Shevat – Month of Horsemen Removing Peace

THE DAYS OF SHECHEM The Days of Hezekiah 25

January 11, 2024, was Shevat 1. Read Zechariah 1-2

OCTOBER 7, 2023 – TISHRI 22 5784 EPHRAIM – The Early Morning Gaza Slaughter Began

SABBATH TORAH PORTION – Vezot H’Berachah “This is the Blessing” Deut 33:1-34:12, Joshua 1, Ezekiel 38:19-39:16, Acts 1:1-4 (Sabbath October 7, 2023)

Deuteronomy 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender grass, and as the showers upon the herb.

What is prayed for every Sukkot?

Hosea 6:3 And let us know, eagerly strive to know the LORD, His going forth is sure as the morning, and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.

Deuteronomy 33:1 And this is the blessing, with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.

Noach blessed his family as he guided them to finish the ark in the year 1333. They lift off in the second month, seventeenth day of year 1334. Is it co-incidental that the Torah Portion covers chapters 33 and 34 as The Change happened at Gaza. Our world should never be the same after that slaughter of God’s children, the Israelites.

Yeshua upon His departure at age 33

Luke 24:50,51 And he led them out until they were over against Bethany: And he lifted up his hands and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. Just before: Luke 24:36-40 And as they spoke, Yeshua stood in the midst of them, and saith to them, Peace be to you. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: Handle me, and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had spoken, he showed them his hands and his feet.

Acts 1:9-11 And when he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they were looking steadfastly into heaven as he went, behold two men stood by them in white apparel; who also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye looking into heaven? This Yeshua, who was received up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye beheld him going into heaven.

Where were they standing?

Acts 1:12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day’s journey.

Yeshua left the earth in the spring on Day 40 from his resurrection on Nisan 17. Yeshua came at earth’s 4000th year. Divided by 50 makes it earth’s 80th jubilee. Yeshua’s first coming foreshadows earth’s 8000th year. This foreshadows The Eighth Day (7000-8000 years).

Eight is the letter Chai meaning life or beginning. He came as a suffering servant and will return as the latter rain, blessing the earth in the fall so the earth can sprout in the spring.

He was born at Feast of Tabernacles, 15 Tishrei …circumcised on the Eighth Day, 22 Tishrei. Yes, the Day of Circumcision was the October 7 slaughter for 1250 Israelis in their kibbutz as they slept, or some danced until the morning celebrating The Torah. Simchat Torah is Day Nine symbolling Rejoicing in the Torah into eternity.

How were they rejoicing in The Torah? It was Israel, under their police protection, which hosted the two-day celebration. Israel was being obedient to honoring The Lord’s Appointments. As The Feast of Tabernacles closes, our Creator asks them to stay one more day to celebrate Yahweh’s instructions. They are reminded to take Torah to the Nations and not follow other gods.

They joyfully met, not in any sexual orgy, but in scoffing at the figure of Buddha and other gods. We are to have no other gods before us. They were not honoring it but mocking it.

Allah is not a real god, and it is proposed that Muhammad may even be made up since his story was invented some 250 – 300 years after him. The writers of the Quran still have no eyewitnesses to Mohammad.  Whereas the disciples of Yeshua Jesus were in the thousands.  Yeshua Jesus disciples wrote more things about him than The Scriptures could hold it says. Many of the writers knew him personally for years as some were his brothers. The Book of James was named after King James, but the author of that writing was Jesus’ brother Joshia.  The LORD’s only begotten son had to come at the time crucifixion was used on the earth. Everything about The Son was completely fulfilled with many witnesses confirming His presence on earth. His message is how to live separate from the evil in this world. His message is that He is God in the flesh. Mohammad claims to be a prophet of Allah. Yeshua Jesus claims to be the actual son of God… this is why the ruckus… The Seed that was promised to Adam to crush the head of Satan did arrive. There is no going back and wishing none of this happened. Satan is behind such thinking. If only… if only our world had never happened… there would be no death and pain. Yet, it had to happen to crush The Serpent. It had to happen to prove God’s children have such strong faith that they too will suffer in persecution. It is how we handle persecution that is important. To love thy neighbor is the most difficult when they are burning up your baby. But, as the survivor of this Hamas attack said, “We will just keep having babies… millions of them. You cannot stop God from having children. We are His plan.”

The Deceivers follow their very name… they LIE. The Gazans accepted rides to work from the left-thinking Israelis’. They accept an Israeli doctors help even in him giving his own kidney for her son, a Palestinian. Yet, the mother of that son said that she hoped that one day he would slaughter that doctor. It is what Allah commands. Allah is a demonic spirit of death.

If there is to be only one Quran, then why in the Middle East can many versions been found? It is because it is written in Arabic only. And, if Muslim followers are not willing to learn Arabic, they copy it in their own language.  With a single dot changing the meaning of a word…as in Hebrew, the translations went wild. Yes, now we have ‘religious’ groups gone wild because of mistranslations. Yet, all Qurans are forbidden except the one in Arabic. These different books have caused different factions.

Another problem surfaces with quarrelling over which group represents Muhammad. The Shiites believe connecting to Muhammad’s lineage is only proper. Iranians believe this. The Sunni sect believes leadership comes through a chosen king. Thus, King Saad is that ruler to be respected. 

The argument gets deeper because Mohammed had no sons. He adopted a son that married a beautiful girl. He desired that girl for himself, but his son was not willing to share her. Mohammed then reasoned to himself that if Allah were for him as a prophet, then he would want this girl for him as well. Thus, he added a law that said no one can adopt a child. Therefore, his son was an illegal son and his marriage to this girl was no longer Mohammad’s daughter-in-law.

His son agreed to give up his wife to Mohammad. This ‘unadopted’ son had to give his bride to Mohammad, as it seemed God willed it. 

Do we have holy men who play this game?” ”I’m so close to God so obey what I say.” And, even as sins are told aloud in a ‘confessional’, don’t we open ourselves up to being vulnerable to being manipulated by intimidation? This happened in The Universal Church. Women and children have been used by priests turning into pedophiles. I’ve witnessed the husbands turn away from The Church authorities as their own families are violated. It takes a great dad to drag a son away from a pedophile and expose him to the public.

It is not healthy for anyone to have a human man forgive you of your sins. We go to God alone, in the quiet of our heart, and confess our sins. And we can close in prayer in the name of Yeshua Jesus our Messiah… as He is our mediator to The Father. The Father is the one to whom we seek repentance from daily. Every day we have an opportunity to go directly to God for reconciliation.

When I was in Cairo at Ramadan in December 2000, our pastor and two men prayed over a man without legs. This poor man was suffering in life not even able to feed him unless there was a hotdog left over from a vendor.  He had no legs and was scooting along on a board with rollers on it. As these three men spent just a few minutes with him and then praying, a taxi car pulled up and the Cario police jumped out and ordered my friends into the taxi. Our pastor was incredibly wise to this as he has been on many missionary trips to Egypt. They all ran from the police as they knew they were facing imprisonment. They fled to our building and told us to be quiet and turn the lights off and lie on the floor. We heard gunshots outside from the police. I never was afraid while in Cairo, not even then. You are always safe when in God’s will.

Muslims follow Muhammad in not allowing adoptions. Therefore, there are many orphaned children on their streets. They also believe that suffering here helps you to avoid more suffering after dying. This religion is bent on accepting suffering either here or later. They hold similar views to Catholicism of whom has a ‘purgatory’ to go through for a time before you can be near God. In the Catholic system you can pay light candles for the dead to help pay off their time in purgatory. And, you can pay for the masses to be said for the dead. To be absent from the body is to be present with The LORD. The Torah teaches repentance and turning from sin while on earth. It is Yeshua Jesus’s blood that paid the ‘penalty’ for sin. It is a personal decision. It is a personal relationship with God seen all throughout history that tells us the truth of this matter. Cain did not repent. It directly tells us that Cain died from his stone house falling on him because he killed his brother with a stone. It took 880 years for Abel’s blood to be avenged by YHWH, but it was avenged in Cain’s EIGHTH DAY. 

Our ten days in Cairo was to find our way into homes to speak about Jesus. It was a dangerous mission and even us women were being watched as they wondered why we never went on any tours. So, we did go to the pyramids to act as tourists. We found two sisters of whom had become Christian instead of Kopics. Even when we went into their meager home we could not talk about Jesus as their sister stayed in her bedroom because of us being there. The girls hide their bibles and if they were found even their mother would have to turn them in. The father was saved and tried to protect his two daughters.

After leaving Cairo I knew it was better for missionaries to be able to speak the language. At midpoint of that ten-day trip most of the group got the flu and it held them up from going out and getting into more trouble. On the last day I got the flu and could hardly stand in line to make it back through customs.

Is there persecution in the world? Absolutely! And in the name of a god that isn’t even real. A fake book. A fake man and certainly Mecca does not qualify to be the location of Thee Garden of Eden. There are no coins of a governor from Mecca found in historical diggings to prove an early Mecca. It was not on a trade route. It dropped twenty miles straight down over rough terrain where even Mohammad would not have pilfered and killed as was his trade. An evil leader perpetuates evil actions from his followers.

Islam stands on three pillars. If one is missing, it is a false religion.

One Quran.

The Man: Muhammad.

Location: Mecca is The Garden of Eden.

When we talk about demonic deception, we need to look at true historical facts. Just like there is not one mention of the name Palestinian in The Bible….whereas Philistine is mentioned even with the twelve spies searching out the land. They did make it to Gaza… and saw those men that were giants that slept on exceptionally large beds. I am thinking about the tunnels in Gaza. How many artifacts have been dug up by Hamas destroying those stories? 

When the Temple Mount came into the hands of Isarel at the Six-Day War, Israel leaders felt that if it were given into the guardianship of the Arabs then perhaps it would be safer. Sadly, this led to Israelis not even being able to walk on it, much less pray on it. 

So, what is the rain that came down on October 7, 2023? Torah!

Deuteronomy 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew,

Does Satan hate God’s instructions on how to worship him? Absolutely!

Demonic response to Simchat Torah was October 7 with ‘the chopping up and burning up of 1,250 Israelis? The people that had to collect the dead bodies did not even know which body part went with what body. They said that if you can think of the worst possible… think even more terrible. It was unspeakable what they saw. Bombs were strategically placed inside their dead bodies to detonate as the help tried to recover the slain.  Trip wires would set off throughout the homes to detonate bombs.  Bombs were found in children’s beds to go off when collecting the dead children. Bombs were placed in ovens that had babies burned alive them. Over three days Israel could not come near as the citizens of Gaza… some even in wheelchairs came to pilfer and destroy their homes with grenades. The homes were empty shelled.

Evil, Evil, pure evil beyond measure happened on October 7, Tishrei 22, Day 8 of Feast of Tabernacles and Day 9 disgracing the festival Simchat Torah, Tishrei 23. 

7 8 9 all played out in their meaning. Satan mocked God’s Sabbath (7) taking life (chai) on Day Eight. The letter Tet is the number 9 represented by something that twists. Yes, a snake or basket. Yes, the form that was chosen for Satan even played out in this twisted evil event. And it still plays out in the month Shevat where PEACE is removed from the earth too bring God’s peace…that is eternal. The Yemites have shut down world shipping routes all in the name of IRAN. Hootie’s love dying for a cause of destruction joined by all these terror cells around our earth. In these last days where there is no reason for barbarianism, we see it exploding on our earth.  It is a religious problem even now joined by The Pope. So, we join what we can’t control? Hmm…. 

Read Yasher Chapter 34 where we are given the details of just two men that took out the City of Shechem for their sister. Dinah represents us. We are the woman being defiled by those of an ‘uncircumcised’ heart.

The Fear of God came upon the men of the earth. That multitude, the size of the sands of the sea, backed away from Isaac’s and Yacov’s 112 men. Yes, because all the troubles Abraham, Laven, Lot, Esau, 5 kings gave witness to the power of the real living God, YHWH. Our God says we will see things never seen before on our earth. Yes, there are TWO more men coming that will close the heavens and the world will hate them. They will stand in awe of these TWO men and curse them…and finally kill them after several years. 

If I could comment on anything these days, it would be that our world is ready to experience things like never before. Yes, there are people returning with Yeshua Jesus as his ‘cloud of witnesses’. They were all on earth but now return to participate in this world battle. I wonder if we’ll recognize Moses and Elijah…Noach…Adam?

I would call these ‘The Days of Shechem.’  Ya’cob was afraid of all these Canaanite groups that he thought he had made peace with. It is his son Judah that chastised his father for forgetting who His God is. If just TWO men took out all of Shekem, what would YHWH do to these standing thousands upon thousands in the valley below them? 

Judah would be privileged to have his name placed upon all those that want to follow The God of Israel. We are all Jews .. all Israelites .. because we honor The Creator who gave The Torah on how to live righteously on our earth. 

My church father does not start with Uranus in the 200’s AD or any of them. My father is Abraham who fought Nimrod who tried to burn him up. My father is Abraham, whom Danield followed was cast amongst the lions and tamed them.  My father does not follow a lineage of popes who burnt up The Torah scrolls. I refuse to have anything to do with religions that claim any other foundation than Abraham. The deception has been high, but the scales on our eyes are coming off. Dispensationalism is made up and antisemitic. But, when Israel kept not showing up on the earth, man did make up their own Israel. At this time in history, we need to apologize to Judah and stand up against all odds.

When we talk about evil, it is extremely hard to image the depth of what we’ve seen in our modern era of the 20th and 21st century. Hitler’s Holocaust used live human bodies as science experiments. Communism has twisted itself into our schools and societies all in the name of the current ‘underdog’. All in the name of ‘mother earth’. All in the name of ‘rewards’ in heaven. 

I’ll never forget the Gazan woman trying to console a captive little boy and his sister by telling them, “Don’t worry about your mother, she is now in heaven.” (Now, she would train them in jihad.)

German Nazi did chop up bodies in experiments. They burned people alive in their homes, synagogues, and later ovens. Yet, by the 20th century we should have come to value life and not burn people at the stake. Instead, we turned our eyes to see and our ears to the sounds of screams coming from the trains with people screaming to be let out. In this twenty-first century, we ignore a Binyamin-type being born and gave him a negative name. In 2023, we chanted with the Pro-Palestinian thinkers totally being on the wrong end of the stick bringing back Holocaust day of those ‘dirty Jews’ in history once again. 

Ya’cov returned from taking his mother Rebecca to his father with many animals to support them as their lives were in ruins after his leaving the area for twenty years. Esau consumed his father Issac’s house and is Grandfather Abraham’s possessions. When Ya’cov returned by the Eighth Day his wife Rachel had died naming their son Benjamen… son of my sorrow. Ya’cov circumcises this child on The Eighth Day naming him Binyamin… son of my strength. We all get a new name on The Eighth Day.

Open acts of violence and hidden acts of violence happen because of the ‘violence’ done to God’s Word. It has been violated. We are no longer a Torah-driven community. We kill and mutilate blaming demons that sit on our shoulders directing us. Do we blame Satan? He is not omni-present whereas our Creator is.  Was not Adam responsible for his own mind? He chose his woman. He did not want to live without her. She would have been cast out and died and he would have been left alone in Paradise. Adam chose as we choose. We either step into this world or we step away from this world.

At the time of Noach, murdering another human being was forbidden as we see Cain preserved and Lemek requesting his life be spared for killing someone who had fought with him.

Cain killed his brother and Lemek killed someone defending himself.  So, even that generation were not aggressively murdering other humans. Yet, their greater sin is seen happening in our generation as we play with DNA. And Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems about to take over the world. People are having these computers write their sermons for them and their college papers, etc. AI will even sound like you and carry on your business if you forget. It will run the world for us. There will be no need for the human mind to think.

Yes, it was a great sin to change the DNA of man or have AI speak for us.  Scriptures tells us that angelic beings transgressed and came into the daughters of the sons of God.  It is written that even animals would have to die.

Since we see instructions that no human should breed with an animal it is important to keep our DNA pure as God’s Spirit is blown into us when we take our first breath. That human soul is destined for eternity.  It is to dance to God Words. Rain is a blessing symbolized in God’s teachings. Yeshua Jesus poured that rain all over the earth. Instructions of good and not evil are to permeate our earth.

A third of the angels fell out of fellowship with their Creator. Pi is a powerful number as our earth moves around it. It is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference of its diameter. 3.14159.

By 1333 years from Adam a great falling away had happened. It is called Day Two since the years extend beyond the year 1000.  Adam died age 930.  He did not finish Day One which ended at one thousand years. God told him he would die in The Day that he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He did die in Day One. He did not make it to Day Two.

He was supposed to live forever, but he only made it to the year 930 from creation. After he died, it was the very next day that Cain had his house fall in on him and kill him. His home was made of stone. It says that he died by stone because that is how he killed his brother with a stone. We see God is the avenger and he is just. Is there a pattern to the future as days end?

The Book of Jubilees states that Adam had Cain when he was 50 years old. Adam dies at age 930. Thus, Cain dies at age 880. Wow! New Beginnings are declared twice in Cain. He raised up evil and now his generation would be retired. God confirms New beginning, New beginning in how old he was when he died. October 7 was Day Eight of Succoth. God’s comfort through death is ‘new beginnings’ for the earth. Our earth will never be the same after October 7 which was 22 Tishrei…. Daughter Daughter be comforted. You will suffer for me, yet I love you for honoring me, so my ways are declared the earth. Through war men see miracles which bring belief… YHWH is powerful, just, merciful, and full of grace we don’t deserve. Amein

How many more years did our world experience from Adam’s death before the judgment of The Flood? Adam died in year 930.  1334 minus 930 is 404 years. That sounds right for the iniquity of man to fill up before YHWH’s door to judgment opened. Four is the letter dahlet represented by a door with the meaning OPEN. OPEN OPEN. Forty is a generation of time. That generation was judged by opening the gates of water from below and from above.

Abraham was even told that it would take another 400 years before his kids would see The Land. It took that long from Isaac’s birth for those generations to go back to hating each other. The in-fighting in The Wilderness caused them to delay their move by a generation of time, 40 years. Stubbornness of man can alter prophecy. Thus, the 430 years to The Land works out, too.

The in-fighting was even between Lot’s two daughters’ families…Moabites and Ammonites. Today, January 17, 2024, we have the same… in fighting. Nuclear Pakistan sent a missile to IRAN hitting their munition pile because IRAN sent a missile that killed seven of their children. What we see is a prince of Persia (Iran) provoking the world to war. 

We have taught warfare, and we will see Islamic brothers killing each other… which shows God’s hand in it because that’s how it was when even Abraham and David fought. It was called, ‘Stand Back and Behold the Hand of God.’

The enemy can run in fear and leave all their goods behind as we saw with the men with leprosy. They knew they were going to die either outside the city or in it. When they entered the camp, the soldiers had left so quickly that they even left their clothes behind. They told their king, and all were saved… except the man that would not listen to the prophecy that was told to him. Women were cooking their children is how sad this was. Yet, the prophecy was that you will sell bread for a penny tomorrow at this time. And this gatekeeper said that would absolutely be impossible for even heaven to do. Yet it came true, and the gatekeeper died as the people trampled over him making their way to the newly found food.

So, do we think YHWH does not have control in Gaza and Israel and this Middle East War Zones spreading around the earth? Absolutely, he is directing it all. He sees evil and allows it so personal decisions are made right now. If you do not understand God, then you don’t know there is JOY in all this horribleness. He is LIGHT. It is likened to JOB… he lost it all and was given double everything for not giving up on The Creator, of whom he had no complaint except it hurt. He knew God has His reasons and he would endure. It is not for this world that we suffer. Our Messiah Yeshua Jesus suffered for this world. We suffer for the next.

We fight for life. Noach fought to bring them into the ark for LIFE. The angels only found Lot willing to come out. He had to drag his bride and two daughters. We are that bride dragging our feet. Are we being salt or are we turning into tasteless salt? Can there be tasteless salt? I don’t think so. Salt is always salt… yet we can add flavors to salt.

Exodus 23:14-17 Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (Thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib, for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:)

And the feast of harvest, the first fruits of thy labors, which thou hast sown in the field:

And the feast of in gathering, which is at the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labors out of the field. Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the Lord GOD.

Yes, YHWH is gathering his children to himself. They are among the souls drenched in blood crying out from the altar of ‘how long’ before….

It sure seems like the time is close. Even the Scriptures that talk about this is The Day. People question why Hamas jumped the gun and didn’t wait for all the others to join ‘the party’. It is another ‘miracle’ as God saw to his remnant. They were obedient to Shemini Atzeret…the day of Yeshua’s circumcision. They were cut and continue to sacrifice their lives for all their families and those of the earth.

Yes, Israel is not only the ‘stumbling block’ for the world, but they are also willing to die to bring TORAH back to the earth. God’s instructions have always been foremost in his mind. Yeshua Jesus filled it up… never violating it in one point. If Torah goes, the Time of the Gentiles to accept Torah is over. Their eyes have not seen it clearly. The Jewish are having their eyes opened to the Messiah. It’s an exciting time spiritually, yet a sad time to see such demonic activity by those follow a false god.

We have all heard of a Greek Jesus, but we don’t realize he came through King David and his son Nathan. Nathan was David’s personal son born to Bethsheba. Nathan anointed the kings. He was a prophet guiding the king and its people. It was not Solomon of whom lost the kingdom because he hid The Torah from the people most of his life. When his mother helped him rule, he did find. Then he became proud and multiplied wives which secured many towns so they would not steal the gold off The Temple.

Where do we hide our gold? It was Hezekiah that showed off his wealth to the King of Babylon. Then he came and stole it from him. Babylon was great because of Israel’s gold. America is great and now everyone wants to come but they don’t want to work. They are nomads wandering the earth seeking whom they can devour.

Yes, iniquity is filling up. If America does not participate helping Israel, then we are done. King Hezekiah was 25 years old when he reigned. President Trump will reign in 2025. The Books of Kings unfolds many mysteries for us. We are moving into a time that things are becoming so obvious that we still don’t want to come out of our own Egypt. We like it here!

So, what happens when we go up to Jerusalem three times a year? Our land will stay protected. We see David protect Nabel’s land while his herdsmen were off shearing certain sheep. Nabel threw a big party in celebration of his great wealth. Yet, he could not feed David’s 300 men for their month’s work for him. They just wanted food as they had not even killed one sheep to eat.

Yes, God struck Nabel for not accepting David’s request for payment. Our world is not thanking Israel for saving them. Since 1948 we just have not known what to do with them. Many churches have said they were Israel and tried to act like Israel. And now that she has been here for the last 75 years, the misleading denominations must apologize and change their doctrines. We cannot ignore Israel any longer. 

Abraham left his father’s house at age 75. Israel is 75 and most definitely has walked all over the earth as Abraham did claiming God’s land there. God has never tolerated a ‘made-up people group’ living irresponsibly next door to His kids.  Satan is being booted out as the ‘scales of deception’ of Islam fall off our eyes. Sodom and 5 cities were burn to the ground via hailstones. Jericho’s walls fell when the trumpets sounded. We will have hailstones and we will have the largest trumpet sound. Israel already had a rainbow circle above them that sounded like a shofar constantly calling. So, yes…the shofar has sounded a few years ago.

Satan’s time is short. It is a spiritual warfare. Read Ezekiel and how beautiful these angelic beings were. They are fighting hard right now to hold unto the area of Tyre (sits just outside Israel in the water above Gaza.) These fights continue spiritually…yet we don’t realize it because we are ‘say a prayer’ and let’s just get to the next event. We have not learned to make teshuvah. We must RETURN to God through Repentance of not even knowing these things.

Our churches are sad…. afraid to talk… afraid of being shut down…. in debt because we will leave it to the next generation to pay the bills. I’ve heard it all. We are a debt-ridden world that thinks it is just going to continue when it will not. Even paying off your mortgage won’t be good enough because that house is still part of a package sold internationally and remains in a portfolio. When we think of what has happened economically, politically and in our faith… there is only one way out friends. REPENT and RETURN to supporting ISRAEL. May it not be too late to have a heart for The Land… God’s land… He is coming for His entire earth friends.

Deuteronomy 16;16,17 Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God at the place that he will choose: At the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Booths. They shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God that he has given you.

We will go down and celebrate. The women are already there as it seems it is the males that needs coaxing. We take our families to see how to honor the LORD. We will not be empty-handed. We will see the bones of this last Shemini Atzeret War… Simchat Torah – War for the Torah.

Israel’s bones have come back together, and they will have millions of babies. We will join them as we love the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov. We are them. We support God’s Land. We can go help them settle it. We can go help hold it… we are like Ephraim and Manasseh grafted into this incredible tree that is spreading across the earth…. dedicated to LIFE not death. Joshua said to choose whose side you are on…. he and his family would follow the living God.

Shalom Regalim Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles The next regalim for Messiah to fulfill is Tabernacles and He’s coming on foot!!

Zechariah 14:3,4 Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle. On that day, his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward.

Zechariah 14:9 The LORD will be King over all the earth. In that day, the LORD will be one, and his name one.

We are in the month of Zechariah of whom reveals the horseman going out on the earth taking man’s peace away. It is God’s peace that we are witnessing this very month.

God’s peace is NOT man’s peace. God is ‘comforted’ even acting on His Feasts of which the first one is The Sabbath. Yes, the Sabbath in 2023 and now 2024 is setting itself apart. It will happen in a final slaughter but not without the patience of ‘the saints’. 

Those slaughtered are crying out from ‘under heaven’s alter’ right now… ‘how long Oh LORD’?…. And yet, a little more so when I come Torah will be able to be taught from the heart of man. 

When we see the Israeli soldiers pressing their prayer books against their chest and desiring to read it any moment, they have…. believe me… they are saved. They are showing the real foundation stone that Christ was sat upon. The Word of God came in different forms even to Adam. Our world has always been without excuses for sin. Why? Because we all eat as Adam ate and test God to see if he is real.

Once you believe he is real, you respect Him. You turn from being a stubborn necked person. You turn from the arguments about ‘when’ this will all happen. You turn and wait to return to fight the greatest battle earth will ever see.

His feet will leave the ‘believers’ in place and in new bodies. The Dead will rise first and those that remain on earth will become one with all those coming as a Cloud of Witnesses.

Then we finish Day Seven. Putting The Torah back into play on the earth. We must join and call ourselves the children of Israel. It is in that name declared by The Father that will remain and never be changed. Serving El. 

The Days of Shechem – Judah asked his father Ya’cov to pray, and he asked his Grandfather Isaac to pray. What did they pray?

Isaac was humble and reminded YHWH of his promises to his father Abraham and to himself that they would become a multitude. He asks YHWH to put fear in their enemies and save the lives of his family. Isaac claimed to YHWH that “my children have committed no violence.” 

Hmm… didn’t two of them just slew a city? What is he talking about? They committed no violence against the instructions they received via Noah. 

Yes, the instructions came to Noach through Grandpa Enoch of whom had written them down. Yes, Adam had the instructions as well. There was no excuse of defiling a woman.

Ya’cov was humble as well and he joined them in going to battle. Yet, his prayer starts out that YHWH please accept my prayer. Yes, Ya’cov could not stop blaming his two sons for their actions, not realizing it was YHWH who did it.

Have we offended YHWH in some way? We must first start with our own faithlessness. 

Repentance is a huge first step in being saved.

Why will we go through the greatest disasters our earth has ever seen? Because our world does not know the EL of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov. People who read the Bible should know something, but then I was told they were just stories and none of it was true.

Now, ask yourself a question. How can any of these miraculous stories be told if we leave in an early rapture. Adam, Noach, Abraham, Isaac, Ya’cov, Judah, Israel all remained to tell their ‘God Stories’. 

Hebrews 11 is The Trust chapter. They survived to tell their accounts of survival or their persecution was noted. 

Heb 11:31  By trusting, Rachav the prostitute welcomed the spies and therefore did not die along with those who were disobedient. 
Heb 11:32  What more should I say? There isn’t time to tell about Gid`on, Barak, Shimshon, Yiftach, David, Sh’mu’el and the prophets; 
Heb 11:33  who, through trusting, conquered kingdoms, worked righteousness, received what was promised, shut the mouths of lions, 
Heb 11:34  quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, had their weakness turned to strength, grew mighty in battle and routed foreign armies. 
Heb 11:35  Women received back their dead resurrected; other people were stretched on the rack and beaten to death, refusing to be ransomed, so that they would gain a better resurrection. 
Heb 11:36  Others underwent the trials of being mocked and whipped, then chained and imprisoned. 
Heb 11:37  They were stoned, sawed in two, murdered by the sword; they went about clothed in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted, mistreated, 
Heb 11:38  wandering about in deserts and mountains, living in caves and holes in the ground! The world was not worthy of them! 
Heb 11:39  All of these had their merit attested because of their trusting. Nevertheless, they did not receive what had been promised, 
Heb 11:40  because God had planned something better that would involve us, so that only with us would they be brought to the goal. 


Yeshua Jesus can only speak what The Father speaks as they are one. Jesus words:

Mat 6:9  You, therefore, pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven! May your Name be kept holy. 
Mat 6:10  May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. 
Mat 6:11  Give us the food we need today. 
Mat 6:12  Forgive us what we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven those who have wronged us. 
Mat 6:13  And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.

[The latter half of verse 13 is not found in the oldest manuscripts.] For kingship, power and glory are yours forever. Amen.’ 

What is the hard road? TORAH

Mat 7:14  but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it. 

Lawlessness is being Torahless

Mat 7:21  “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 
Mat 7:22  On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’ 
Mat 7:23  Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’ 

The Evil One is full of ‘Deception’. 

Satan’s words: “You shall not surely die” called God a liar. God can NOT lie.

Mat 12:31  Because of this, I tell you that people will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but blaspheming the Ruach HaKodesh will not be forgiven. 
Mat 12:32  One can say something against the Son of Man and be forgiven; but whoever keeps on speaking against the Ruach HaKodesh will never be forgiven, neither in the olam hazeh nor in the olam haba. 

A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit
Mat 12:33  “If you make a tree good, its fruit will be good; and if you make a tree bad, its fruit will be bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. 
Mat 12:34  You snakes! How can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what overflows from the heart. 
Mat 12:35  The good person brings forth good things from his store of good, and the evil person brings forth evil things from his store of evil. 
Mat 12:36  Moreover, I tell you this: on the Day of Judgment people will have to give account for every careless word they have spoken; 
Mat 12:37  for by your own words you will be acquitted, and by your own words you will be condemned.” 

Mat 19:29  Everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times more, and he will obtain eternal life. 

Mat 23:28  Likewise, you appear to people from the outside to be good and honest, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and far from Torah. 

Mat 23:23  “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You pay your tithes of mint, dill and cumin; but you have neglected the weightier matters of the Torah—justice, mercy, trust. These are the things you should have attended to—without neglecting the others!

Mat 24:12  and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 
Mat 24:13  But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 

Are we shocked we will be here holding out until the end?

Are we shocked that we should have been doing Torah this entire time?

The ‘snake’ has twisted men’s minds, “No there will be no end as you can see it has taken too long!”

“No, God’s instructions are simply a moral code built inside each of us.”

Yet, we have had this problem since 1948. It is called ISRAEL. They are back with even one of the oldest languages surfacing back on the earth.

Leviy and Simeon heard the cries of their sister and responded when no one else would. It is made note that not even the woman of Shechem helped her. Her two brothers heard her plea. It was her handmaid that was brave enough to sneak away to tell the family about the impending disaster that all of Isaac’s family was going to be killed. It was a sneak attack.

Simeon means hear. He was kept by Joseph in Egypt because his brothers would not hear his dreams and visions. Yes, a new thing not seen before by them. Leviy would not be given land, but others would feed his family as he took care of the ‘perfect’ animals that represented ‘God in the flesh’ to come. The cry of the virgin bride was heard by two. 

The crying out of guarding righteous living has been given to the Israelites. It is called The Instructions… not The Law. Not the Testament. Laws are legal bindings. Testaments are for dead people. God is NOT dead but alive in renewing covenants with each generation.

The cry of the Messiach is realized by the Gentile believer. Both eyes are being unveiled right now in 2024. Dahlet and Beit… just two letters read forward or backward. 42 is now… bringing a matter to its completion. It is the last number in the sixth Shemita cycle. It adds up to six showing us a man added to God’s program of salvation.   

Wars and rumors of wars are now in 2024. And I just realized that within our 52-weeks in-a-year program, 2024 will NOT hold but two days of Chanukah. The other six days will fall into Week 1 of 2025. So, where is the light in 2024? Where is our earth’s dedication to God’s word in 2024? During the days of the Shemini Atzeret October 7 War, they hid within bombed buildings to hide the lights of the menorah for eight days. They all survived and were not attacked by the enemy. They counted it as another of the many miracles happening in this war with the Gazans.

I can’t help but close here without speaking about King Hezekiah. He began his kingship at age 25. He was told he was going to die soon, and begged YHWH to let him live to have a son to rule after him. We see here that ADONAI’s plan of selecting a king for them, he was thwarted by the lineage-theme kingship as does IRAN.

Hezekiah was allowed to live another 15 years. He bore Manasseh who was the worst of worst kings ever. He killed his own father Hezekiah. He killed his own grandfather Isaiah. When we read the instructions about honoring parents, Manasseh truly has a curse on his soul.

What will be the name of the United States president who takes office January 20, 2025?

Who will be the 47th president. Israel was established in the fall of 1947. It was in May 1948 that Harry S Truman recognized them as The Nation of Israel. Will this president remain to be the 48th? Who will be the 49th? And the final question… who will be the JUBILEE (50) President?

It is calculated that Abraham was born in the year 1948. Thus, that calculates Isaac born in the year 2048.

To me this 2025 president represents Hezekiah. A very righteous king who gave his all. He just had a horribly spoiled child that was the final ruin of Solomon kingdom. Grandson Josiah resurrected The Torah but to no avail. It was promised to Solomon that his kingdom would fall in his grandchildren’s generation. 

He is our example. He is a picture of the anti-christ… without law, without instructions (torah). The Messiach coming filled it up completely. Perfect in every part as only He can do. He is our Heavenly Priest and Eternal King.

All this worldly vanity is for naught. Solomon was wise when Queen Bathsheba helped him rule at age 17. With her passing he went his own way to showing the world his fame and fortune…not applying any Torah to all his wives’ lives.

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