by Bob Ward

On God’s Rader: #israel, #Dubai, #Oman, #IRAN

Month One Day Eight: Nadav and Abyhu Removed for Acting Strange. Leviticus 10:2

Month One Day Eight – Dubai’s Removal for Acting Strange. (4.10.2024)

Dubai had a Six Day Warning beginning, Nissan 2, 2024. Head of New Year Day Two!

Nissan 8 2024, Dubai Oman Flood, 21 die from 142mm of rain

Nissan 2 means: New Beginnings, Daughter, House, Bride

Let’s use the word ‘strange’ because the Scriptures say they had a ‘strange’ fire brought to the LORD. They were dressed as priests. Their pride was high as they stood next to the tallest cloud-pillar ever seen on the earth before. In fact, they were told not to leave The Tabernacle for seven days and seven nights. They were consecrating that part of the earth signaling the importance of SEVEN.

They had fire come down from Heaven and consume them both. Even their clothes were no more. They were just ashes that had to be carried out the camp on their two cousins’ cloaks. These cousins were now defiled from the dust of the dead. Dubai has refused their cousins via Isaac and are now considered dead by God. These types of dead are NOT to be mourned… just as we see Hamas is NOT to be mourned but REMOVED as in ashes.

Dubai is one of seven cities making up the United Arab Emirates. This is the location where their rich and wealthy build their homes on man-made islands built from pushing sand together taking the form of a blooming pineapple from the air.


The U.A.E. intentionally raised up HIGH towers in The Middle East to defy any other world governments. These towers do defy any other towers on our earth. Their tops protrude up through clouds at times. And Ishmael’s pride comes in defying Isaac. Ishmael’s pride comes in declaring their Arabic version of Mohammad’s Quran over any other version. This is why they do NOT have a good relationship with a Shiite Muslim. They also like having a king over them instead of following a lineage via Mohammad of whom had no children. The Shiites control Iran. They follow Islam through a lineage via Mohammad’s relatives. Yet, since 2013 it has scientifically been found out that Mohammad is a fabrication of a man in the 9th century. This is three years after Mohammad is supposed to have been on earth around, he Mecca area of whom he declared to be the Garden of Eden, which is false, too.

Islam’s 3 legs of faith have been shaken.

  1. The man
  2. The Location
  3. One Book (27 versions of the Quran have been found in the Middle East because people have had it printed it in their own language. If the Arabs find those books, they burn them.)

Genesis establishes God a covenant for land to Abraham through Isaac and his son Ya’cov.

The Land Covenant is with Isaac’s offspring, not Ishmael. And yet, Ishmael will become great on the earth as we see today. This is the physical battle which is also a spiritual battle…God’s battle allowed so humans can choose sides. Christians should claim aloud that they belong to the God of Abraham, Issac and Ya’cov. They are Israel and can help build up and maintain God’s chosen land. And that is exactly what today’s ‘Believers’ are doing.

We will do this until Day Eight when we are called to out and there is no sun or moon needed to keep this earth in orbit. Who is called out: Read this sentence and take it seriously. The priests, their sons and leaders guarding The Torah (instructions) given to the Israelites for the world.

Leviticus 9:1  On the eighth day, Moshe called Aharon, his sons and the leaders of Isra’el, 

ADONAI will call priests, their sons, and the leaders of Isra’el on The Eighth Day! So, who is Israel is a very good question.

Last night, April 11, 2024, I was with a Wednesday night Baptist church group excited to speak with the visiting missionary to Israel. He was proud to know many of the military leaders in Israel. He was pleased with this church supplying the money to buy them bibles and military needs.

When I told him of The Feast of Tabernacles Eighth Day War he was listening. Yet, I did not have time to tell him about Dubai’s Babylonian High Towers being compromised on Month One Day Eight. I did get to tell him about Leviticus 10:2.

I did get to leave him with the emphasis that more Jewish souls would see their Messiah if we could relate Yeshua to them via The Lord’s Festivals. His Baptist church in Texas does hosts The Seder. This is the meaning of, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” It is in the Seder story saying that we see The Messiah’s bitter suffering and resurrection.

When did the glory fall for Moses on Month One Day One? It was not the first year of coming out of Egypt as many had to be removed because of unbelief. It would be one year later that Month One Day One could be given remembrance. It is not until you go through something that you can look back to ‘remember’. It is in the ‘remembrance’ that lessons are observed.

When did God tell Moses to make this a new year of months for them? It was as they were leaving Egypt. Each month would carry a theme with it. Each month would shadow a lesson.

They left Egypt being told to eat their sacrificial lamb quickly, putting on their sandals in a hurry to only carry the bowls of their ‘unleavened’ bread on their shoulders. And yet they were told to gather the valuables from the Egyptians. What were those valuables? Their gold items. Yes, God knew he was going to make His Tabernacle ‘shine’ before the other nations. It was to resemble what is in the Heavens.

Month One Day One: Tishrei: New Year for Years

Month One Day One: Nissan: New Year for Months

Moses and Solomon would both see our Creator’s spirit arrive on the New Year for Months: Nissan One. In 2024 at Month One Day One we see WARS and RUMORS of more Wars. And yet, the time is not quite here. Why? Because it is Day Eight that begins ‘the removal’ so ‘new beginnings’ can come. From Nissan 1 to Nissan 7 Dubai was consecrated for judgment. SEVEN days to repent and she failed to open her gates in fear of being slaughtered by Gazans.

The Tazria IRAN War began as Day Six Nissan began. The 350 projectiles flying in from Iran took the drones a couple of hours. The ballistic missiles went higher with more power and were quicker. They and the cruising Cruise missiles arrived ahead of the drones. Our world stopped and we prayed. No one knew if Israel would even be there by morning. The ‘Light Show’ began in the dark sky over the Temple Mount. The ballistic and the cruise missiles were shot down by Israel’s Dome, David’s Sling, and other venues. None of them miraculously reached Jerusalem’s air space. The 150 low-flying drones never touched Israeli air space either. Eight participants knocked them out of the sky as they flew over their cities.

Yes, years ago Israel became part of a coalition that declared they would protect each other. Twice a year this scenario had been practiced. Ninety-nine percent success rate. No major casualties but a child hit by shrapnel in a Bedouin community that had no shelter. Truly a MIRACLE on 6 Nisan. Yes, six the number of man. Tazria is the mouth disorder of evil speech. This ‘ria’ problem reminds me of diarrhea of the mouth. A person would break out on their skin with sores and were told to cover their lips while claiming, ‘unclean’, ‘unclean.’ It also showed up in their homes and even attached itself to fabric and leather. It might even have to be cut out and thrown away.

Dubai had Tazria – You could not enter Dubai if your passport had Israel stamped inside of it. Many Middle Eastern countries did the same. Yes, God sees it as a boycott against himself. His patience has worn thin, and judgment is falling this very month at the time of Passover, 2024. Yeshua cleansed The Temple right before he was slain. Our Creator is cleansing His earth before The One ‘slain’ return.

The United Emirates joined The Abrahamic Accords for selfish reasons. They wanted other countries to protect them while they built their high towers of majesty to live in. And they use the land of Israel as a buffer between them and their enemy, Iran. They prefer Israel fight their enemy for them. What did God say on Tuesday, April 16, 2024? Yes, ‘LET MY PEOPLE GO!’

War and rumors of more wars pushed The Emirates to waiver and change their mind about Israel protecting them. How could Israel take any more bombs lopped at them from all sides? The Emirates had better change sides and support Iran. Was it too late? Blood should be thicker than water, right?

Israel 2024 is seen sacrificing herself for the world. She asks for no help, but only to encourage them to FIGHT their enemies because they are also our enemies. Wow… common sense and yet, the United States is caught in an election…. A superhero past president or dumb and getting dumber. It’s a strange thing to see this and yet these are days of ‘deep’ deception… and guile beyond measure.

If The Emirates would be willing to open their gates to the Palestinians, many deaths could still be prevented. Israel is not a ‘covenant’ breaker. Their words are their word. If Israel were to break that agreement and open the gate at Rafa, the United Arab Emirates would again be at war with Israel.

Thus, it is really the Emirates that should be held accountable for many Gazans deaths. What is the proof of this? Egypt just built that wall higher.

The Emirates have been caught wavering and seen leaning toward their soul tie, The Ishmaelites. Earlier President Trump’s talk made sense to them, but now they no longer have his common-sense ear to guide them.

King David had too much blood on his hands. The only blood in The Temple would be that of animals. No human flesh could ever qualify for the ‘ultimate’ sacrifice that led to eternal salvation. Only God come in the flesh could be that sacrifice. The Spirit of God will show up in our generation when all ‘strangeness’ to The Torah is removed from the earth.

The Emirates have been given notice as God sees their ‘strange’ fire of selfishness. The Arabic Quran is theirs and they allow no other version of The Quran. This reminds me of the fight for The King James version and no other can be worthy.

(Excuse me, but it was The Torah given to the Jewish first to be given to The Gentiles. Gentiles have become haughty in teaching King James is the only true inspired word of God. This is perhaps why the Jewish steer away from Christians…they know common sense can’t make sense of this.)

450 Torah scholars came together to choose 120 Torah leaders that would go off with their scribes to return and see if what they wrote agreed with the rest of the 119. Oral Torah became the written instructions in the days of Babylon. Yes, all 120 with their scribes agreed on the First Five Books of our bibles.

Yet I heard last night that it was terrible to see Jews turning to The Oral Torah. Hmm. Doesn’t it say that God’s word will be on our hearts? It fulfills that statement. No more arguments and over 40,000 churches because of what Bible version you like. There is ONE Torah my friends. Babylon is everywhere… when we build our church to be better than Israel’s relationship with God. God acts and yet churches have put Him in a box. So, why don’t we see God in these wars and floods? Because we have him in our own dispensation of thinking and we won’t let Him out… Yet, he is not subject to our words, and we are cast off to change one thing what was said in the beginning. Even Yeshua Jesus can’t say anything except what The Father says.

King James paid for the printing of the bible and then secured it to The Church of England’s pews. This Church of England had so many protesters about paying the church for indulgences, etc. that they became known as Protestants. And, what seemed good became worse as these protestants became haughty and turned to killing the Jewish and their Torah. Still today I’ll hear, ‘The Jew killed our Jesus. Now how can Jesus be theirs when he was a Jew? He died for all sinners, Jew and Gentile.

April 1 – April Fool’s Day, Syria hit to take out Iran’s main war advisors.

April 14 evening – Iran sent 350 bomb carrying projectiles to Israel.

We continually witness ‘God Events’ at the Sabbath and The Lord’s Hebrew events in 2023 and continuing in 2024. It is God who is being comforted, not man. Man’s comfort is removed to bring God’s children to Comfort in His Land and across the earth.

These are not days to be messing around with even the word, ‘rapture’. When we’re not functioning on The Hebrew Calendar, we have no right to mislead people, “See that Pandemic was just a happening and nothing to do with a judgment.” Do you know why this pastor can say that? Because he has not personally raptured out yet.

Yes, this pre-rapture mentality demeans God when he allows plagues and judgments on us. We want to deny God except when we see good done. Leaders tell their congregations that things are normal, and it is supposed to be like this because THEY are still here. When we are much further along into a cycle for The Bride. Churches don’t talk about being The Bride but a congregation.

Why did the Gaza War begin on Day Eight of The Feast of Tabernacles, on a Sabbath, on October 7, in the 50-year anniversary of the Yom Kippur 1973 War? It is Tishrei 22, which screams at us BRIDE, BRIDE. Two means houses, daughter. The Father is soon sending The Son for The Bride.

And it is at Yom Kippur that war happens. The concept of an early departure only began a couple hundred years ago. We are told that there is a blessing for those than can make it to the end. We are told to flee to the mountains when we see certain things. Yes, the Israelites saw the enemy come and did not have time to go back for their suitcases to flee. It was NOW. Yes, we just saw on Day Eight of The Feast of Tabernacles people crying out ‘HOW LONG’, Oh Lord will we be in this shelter.

Have believers raptured out yet? No. My Gentile first cousin was there and returned to the United States by airplane. She was not raptured out while the Jews remained. We are all going to leave together my friends and the Jewish will NOT be left behind. The missionary last night was right in that we owe the Jewish people our bibles. We are grafted into them through Abraham, Issac and Ya’cov. I was so thankful to hear that from him. And, yet he is against their Torah…that made me sad.

Jesus’ followers were told that ‘anti-torah’ people were right there among them. It would always be that way he said.

Yet, when our Messiah’s feet come back to earth it will be made holy and those instructions of righteous living will flow out everywhere. Those that teach The Torah (because they know how to participate in the festivals) will be called great in The Kingdom of God. Yes, there is still a thousand years of Kingdom living to go… and yet, we’re taught we’ll be caught away in bliss. Then who are the ‘cloud of witnesses’ that return with Christ?

Review: C’VID Plague – Year of Census 2020.

Bride Begins Crying Out – How Long Oh Lord? October 7, 2023

Bride Six Months Later – Nisan 1, April 9, 2024 – Six months – a little while longer until I subdue your enemies.

Bride: Nisan 6, 2024, April 14 – MIRACLE – 8 Countries take down 99% of projectiles.

(nations have now chosen sides… or will they be embarrassed and falter at the next round?)

SIX months from Bride with red on her garment with hundreds of kidnapped hidden in caves saying, “How Long?”

Israel, Yeshua’s Bride, still has 100,000 in hotels and in caves hiding from the Haman’s of our world because of rockets coming out of Lebanon by a terrorist organization called Hezbollah operated by Iran.

Month One Day Seven – Monday, April 15, 2024, a sigh of relief was among God’s children who love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov. The 350 projectiles totally missed their targets to be damaged even as an airfield still had a plane depart from it’s runway. A building might have been hurt but the military facility was still operational.

Through sources via Turkey, Israel received a heads up of trouble flying Israel’s way. The people of Iran were cheering and setting off fireworks being told Israel was hit and burning. It was a false report via false media.

Israel is God’s Bride. The Torah portion studied that day was ‘She Conceived;’. It speaks how The Bride is to be cleansed and for how long after having a child, male or female. We notice 40 days is given for a male child and an 80-day cleansing is needed for a female child. In a simplest explanation, which views to our future, we see Yeshua Jesus consecrated by ‘fire’ (dying) at year 4000 and He can NOT come for his bride until Day 80 representing year 8000.

That portion is read as our world is ready to give birth to our ‘spiritual Messiah, Yeshua Jesus.

Read Leviticus 12:1-13:19, 2 Kings 4:42-5:19, Mathew 8:1-4, 11:2-6, Mark 1:40-45; Luke 2:22-24, 5:12-16, 7:18-23. (Recommended reading from The Complete Jewish Bible.)

The Torah Parshah Tazria concerns evil speech. Yet, the first words of the Parshah begins with “if a woman conceives.” We learn about how to be set apart to a holy God while around blood. There is life in the blood, and it is sacred. If you field dress a deer, you should cover its blood. This shows us the preciousness of God’s blood that was spilled on earth’s soil.

IRAN has had Tazria, evil speech, against God’s Chosen by challenging Abraham’s bloodline in Isaac.

Ishmaels as the heir reached its peak of jealousy in the spring of 1948 when U.S. President Truman recognized The Nation of Israel as a sovereign nation with rights. He crossed out the word for the area given by an Arab in meanness in the 1500’s as Palestine and President Truman wrote in, Israel.

In 2023 Israel was exactly 75 years from that MIRACLE in the spring of 1948. 2023 was that 75th anniversary that began all of Abraham’s wells being stopped up. He had to keep going until God found him the area that God wanted him in. And Israel was that land, and it can’t be stopped any more. There is no more moving. It has been settled 76 years on 28 Iyar. May 5, 2024, is Yom Yerushalayim.

Just reverse 76 and you have 67… same thing but in reverse. In May 1967 for SIX days God battled Israel’s enemies with many miracles told. Even this Gaza War reports many miracles in camps and in hospitals. We are here at 76 years old with many miracles on specific dates and even longitude and latitudes in alignment. You should not take this information with a grain of salt. It is serious and for our souls to look deeply at the groaning birthing pains of our earth.

It was no longer a rumor that IRAN was going to strike within 55 hours. They were striking the latitude longitudes of 33, 34, and a few at 35.

Yes, those locations matched the years of Noach’s Flood. 1333, 1334, 1335.

The location of Yeshua’s being ‘burnt up’ was with and at those locations. He walked and lived at those locations and burnt up at the 34-longitude latitude location.

We are exactly 2000 years from his warring with our world. It ended in the year 30 AD, saying, “It is Finished.’ His work was complete and filled up every prophecy ever spoken about Him. He qualified The Torah as real. He confirmed The Torah as real. He is even called, The Living Word. The word ‘torah’ can mean legislation and it means, instruction. You must read the context. Psalm 119: every sentence is referring to The Torah. Go read the words that express it. It’s simply beautiful. It is not works, but instructions. Again, I repeat and repeat… how terrible to hear ministers say that it is NOT for us today…as we are no longer under legalism… when that word means ‘instruction. God never has put man under his thumb but desires his desire to come to His Feasts. Hmm… yes, this pastor from Texas does have his church perform The Seder. (I can’t be too hard on him!)

Since Yeshua was born a few years ahead of year 1 AD it makes him perfectly fit the ‘timeline’ of being age 33-34 as well. This age fits, ‘As In The Day of Noach,’ years 1333-34 stepping off the ark in year 1335. Daniel stresses that this is the number of blessings…. if you can make it to it…after those 1290 days and 1260 days (3.5 years of 42 months). Few make it that far into those terrible days of tribulation…but we see we should be trying. Yes, that means we’re still here.

So, is this the first half or the last 3.5 years? You figure it out. I’m just throwing it out to you. At least you should consider being part of something for 3.5 years for sure.

And, if that is true….and if it started in with a Census Plague for the United States in 2020 with Covid beginning in 2019 as its name implies (Covid19) …then how far are we into this Spiritual War?

2024 minus 2019 = 5 years. 2024 minus 202 = 4 years.

Hmm… think about it. Ya’cov didn’t take his family down to Egypt until year TWO of that famine. And, he went looking for his son Binyamin that was held hostage by that king (Joseph). Binyamin was given five sets of clothes to last him five years.

2023 + 7 years equals 2030…. the year Yeshua left the earth in 30 AD. The releasing of captives makes this a Jubilee year.

Then 40 years later The Temple burnt its gold content on its walls to pay Roman soldiers. God’s house was removed from the earth. That was in 70 AD… which makes that a jubilee year.

Yeshua Jesus has been a ‘strange fire’ to our earth. He has been a ‘stumbling stone’ that even Christians fall over. They just have not been taught the history of Constantine and before how The Torah was blamed for monetary loss by laying the land fallow on Year 7. Solomon’s people hated it and didn’t do it for 490 years. Wow… and here we go again. Simple guidelines that point to Day Seven get removed and so God starts ‘Noaching’ (comforting) himself on The Sabbaths. And it’s not just Day Seven that is a Sabbath. This head of the month is a sabbath and The Lord’s Feasts have sabbaths in them.

It is not a complicated system. This was fun tonight as I read about a male getting on an airplane and landed in Tel Aviv and what he saw from his window. And he was asking others why they were in the hotel…and one was like him, Passover. He was being obedient that the males were to go down to Jerusalem three times a year.

Yes, with bombs in the horizon…it was still his desire to be in Israel on this first festival seen through the Israelites coming out of Egypt that is to never be forgotten.

Gen 15:11  Birds of prey swooped down on the carcasses, but Avram drove them away. 

Gen 15:12  As the sun was about to set, a deep sleep fell on Avram; horror and great darkness came over him. 

Gen 15:13  Adonai said to Avram, “Know this for certain: your descendants will be foreigners in a land that is not theirs. They will be slaves and held in oppression there for four hundred years. 

Gen 15:14  But I will also judge that nation, the one that makes them slaves. Afterwards, they will leave with many possessions. 

Gen 15:15  As for you, you will join your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age. 

Gen 15:16  Only in the fourth generation will your descendants come back here, because only then will the Emori be ripe for punishment.” 

Gen 15:17  After the sun had set and there was thick darkness, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch appeared, which passed between these animal parts. 

Gen 15:18  That day Adonai made a covenant with Avram: “I have given this land to your descendants—from the Vadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River— 

Gen 15:19  the territory of the Keni, the K’nizi, the Kadmoni, 

Gen 15:20  the Hitti, the P’rizi, the Refa’im, 

Gen 15:21  the Emori, the Kena`ani, the Girgashi and the Y’vusi.” 

Many many times God has saved Israel. We know dates and locations. And, now on April 14, 2024, the world shockingly awoke to see ISRAEL had survived one more time.

When was Lazarus raised up? Yeshua Jesus was in the area of Bethany four days before and could have saved Lazarus from death. But the 4000-year plan had to be a pattern. At 4000 years Yeshua would prove resurrection of which that group had been taught against. Lazarus was the third he rose up but the first to the public. Once the public saw it, they would choose him to be their king. I’m writing this on that day. It is Nisan 10…the day the lambs are chosen. Yes, the day Yeshua was put on a donkey.

Nations come against nations to help stop up our current Abraham’s well. God is saying, ‘no more’ will my people be treated as such. I will show you miracles and yet you will not believe me. Yes, I’ve already heard Israel had too much of a heads up is why they rallied and survived. What? A two-hour notice at the most? Really? Yes, come LORD because there is no faith in God left here… and yet, Israel will all be saved because they believe in miracles…even if ‘church’ won’t.

Look at the names of the land that they were to conquer. It would take 400 years from the birth of Isaac to see this begin. Does it take another 4000 years for our world to accept Jerusalem as The City of Peace chosen by God? We know Yeshua Jesus came at 4000 years from Adam. We know that in another 4000 years Day Eight comes when all things profoundly change.

We must wait until all EMORI are ripe for punishment.

Dubai being judged on Day Eight is a HUGE ‘Hand of God’. What will our world think? I can already tell you. How do you know God did that? It’s just ‘global warming’ the news reads.

But I assure you…. These Ishmaelites know it’s a ‘sign’. Those that are spiritual will see that once again some God above chastised them and put them in their place. Yes, if they don’t get it…. Then they are full of Tazria… evil speech against The Creator ELOYIM of all.

No, it is confirmed there was no ‘seeding’ of their skies. It was known for SIX days that a rain cloud was coming. This reminds us of Elijah telling Ahab to hurry before the rain washed him away. They were right in blaming Elijah for the drought. They hated Elijah and he had to keep running away from them.

Then God used what they wanted the most against them…. water.

Dubai and Oman were judged.

Iran is being judged.

No hand against God children will work. You may have been too hard on my children and therefore I will be even harder on you.

Judgment is falling in world awe at the time of Pesach (Passover).

May all the Jewish people rest next week from their labor of wars. God is in charge and is putting the world in AWE.


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