sinning? Didn’t her son chastise her for not knowing he was about his father’s business? Didn’t he chastise her when she asks him to make wine out of water? It was not his time to perform miracles in front of this group. Yet, he did it for his mother.

Even his name means, My Savior. Mary was told to name her firstborn child, ‘My Savior!’ She did need a savior as we all do. Mary means bitter. She had a bitter life along with the other two Mary’s at the foot of the stake. Three weeping bitter Mary’s, yet being cleansed by The blood that flowed from that HOLY stake.

She had more children. Yeshua from Nazareth was her firstborn son. She had more sons and daughters. She was not a barren woman. Yochanan and Yoshuah were called among his half-brothers to be followers. Yet, Yeshua had other brothers that he shook the dust off his feet as they would not agree with his teachings on resurrection. His own half-brothers followed the ‘house of Shami’ that did not believe in resurrection. His other half-brothers believed and followed the House of Gamli’el that believed in resurrection from the dead.

All this conflict was getting resolved when God’s spirit in Yeshua rose up Lazarus from the dead after FOUR days. This Four Day Pattern endorsed Yeshua, Son of God coming to earth at four thousand years from Adam (son of dust). Others were healed of sickness because of FAITH. Yes, how strong is your faith is the question.

Yes, Yeshua was the first born of several children that brought bitterness to their mother. It would be her FAITH that allowed the ‘conception’. All are sinners and come short of the glory of God. It is our FAITH that carries us to the bitter end.

If God was happy about August 15, 1950 being Mary’s special day of celebrating her ascension to heaven, then why did 150,000 people in India die that same day?

My parents were Catholic following that pope. They gave me Mary as my middle name. It did make me promise to be a virgin when I got married. It did make me feel special. After I got married, it was Jesus that saved me from damnation to hell. Still later in my life, I found that Jesus was Jewish.

Joseph came through David’s son Nathan in Luke 3:31. He is seen coming through Solomon in Mathew 1. This needs further study, but the point is that Yeshua’s earthly father was a Son of David. Joseph is marrying a first cousin to Elizabeth of whom is married to Zechariah the priest.

Both boys would be thought to be a threat to the Herodian dynasty. Both Yochanan and Yeshua would need to be killed if the Herod’s were to keep their false control of The Temple. In 70 AD God has The Temple burnt and all of these ‘false’ Herodian leaders would soon leave the face of the earth.

Interestingly, this number 70 patterns to 70 years being removed to Babylon for not laying the land fallow for 490 years. Then in 70 AD the fake leaders were removed as well as The Temple. Now, at 7000 AD we will see new leaders in Torah leading our world through a thousand-year display of full Torah implemented perfectly as designed from the Day of Adam. Adam died at age 930 leaving 70 years to complete a day in Heaven’ measurement.


God is the Father of Yeshua of whom is also known as YHWH. Yes, there is everything in a name…especially in Hebrew.

Yeshua was not born on a winter solstice of which then a made-up Santa Claus came about in America. Our so-called Christian nation is being judged because it has gone along with the huge deception that they are saved by the traditions of a Jesus born in December. They are on the wrong calendar. This truth has been spreading around the world with immense success. People are seeing the falsehood of calendars originating from the Caesars and then Popes.

Old Saint Nicholas is just that…. OLD and outdated thinking. Adam, Noach, Peter, or Isaac Newton will be able to share your wonderful traditions when you meet them one day. These traditions are ‘deception’ and lead to nations spiritual destruction. They also lead the Hebrews to look at Christianity from a distance as odd.

Num 2:1  Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, 

Num 2:2  “The people of Isra’el are to set up camp by clans, each man with his own banner and under his clan’s symbol; they are to camp around the tent of meeting, but at a distance. 

What banner do you fly? Does it look like the Vatican? Does it look like a cross with a body hanging from it that has not risen yet? What camp do you follow? It is Hindu following others ancestors that have nothing Hebraic about them?

What will June 28, 2024 look like or the next day and the next day as the name Nostradamus….the Catholic… leading people astray.

A prophecy can sound like something that we look back and happened, but it is so vague that most anything in history could fit it. That is what Nostradamus did. The Church made a god out of him and now others try. But they do it without The Torah as their base.

If we would go back to God’s calendar and focus on God’s appointments, we would see the future unfold before our eyes. I will not study anything without God’s calendar being the ‘Foundation Stone’.

I am closing with AMEIN. He is coming soon because TRUTH is being told and now it’s time to move away from ‘deception’ and into God’s Truth…The Torah!

It is Sivan 15 – A full moon on June 21, 2024. It was at the Full Moon that Yeshua died for the penalty of our sinning against God’s instructions. It is Zebulun in His fullness of leading out along with Issachar touching into the riches of the seas and yet leading the people to The Torah given in the mountains. These sons were not afraid of battle just as Israel today fights their enemies under the rule of Persia. It is with this prince that we fight in the Heavenlies. It was conquered in the past to show us the future.

Prayer with repentance and fasting is key. It is a spiritual battle of blindness caused by what seems righteous and is not righteous. It is NOT a normal name that can be declared. It is a holy name that must be heard in the heavens. There are many named Jesus in Mexico. There is no one named Yeshua on this earth but ONE. He is the anointed one that then got an ‘h’ added to his name upon ascending. Yes, YHWH is YESHUAH…. God’s name. Do NOT even say it if you don’t know about it. No one is worthy to say that name until you stand in the presence of YHWH.

None are worthy but The Lamb of God… He will open that Book of Life and now if you really know who the REAL Savior is and what He endorsed and confirmed fully while on earth for 30 years. He honored his mother and gave her the miracles she wanted. She knew who He was and what He could do. She was named correctly because she gave birth to the one that first came in ‘bitterness’ correcting humanity to go back to the ‘original’ teachings of The Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov. Not New Testament the 12 apostles established by the church with the word ‘grace’ misunderstood. It is the TWELVE TRIBES…. Wake UP church… Our Jewish Anointed King is at hand… sending flood and fires to one third and two-third of the earth marked by eclipses that are signaled by the witnesses created from the beginning….the sun and moon.

The woman is NOT the Blessed Mary with twelve crowns on her head. Israel is the Bride with The Twelve Tribes as her crown. She is depicting those carrying out what Moses issued. We know that The Suffering Servant Yeshua came to FIRM up the Torah, not destroy it. He alone proved that God’s instructions work. Cain was the first to challenge God. He did not bring the smell of fat. That burning fat pointed to yeshua’s burnt up body at four thousand years into the future. Cain refused to participate in The Patterns.

Returning to recognizing ‘Pattern’ is God’s way. He wants Israel to lead out in Pattern. Hamas got in the way of that pattern when they canceled The Festival known as Simchat Torah… Rejoicing in the Torah. Yes, Satan hates The Torah and struck it down. They also depicted The Wedding ceremony and Day Eight. Satan hates Day Eight and he hates God marrying those connected to The Bride, Irael. No one is talking about this because they align with Satan that it is not valid for today.

Israel MUST lead out in The Calendar. This is her position/calling on the earth. We are to follow her and stop telling her what day it is. The abomination of Gentiles telling her what day it is, is being judged. I tire of arrogant Gentiles even in my own group.

Do not be haughty but support Israel and encourage her in her prayers. May she teach us her words of how to pray to the Highest ELOYIM.

Believe me, it is not in the form of beads that repeat the same prayer repeatedly to a female sinner. She was given the grace to deliver a special baby. It was a conception from the Holy Spirit only.

Let us lift ISRAEL up as Head of All Nations. In Yeshua, our Anointed One we pray this, AMEN!

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