2024 -2025’s potential for The Return of Messiah. God’s Breath Is On Israel His Bride!

What happens the day after the Second Greatest American Eclipse? Adar 29 is April 8, 2024. It is Erev Month One of the new Hebrew Religious year. After 29 Adar comes 1 Nissan. A Head of Year and a Rosh Chodesh. It became known as Nissan. God commanded this day. God had Moses make the month they left Egypt a new beginning treating it as their new calendar which would be special to them.

Month One was created with purpose. God designed Month One Day One to be remembered all throughout history. It was ‘new beginnings’ as they came out of Egypt. It was ‘new beginnings’ crossing The Jordan with Joshua in Nisan.

They experienced ‘new beginnings’ in the Wilderness for 40 years. It would be Moses 80th year when it happened. We can liken his age to earth being 8000 years of age when we experience another type of Tabernacle from God.

The Wilderness Tabernacle ‘new beginnings’ lead to The Holy Temple’s ‘new beginnings’ built by Solomon of whom ended up being anti-Torah and yes, known as an anti-Christ later in his reign. The Holy Temple went to his head.

These are definite shadows of the days in which we now live. This New Month patterns to the Return of The Messiach. So yes, these 29 Adar 2024 eclipses are to be given respect. It is signaling The Messiah. 24 reversed is 42, which indicates the last number in the sequence representing Day Six on God’s calendar. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Forty-Two brings ‘culmination’ of a matter.

A shadow reveals something above it. False worship has always shadowed our earth. It began in Heaven’s rebellion against The Creator. What are shadows we see on earth that point to Heaven being the original object?

On 1 Nissan Nadab and Abihu both DIE because of their rebellion in worship. They were drunk and had unholy instruments (incense). Both were chosen to be the first priests of God, as they were Aharon’s sons. Pride in their positions perhaps caused them to think they could do things their way. It was an act of God that fire came down from Heaven consuming them. Moses was told to tell Aharon not to mourn his sons. They were immediately carried outside the camp. Sin is never mourned.

It is ONLY after this burning of fire that God’s glory could come down. The place had been made holy by fire removing irreverent priests. Then and only then did God’s Spirit dwells in their presence in The Wilderness Tabernacle. God’s presence did not remain in that Wilderness Tabernacle. The Spirit of God came, and it went.

Moses, too, had stood on ground that had been burnt by fire at the ‘burning’ bush. We can now recognize what it will take for our earth to be able to have such a Holy God present on it. We know it will not be by water as with Noach. It will be by these fire examples that it will be cleansed.

We even see God working with Elijah and fire. God is pretty handy starting fire and consuming things with fire. YHWH caused fire from Heaven to consume all the water in the ditches around the Ba’al prophets.

I do not believe that man’s nuclear capabilities are what will cleanse our earth. ELOYIM himself will cleanse our earth to His satisfaction.

Moses was in full form at age 120 when he died on 7 Adar. Moses was mourned for 30 days. Joshua had been trained for forty years. The ‘new’ generation of children aged 40 years and under would be the ones in charge of moving into The Promised land. No one was older than age 40 except Joshuah and Caleb.

The Hebrew Joshua took charge of all the tribes as they moved forward to defeat any enemy on Nisan 14.

They even walked quietly around Jericho’s walls for a week. The people of Jericho watched this and wondered about it for seven days. Then, with a signal from the shofar blowers, the final shout came from the people with the Jericho walls of partition coming down.

This picture of our earth after 7000 years of God’s children walking around it in peace. It will only take The Trumpet sound from Heaven and The Remnant will shout in glory seeing Yeshua our Messiah return to reign.

It is promised that King David will reign for a Millinia of time. The seed, Yeshua does come through King David’s son Nathan, the kind prophet. Yes, he is also a son of Bethsheba.

14 Nisan is the day our Messiah Yeshua Jesus died for all sinners. If they honestly believe this, would they not be obedient to God and repeat these stories? It is with our mouth that we confess Truth to others. These stories keep God real in others’ lives. Once God finds a worthy disciple, He loves showing up in their life.

We know the day and hour on which he died and rose. He died on The Fast of the Firstborn, Nisan 14 at 3:00 pm. Three days later was 17 Nisan, known as The Festival of Unleavened Bread, he arose. He had no leaven (sin) in Him. Hades could not hold him, and he brought hundreds back with him. Question, “Did those that rose up go right into Heaven’s realm or did they also walk the earth like Yeshua as witnesses to ‘resurrection’? It was the sad Sadducees that did not believe in resurrection. The Pharisees loved seeing it as they listened to Yeshua’s teachings about it and believed it. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and believed in it.

Since the days of Moses, they shadowed their Messiah’s coming to the day and the hour. Even Abraham shadowed it in his faith with Isaac on Nisan 14. Abraham shadowed it so closely that he even had the right location in which Yeshua Jesus experienced it. It was even a three-day journey for Abraham to get to the spot where a ram was substituted.

On April 25, 2024, Nisan 17 will be celebrated as the actual date of Yeshua’s Resurrection. It is not called Resurrection Sunday. It would be Resurrection Sabbath. His resurrection that set all ‘captives’ free would be The Jubilee of all freedom on this earth. It definitely would be declared a Sabbath day.

I just quickly went to the year 30 AD since many believe that is the year our Messiah died and rose up being age 33… and off into Heaven at 34… matching The Flood Pattern… to see what days these Passover dates landed on. Now I see why they like the year 30 AD.

Nisan 14 is April 5 – Fast of the first born – Wednesday 3:00 pm taken off cross. In grave by dusk. Begins Day 1

Nisan 15 is April 6 – Pesach 1 – Thursday – Finishes Day 1, Begins Day 2 at dusk

Nisan 16 is April 7 – Pesach 2 – Count of Omer Day 1 – Finishes Day 2, Begins Day 3 at dusk

Nisan 17 is April 8 – Sabbath – Resurrection Day – Finishes Day 3 – Resurrection as early as 3:00 pm.

This makes perfect sense as COMFORT begins on Sabbath and turning it into a Jubilee Year.

Then 40 years after this Jubilee marker, in 70 AD, Rome destroyed the natural Temple.

30 AD is the Jubilee marker. 1030 is One Day of Time marker, 2030 is the Day Two marker, 3030 is the 8000th year marker.

I just heard scholars talk about these markers based on the year 30 AD and I must agree. It makes sense and follows pi / the one-third program our earth is set to.

Noach was building the ark at 1330 am. Four years later he is the ark and lifted off the earth in 1334. Yeshua is lifted off the earth at age 33 and enters Heaven at 33-34. He came back for 40 days and 40 nights sanctifying the minds of his followers. He left them with hope.

Then on Day 50 of the Counting of the Omer, the Holy Spirit is sent to indwell them. That day was 6 Sivan, May 26, 30 AD and 3790 AM years from Adam. It was a Friday which makes sense that they are now all enjoyed Sabbath the next day understanding each other in their own languages. And when did we see Israel recognized a nation by Harry S Truman? It was 28 Iyyar and Gregorian May 26, 1948, I believe.

What a glorious time we are coming into. I pray it will be soon as Israel truly is in dire straits just hitting Damascus today and eliminating Iran’s leaders there in Syria. Yes, we truly need Messiah’s leadership right now.

I just want to make note of a few details before I go any further. What did the year 30 AD hold? It was year 9 of 200 lunar cycle, and year 10 of 136 solar cycle. It was the 3rd Shemittah year of that cycle. Lots of valuable info to think about.

It’s interesting to think that Yeshua was then born about -3 BC. There is no year zero. The lunar would be in its 199th cycle which seems like a struggling number that finally confirms itself as a time of The Daughter/Bride (Beit, 2, house). Yeshua appears and operates his life in the 200th moon cycle. The solar would have been 20 years left in the 135th cycle. This is a lot to comprehend, but that means Yeshua did make it to earth in Daniel range of 1335. I look at that as The Son coming at the time the sun was in blessing. Interesting. I’d like ideas on this. We have a beautiful sky showing The House in Blessing lifted by the breath of God.

And Yeshua Jesus said, “Do this in memory of me.” What were we to do? The Seder!

When is the next Seder? April 22-23, 2024. It is a week-long event that compels us to look at the complete story of redemption through The Cups of Redemption. It is totally about our Messiah who shed his blood through tears. When Yeshua died it was under a full moon. There was no excuse for ALL our world to recognize this… it was not hidden except for the fact that Yeshua could not let this happen until just the right moment in time… to finish the story that would begin LIFE.

Nissan 1 is a Rosh Chodesh. A Sabbath set by God to signal us. Yes, the Sabbath is called a sign. We are in the month of Adar which is a ‘dark’ month as we await the New Year of Nisan. Esther guided her people through darkness as they fasted in Adar. Mosch’s entire generation did not cross over and were judged in Adar. He gave his last words over 30 days which is known as the book of Deuteronomy. The Hebrew’s children were born in The Wilderness not knowing what a fish or leek was. It would be their children that would be untainted from even hearing about the wonderful things in Egypt because they never met their grandparents.

Yes, it is that THIRD generation that must not be tainted by the things of our world. They must be trained up by grandparents that marry and stay married through thick and thin. There was no divorce according to God and no separation according to God. It is the people that forced Moses to give in to their whims…. and we see again another reason perhaps he did not cross over either.

Setting up the New World was going to take work.

Ya’cov left his father’s-in-law house after 20 years. We have now passed the 20th century and we have walked into the 21st century which shows us a 75-year-old Abraham (Israel) whose wells keep trying to be stopped up. Then He found the place God had for him…. Beth El… Yes, the House of God is right where it’s supposed to be in these ‘end of things’ as our world is.

Pro 3:13  Happy the person who finds wisdom, the person who acquires understanding. 

What day was Adam created? Day Six, the Hebrew letter vav, pictured as a staff.

What day was Eve created? Day Thirteen, formed from Adam’s rib.

Let’s start with facts. The Book of Jubilees states that the first woman was created on Day Thirteen of Creation. There is no mystery in this. In Heaven’s language there are deep spiritual meanings for us to develop. It could take a lifetime to see the depth of God in His language.

The Hebrew Aleph Bet is seen in number, picture, symbol, and pattern. Each word comes from a root word. The ‘root’ word is the foundation from which thousands of words may grow. So, if this sharing seems deep, believe me it’s very surface because I am very surface. I don’t go for horoscopes or lucky charms. But I do believe we can see God in our lives via His language which are also shadows that pattern.

In 2024 we have been hearing a lot about the number ‘Thirteen’. We are sitting in history at the exact ‘time of remembrance’ of Esther’s story. And, yes, it is a type of hiding because her real name is Hadassah which means ‘myrtle’ or hidden. Hadassah hid herself under the name, Esther. She obeyed the man in authority her, Uncle Mordica. Her parents had died and so he raised her from her youth.

It is a ‘big deal’, and not hype, that 2024 holds an extra 29 days known as Adar I. Yes, ‘thirteen’ surrounds the ‘Bride’ and ‘Yes’ we are expecting The Groom Yeshua Jesus to return to earth. A completely different rule will be seen with a Messiah leading our world under His authority. And since it is Year 1 and 8 of the 7-year Shemittah cycle, it could be called, The Jubilee. It is in that year that The Messiach’s patterns shadow.

God warned the Israelites that they too would ‘forget’ His ways. It is the nature of man to assimilate into the strong culture that surrounds him. It’s more comfortable, convenient and after all, doesn’t God just put up with some of the petty things we do? Certainly, what we do can’t bug God enough to boot me out of ‘Heaven’s’ glory, right?

Do we even know Adam’s woman real name? Is it okay to call her Eve? What does Eve mean? Yet, in the Hebrew language you can look at the letters and know what that person, place of things is about.

Eve’s real name is Chuah. It sounds like ku ahh. It is the letters Kuf and Alef (Life, First). All things are named by their personality. She is the first to give life. Yet, she won’t give life until they are a jubilee year old. Yes, 50 years old is another pattern to follow. It releases all debt. It sets free. It is the letter ‘hei’ showing breath. Chuah gives life in the jubilee year that shows breath. When our Messiah comes back to the earth again, He will set it FREE. He will bring Jubilee with Him.

Number 3 is the picture of a camel that lifts. The letter ‘gimel’ looks like a stick person walking left.

Jubilees 3:33. Interestingly, even in the verse number 3:33 looks to be attributing to this information pointing to The Bride’s tabernacle. The ark was built by the righteous man Noach for four brides.

The Bride’s Ark was finished in 1333 years from Adam receiving his Bride on Day 13. Year 1334 was the year of The Flood proven in The Book of Jubilees. Historical books give us definite facts with dates precisely telling us the exact year of The Flood.

The goal of many of my articles is to look for The Shadows and The Patterns that prove the year 1334. In September 2023 I had a spiritual encounter with a friend that said I was to write, write, write…and be looking at 50, 10 and 34. I knew immediately what each meant.

I dug in for a couple of weeks and published a couple articles by midnight October 6, 2023. That next morning, I broke my leg falling down steps. I would not be able to sit and type for a couple of months because of the swelling from a rod put in my leg.

I was laid up exactly with Israel. I lay in pain praying for her for weeks that turned into months. I did not cry for myself once, but I cried every day for her. I even felt the isolation and distance from humans that I’d never experienced before. I vowed not to lose my concentration in Israel being my focus, so I did not turn the TV on. I found my personality changing. I became quieter. I became appreciative of any help at all. I went for days without seeing a soul but my husband. I could not image what Israel’s captives were going through. And, then I finally turned only Israel news on and heard the horrific stories. We all got a reality check of what our world had become and how.

I say this to tell you, I’ve seen God in many forms, and lately it has been in suffering and sacrifice. It is how we handle trials that is important. I have a strong faith that will not be taken from me. I have been blessed to see God every day in the last 7 years via the feasts and numbers showing up. I know I am on His Program to train others in His calendar and festivals. Everything is tied to them.

No one can steal my faith in God’s calendar from me. I just say, ‘thank you’… I know you’re here every time he shows up even in the numbers standing out in diverse ways. I never have had numbers show up like this ever in my life before.

And, then in the spring of 2023 it was 50 three times in a row when I filled my car up. And then its broke pattern and was $33.00 and I knew that was right as it was Day 33 of the Counting of the Omer.

Now I’m told to search deeper into 34 and I am. My grandson Caleb is playing baseball now and his number is 34. Every time I see him in his shirt, I know he’s in God’s hands. Truly God has us when we claim him.

Ten shows up but not like the other numbers. Now, back to the point of showing you God in The Flood which is God in The Burn.

Jubilees 33:3 shows us Adam’s location on earth after 7 years in the Gan of Eden. Disobedience to The Instructions after only 7 years shadows our lives at 7000 years. We too will require being removed after a little more testing at the end of that 7000 years. It is at the Day 8 that our earth truly finds ‘new beginnings.’

Removed on 1 Tevet (Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet). Tishrei is Month One at this time in history.

Jubilees 33:3 And on the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his woman went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda in the land of their creation.

Yes, created out of soil from Elda. After Adam was sanctified for 40 days and nights in that land, he is moved into the Gan of Eden. His Bride Chuah is sanctified for 80 days and then moved into the Gan of Eden.

What is this picture? Forty (40) is the number that ADONAI instituted for the years his first kings would rule. Did this influence The United States we use 4 for its main leadership?

Yeshua Jesus was at Creation speaking things into being. He continued speaking with The Father’s authority in Heaven until he was born to the earth at 4000 years old. He redeemed the earth over a thirty-three-year span and has now returned to The Father. He can only return when The Father sends The Son to marry The Prepared Bride. Those following Israel (The Bride) are permitted in the NEW Gan of Eden at year 8000.

Jubilee 3:8 In the first week was Adam created, and the rib his woman: in the second week.

Jubilees 3:1 And on the six days of the second week we brought, according to the Word of ELOYIM, unto Adam all the beasts, and all the cattle, and all the birds, and everything that moves on the earth, and everything that moves in the water, according to their kinds, and according to their types; the birds on the first day, the cattle on the second day, the birds on the third day; and all that which moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day.

3:2 And Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.

3:3 And on these five days Adam saw all these, male and female, according to every kind was on the earth, but he was alone and found no help meet for him.

3:4 And YAHUAH said unto us: It is not good that the man should be alone: let us make a help meet for him.

3:5 And YAHUAH ELOHAYNU caused a deep sleep to fall upon him, and he slept, and he took for the woman one rib from amongst his ribs, and this rib was the origin of the woman amongst his ribs, and he built up the flesh in its stead, and built the woman.

3:6 And he awakened Adam out of his sleep and on awakening he rose on the sixth day, and he brought her to him, and he knew her, and said unto her: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called my woman, because she was taken from man.

3:7 Therefore, shall man and woman be one and therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his woman, and they shall be one flesh.

3:8 In the first week was Adam created, and the rib his woman: in the second week.

This is Day THIRTEEN of Creation. (Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

From this account we will see many patterns flowing to thirteen. Even Ishmael was circumcised when he was THIRTEEN years old.

And it is the age of accountability when Jewish boys perform their ‘bar-mitzvah’. They have learned The Torah and now come before the assembly and speak some of it in the Hebrew language.

  • ADAR EVENTS – 12 Adar is Erev Esther. (Her 3-day fast is 11, 12, 13 Adar)

12 Adar, March 3, 1863, First Gold Certificates issued by Congress for currency.

12 Adar, 2005, Texas BP Oil fire, 15 Die, no safety, negligence.

  • ADAR EVENTS – 16 Adar is PURIM Day Two. (PURIM is Adar 14, 15, 16)

16 Adar * February 18, 1546, Martin Luther 63 died. Born November 10, 1483, on 11 Kislev 5244. He had 4 children. At age 33, on October 31, 1517, he was a Catholic priest. He felt his church was abusing the poor. He posted his 95-point thesis or disputation the day before All Saints Day. He wanted to help the people by not spending money on indulgences for the dead. He was excommunicated from The Church. Protestors became known as protestants.

16 Adar 1956, February 28 King Hussein expelled Britain’s Glubb Parseh through a coup. They only had 3 Arab officers and three reservists, and he still held the election. He dismissed the Assembly under army martial law.

16 Adar 2001 Volcano Cleveland 30,000 feet ash. Activated on Fast Esther / Purim 13-15 Adar.

16 Adar 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin signs treaty annexing Crimea. Biden meets EU in Poland denouncing land grab in troubled Ukraine.

10 Years later: 12 Adar II 2024 Russian Concert burnt. Erev of 13 Adar II, The Fast of Esther.

12 Adar II – 139 gunned down by terrorists who then burned a section on Erev Esther.

13 Adar II – Sabbath – Russia in chaos on 3.23.24 – Fast of Esther, March 23, 2024; 5784.

16 Adar II March 2024 United States President Biden is backing Ukraine against Russia.

16 Adar II March 26, 2024, Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on Purim Day 3.

The Fast of Esther is celebrated three days prior by some type of fasting on 11, 12, 13 Adar.

Purim is celebrated 14, 15, 16 Adar after The Fast of Esther. It is celebrated with parties and no fasting.

Our world is based on Jewish fellowship. It is a ‘Fellowship’ that has been left behind. In fact, it was not until about 2007 that I was made aware that my beloved Jesus was Jewish. Oh, I knew it, but I did not KNOW it! And I did not know that it mattered a great deal to my spiritual life.

Seventeen years later I don’t know if my lifestyle has made a spiritual impression on others. I can understand the time it takes to learn this, just as it took time to learn English and the ways of Gentile holidays. And I understand that they are slanted into thinking this is works and we are under grace since the crucifixion. There is nothing more from the truth, but the LIE seems easier to believe. If people do NOT think their salvation is at risk, then perhaps they will start to question the truth of what salvation really means. We can see it through the patriarch’s lives. We see it through history and even in eclipses, earthquakes, and God disasters. To me it is the Hebrew calendar or no calendar. I can’t live without knowing what’s next. It is God’s calendar that patterns us to the next segment of history. Yes, we are truly without excuse. I tell you that you must study history to know God’s attributes.

I continue to reach out to them and those that will hear. Because it is in this Hebrew language that we can see God really acting on the earth. Moses talked ‘face-to-face’ (not really because then his physical would die). But Moses heard the ‘voice’ and saw ‘the glory’ of God as Adam did. Mosch’s face lit up like a light bulb, you might say, so much so that he had to wear a veil so that the people could even look at him. When Noach was born, he was thought to be the child of a ‘heavenly watcher’ in that you could see the blood (veins) in his body. His eyes were glowing red with beams sent forth out of them. Enoch told his father Methusalach not to destroy Noach, because ADONAI had a great purpose for his life. His name was to be COMFORT (Noach). God would find his comfort when removing sinful men from the earth.

Yes, Noach was not BORN to die, but to watch all other life die. The death of those that did not want to follow God’s ways had to be removed. Lot’s Sodom could not find TEN righteous. And, God only found ‘Eight’ righteous with Noach. Only the ‘Righteous’ are protected. This ‘Shadow of Things To Come’ shows us Day Eight or 8000 years. The pattern is that ALL bad is removed so ‘Good’ can survive in harmony.

Lot came out with four but then lost his woman just as Adam lost his. Three came out and protected themselves in a cave. This shadowed Yeshua being in a tomb (cave) as well for three days and three nights. After this, Lot went to another city but lived outside of it with his daughters because the town hated them causing their cities to burn. This is a pattern that plays repeatedly. When Yeshua rose up and returned from playing his blood on Heaven’s altar, he met them outside of Jerusalem in the countryside in open space. It was too hot in Jerusalem for his disciples.

God uses signals us through others life stories and patterns. This is why we are to retell these stories to our families over and over. These patterns show us how to live our lives. They do more for us than memorizing a scripture without knowing its context and meaning for our own lives.

YHWH knows every hair on your head and every eclipse with a saros series cycle number that may cross over your head.

War and more wars – Gaza War October 7, 2023, Sabbath, 22 Tishrei, Feast of Tabernacles Day Eight called Shemi Atzeret and Simchot Torah. They were dancing in the streets celebrating The Torah on the last day of the ‘wedding feast’. Think about it. Prophecy stands before our eyes and yet we are so deceived and don’t talk about everything that was God-ordained that day. It is in ignorance that we don’t know the time of his visitation. That is what he told them when he was on the earth. What will it be like later if you don’t see the ‘green tree’ that stands right before you now? Yes, we don’t want to learn Hebrew… it’s simple to cheer Jesus on and yet not know the depth of our King that is coming.

SHADOWS in the numbers: 1+3+4=8. 3+4=7. God (1) lifted (3) up His bride (2) and opens the Door (4). The Gaza War is a Beginning of understanding our Cornerstone. It cries Comfort (1), Sabbath (7), New Beginnings (8).

October 7 A Sabbath War. October 14 A Sabbath Lunar Eclipse in year 5784. Hei, zayin, chai, dahlet. Breath, weapon, life, opening on my two Sabbaths called, ‘New Beginnings with my bride.’ This happened on Day Eight of the 2023 Wedding Banquet. God allowed this to purify His bride. Today, in Adar at Esther and Purim He has still allowed her purification, just as Noach was still lifted in the ark. The waters held to the earth until Day 150.

Will the Gaza War have the same hold on our world as they go through that baptism? The Flood began on Month Two Day 17, Cheshvan 17. 150 days later it would be Nisan 17… Yes, it shadowed Yeshua Jesus’ resurrection day, Nisan 17. Now, do we see why understanding The Lord’s Feasts is key to understanding ‘end times’? Adam played it out for Noach to see. Noach played it out for Abraham to see. David played it out. Solomon would not play it out. We must play it out, so The World gives witness to the Greatest of all ELOYIM…our YHWH.

October 14, 2023 to April 8, 2024 is how many days. How many months? What are the days on God’s calendar. Sabbath to a Monday. 2023 into 2024 yet all in one year 5784.

Twenty-Five Weeks and 2 days will pass from signal to signal between a dark lunar eclipse to a darkening solar eclipse. Sure, it makes sense when we have a new ruler coming in 2025. What is 25 x 7 + 2 days? Yep, that makes sense. 177 days. Aleph Zayin Zayin. God Sabbath Sabbath. God’s sign, signs confirmed. Will Israel be 77 years old? Hmm… 1948 to 2025 is 77! Another bingo for God. Israel will be 77 years old when her King of Kings may reign. Hezekiah was 25 years old and called a good king. Azayah was 25 when king and he was also called a good king.

The Daughter (2) (Bride) has breath (5) put in her. Or will we see a good king show up to still not tear down the ‘high places’? These two kings were still found at fault for not doing that. It challenges me to cut down my high alters and quickly.

Fall 2023 had lunar saros 134 cross over us and now solar 139 will cross us.

It is saros series 145 on August 21, 2017, that place all three of these eclipse into the Hebrew letter Aleph which takes the shape of a capital A. And who was the U.S. 45th President? His name matches his calling. Shofar / Trumpet man. He called The Nations to righteous governing.

Yes, again that Trumpet-man may be number 47 that indicates mankind open (4) to God’s comfort (7) zayin, weapon of Sabbath. If we honor the Sabbath, it is a sign between us and God. Yes, YHWH is watching for you to (7) ‘sign’ him back. 4+7=11. God’s hand is on the man that will begin to serve in ’25.

From 2017 to 2024 we witness The United States being marked. The letter Aleph is a ‘silent’ letter. We don’t see God, but we witness Him. It has been SEVEN years since the August 21, 2017, eclipse that saw a man step on the earth with power of resolve. And resolve he did under God’s authority. He stood behind ISRAEL without wavering. What will the pattern look like in the next 17 years to make it to the year 2034? Ya’cov beheld his son Joseph as ‘Second in command of all Egypt.’ Yes, Yeshua may rule as ‘Second in command authorized by The Father from Heaven.

Let’s go back to the October 7, 2023, Gaza War. It is still going on because Hamas will NOT return over a hundred tormented hostages. There are no Geneva Convention guidelines for them. Yes! The Gazans want the war, or they would return those kidnapped on Sabbath Day 7.

It was Day Eight of The Feast of Tabernacles. Day Eight is called Shemi Atzeret. It will always be 22 Tishrei. And for some reason it gets blended together with the festival Simchat Torah (Day 23) and should be set by itself, not part of The Bridal celebration. Rejoicing in the Torah is the next year is dedicated. It covers Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17, 1 Kings 8:54-66, Luke 2:21-32.

Was the October 7, 2023, Day Eight Feast of Tabernacles pointing to October 14, 2023? 29 Tishrei is always a dark night with no moon. 1 Tishrei is Rosh Hoshana the New Civil Year begins. It began the year 5784. This is the month where we begin from the beginning by studying at the very beginning of our bibles in Gensis.

And the world was void and in chaos. Genesis 1:1-6:8 lays out the creation story, man’s story, and God’s answer: A Flood to remove all mankind except for Eight.

Eight is staring us in the face since October 7, 2023, which was 22 Tishrei Day Eight of The Wedding Feast. And what day is everyone looking to a disaster with the Madrid Fault Line possibly releasing? Yes, April 8 (4.8.24). In fact, as I proof this article adding to it, my friend just called crying for her children who won’t listen to her about God’s hand on this eclipse. They live right on it south of Saint Louis.

THREE in THREE different months. 1811-1812 Madrid earthquake shakings? When His feet come down, the mountains will flatten.

The Madrid earthquakes were felt in many states and crumbled buildings. In 2024 it is feared that it will split the United States in half at the eclipse. The first of three earthquakes struck on Day One Chanukah, Kislev 25, 1811.

Eleven shows us hands in praise lifted. God’s hands are seen even as Moses and later Joshua’s hands were held up for hours during their battles. They had to have help holding up their hands or their side would lose their lives. What a great responsibility to see God’s hands on the earth and yet it is business as usual. Jesus attends The Festival of Dedication. Yes, he was dedicated to filling up every piece of prophecy ever spoken about him.

World War II began for America on December 7, 1941, Chanukah Day One, Kislev 25. Soon you’ll look at these numbers that mean letters like I see them. 7 is the weapon to signal God you’re tracking with Him. Twenty-five is becoming a ‘king’ number to me.

Do we see more Jewish festivals being highlighted by our Hebraic creator? Yes! I have been studying earthquakes and eclipses since coming to understand The Lord’s and Hebrews Festivals. They are not by coincidence, but by confirmation.

December 6, 1939 – Erev Chanukah – Soviet attack on Mannerheim Line ends in failure. (Kislev 24). Interestingly, Russia just lost 139 people which patterns back to their 1939 power struggle. It is an 84-year anniversary in 2023 which is the Hebrew year 5784.

84-year anniversary 5784 on 24 Kislev.

6 December 1939 attack fails in 1939. Russia wars with our world at saros 139 over us.

April 8, 2024, solar eclipse saros series number is 139.

How many victims were gunned down in the Russian 2023 (5784) Concert attack? 139 died.

This Soviet failure occurred three year earlier on America’s Pearl Harbor Day December 7, 1941.

Let us remember that Japan really stopped its war with America and the world because Russia said it would no longer supply them military aide. (America was at war with Russia and they took note Truman was not afraid to drop nuclear bombs to stop these wars.)

God ‘remembered Japan when he hosted an 8.1 earthquake on Pearl Harbor Day 1944. It happened on the day of America’s Pearl Harbor Third Anniversary. Japan’s horrific surprise attack brought America into WWII which in turn brought Israel into being a nation.

Is the timing of the earthquake to Japan coincidence or judgment? Is Russia having a slight discipline for it’s taking of Crimea now starting war in Ukraine in 2022? Nations cannot just roll over and go back to original borders when new borders are been agreed on. People agree on borders and God’s Word says we are not to change them.

On Friday, March 22, 2024 – The day before the Parshah reading named Vayikra (And He called) Leviticus 1:1-5:26. The third book of Torah is opened. Plus, Isaiah 43:21-44:23, Mathew 5:23-30.

Russian Concert had 139 gunned down by terrorist of who then set the concert hall on fire. Hebrew date: 12 Adar. (Fast of Esther in its third day.)

Saturday, Sabbath March 23, 2024 – Fast of Esther, 13 Adar II 5784.

My husband and my girlfriend were born two days apart in 1948. She asks me to check her information. Her information shows us Israel’s information in their first year as a nation.

Yom Kippur, Tishrei 10, 1948, year 25 of 204 solar cycle.

Year 9 of 301-year lunar cycle. (Tet-twisting)

Fall 1947 Israel a nation. Recognized in May by U.S. President Harry S Truman on 28 Iyyar 1948. War broke out that same day.

1948 was 1879 from the destruction of The Holy Temple.

13 Tishrei 1948 held The Torah Portion Na’azinu (Hear).

1948 was Year 4 of the 7-year Shemittah cycle.

Aleph is 1 seen as Strength (God).

48 – Door to new beginnings.

1812 – Beit is 2 pictured as a house with the meaning: daughter. (God shook his Bride’s

house in America with the Madris earthquakes even to the tune of pi.

THREE Madrid Earthquakes over THREE months covered 3,100,000 square miles. Even felt in Virginia.

December 11, 1811 – Kislev 25 – First Day of Chanukah – Wednesday, (God numbers: 12.11.11 ; 12.11.1811)

January 23, 1812 – (1.23.12) Hebrew date: 9 Shevat. Nine is the letter ‘tet’ meaning to twist or surround like a snake or basket.

February 7, 1812 – 24 Shevat (Zechariah 1,2) Erev Sabbath Mishpatim: rulings, judgments.

  1. Earthquake – Last and strongest. 3,100,000 square miles. 3:45 am.

Abe Lincoln was born a ‘horseman’ on 26 Shevat 3 years earlier in 1809.

Zechariah describes 1 Shevat and continues into day 24. God has sent messengers (horsemen) out onto the earth, and they are reporting their results. After finding man in his own peace, God instructs them to ‘creatively’ remove man’s peace to bring God’s peace. The goal of Zechariah is to bring them back out of Babylon to rebuild The Temple. Ezra too is seen calling them back from Babylon. They are standing in the rain listening to Ezra’s weeping and they tell him that they will return. In 30 days, they do return to tell him that they will go back and divorce all the members of their families that don’t want to come back to Jerusalem and partake in restoring The Temple. It will be on 1 Nisan that they have now divorced those people and stand before Ezra with a sword in one hand (to fight off the enemy) and a brick in the other to secure Jerusalem’s walls.

Is the April 8 about new beginnings? Absolutely, and God even uses 1 Nisan to secure her walls once again in 2024. On this final day of proofing this article, Amir has reported drastic news coming in about Damascus Syria. Israel hit the Iranian Embassy killing leaders after having The Galilee attacked today. Israel is tired of being bullied and is trusting God to save their nation. Today is April 1, 2024. Israel (God) will not be made a fool. 22 Adar II. Yes, The Bride, Bride in Month 13 with God’s hands straight up. AMEIN!

The Madrid earthquakes shook many states consuming square miles that pattern to the numerical value pi: 3.14159. Three patterns to one-third. The Ark was finished in the year 1333. God would be comforted after one-third of time had passed since Adam.

Three is the letter gimel meaning to ‘lift’, pictured as a camel walking. Yeshua Jesus was lifted off the earth at age 33 on wood.

We can see God’s walking on the earth with power in three earthquake steps.

Earthquakes have always been associated with Yeshua’s return. They happened as at His death and at His RETURN from death. THREE days and nights in the grave.

Lincoln was born THREE years before The Madrid quakes. He grew up in the Midwest becoming a lawyer that knew about rulings. These men used The Bible to guide those rulings into America’s constitution. We are a ‘republic’ with each state having its own rulings. Communism nor slavery had any place in America.

Earthquakes are definite distractions orchestrated by God. We saw this in 2010 in Haiti when Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was dropping into Haiti to pick their president to fly to Israel to push a Two-State solution. The earthquake hit Haiti leading Hilary to setting up her own programs pilfering millions for herself. (Yes, a legal drug LORD. Yes, a person aimed at dismantling Israel.)

I believe The Flood date of 1656 is wrong. History shows an earlier flood. The Flood year of 1334 makes sense in many ways. Even as Yeshua Jesus is back ruling in Heaven by 34 AD. Noach is back on dry ground in 1334 and the earth is bringing blessing again by multiplying each after its own kind in year 1335.

Daniel said if they could make it another 45 days then they would be blessed.

Our 45th President was a blessing to our world…. with no new wars.

The year 1945 ended millions and millions from slaughter. They estimate 6 million Jewish slaughtered with 50 million more lives, as well. Nuclear was developed. Nuclear was deployed on Japan of whom was still being backed by Russia to take over America. By 1948 The Nation of Israel rose up due to the efforts of Christians understanding they were God-ordained for ‘such a time as this.”

34 and 43 are similar. The letters are Gimel Dahlet or Dahlet Gimel. Lift / open door or Door Open to lift.

34 – God opened the door of the ark for Noach to enter and be lifted up. We see the year 1334 giving us 13 which represents God confirming the lift (3). Yes, God even closed the door of the ark, not Noach.

The Saros Series 134 on October 14, 2023, had special meaning. It occurred on The Sabbath called Be’resit which began the New Year 5784 in its fifty-two studies. Yes, it began at Genesis 1:1.

We were back to the beginning. Yes, it just could be that The October 7, 2023, plus 7 more years gives us that incredibly special year 2030. Yes, it is when Yeshua began his ministry. Yes, it could be the year His ministry begins again on the earth. And, yes again as I listen to prophetic scholars who study the Jubilee and claim 2030 would be a jubilee year because it is 2000 years exactly when Yeshua Jesus set The Captives free by resurrecting. Yes, yes, yes… to 2030 being special.

So, what happened in those last three years of his ministry on earth? We see John describe it to us via Yeshua from a vision from Heaven. It will be more than the earth has ever experienced. We just saw babies cut out women’s wombs in our 21st century on October 7, 2023. We are seeing things that cannot be described to not make our ‘imaginary’ wonderland’ fade away too much and we fall into depression for what just might be ready to happen to us.

The lunar eclipse saros series 134 on October 14 made the sign of the letter Aleph across America as soon as the April 8, 2024, hits us. Right now, the 2017 Great American Eclipse added to the 2024 American Eclipse makes the last letter of the Hebrew Aleph bet the letter, tav. It means covenant. It takes the form of a small t….yes, look at it right now… t that letter means, sign or covenant.

God will have marked America with the letter tav because it loves the ‘cross’ of Jesus. And, on that date it will also complete the letter Aleph using the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses. It is the lunar eclipse saros 134 that makes the letter ‘tav’.

Yes, we will be marked from Aleph to Tav just as God says, I am the beginning and I am the end, No one comes to The Father but through the Son.

The year of the Madrid earthquakes was a Shemittah year.

It was 1742 years after the destruction of the Holy Temple.

Year 7 of the cycle is very notable.

17 is notable.

I have had intense research into pattern 17 since Ya’cov only beheld his suffering son Joseph for 17 years and his kingship son for 17 years. Joseph is a pattern of The Messiah of whom also suffered first for us and then will return as King of Kings. Together Ya’cov beheld his son 34 years. Yes, the number we see signaling Israel suffering in 2023 and 2024 severely with Hamas still raping and mutilating its hostages.

42 is notable as it just does not leave me alone since 2017 when our 60-day old bull calf raised up after being declared dead by a nurse and paramedic on the site. The Parshah that day was number 42 titled The Tribes and Parshah 43 titled Journeys.

43 reversed is 34.

42 reversed is 24 likened to God’s 24 elders seen in Heaven.

42 is the last number in the sixth Shemittah cycle. It is a culmination of something. It closes out the Sixth Day seen in earth’s 6000 years. 4+2=6 which is equal to Adam since he was created on Day Six. All these 6 patterns can be seen declaring The End… or change in life as we have experienced it.

Evil men are going to go away as Benjamin is born to the earth.

2Kings 2:24  He looked behind him, saw them and put a curse on them in the name of Adonai; whereupon two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 

2Ki 10:14  “Take them alive,” said Yehu. They took them alive, forty-two men, slaughtered them and threw them into the shearing shed’s pit; he spared not one of them. 

People will be taken alive to then be slaughtered and thrown in a pit.

On a good note:

In April 2024 on 4 Nissan, we will have Binyamin Ethan born into our family. He is welcomed home by one-year old brother, Levi Douglas. Yes, the Son of Strength is being welcomed home by his priestly brother Levi whose grandfather is named Aaron… also a priest. And, what a blessing to see this entire family in love with Jesus.

Yes, there are many things to think about as 2024 rolls into the Fall. Since last year was the 7th year of the Shemittah year, 2024 is considered year ONE which is when a Jubilee can happen.

If our REAL Messiah, known as Yeshua Jesus, does not return; it will be another Shemittah cycle which puts us at year 30. Yes, perfect timing again as the next Tetrad eclipses are years 2032 and 2033. Again, right on time as they mark the skies as bookends of MOMENTOUS change.

These eclipses will MATCH the years 1332 and 1333 which saw Noach preaching repentance while preparing for the departure. He rose up but mankind was eaten or saw decay.

We are in the days of Noach. These the days that we can repent for even our past generations sins of leaving The Instructions set down by God. Noach might come back with The Cloud of Witness and confirm all what he was about. He is not just a ‘story’ about a big boat. He is the BIGGEST STORY ever told shadowing Christ on the cross and Christ’s return. The October 7, 2023, the lunar eclipse saros series points clearly to 34 – The Year of The Flood.

Daniel telling us to hang in there to get to 1335 was telling us 2035 will be a YEAR of BLESSING for all who Believe in Him that was lifted off the earth and back in Heaven by 35 AD.

35 is the last number in the Fifth Shemittah Cycle. Yes, FIVE is the letter, Hei, seen as the breath of God. When you even say the word ‘hay’ you say His name. Your air can only be pushed out. It is HIS breath that is put inside of you when you’re born. Abraham and Sarah both had the letter ‘hei’ in their name when they converted. You will have a new name, too. You will have the letter tav put on your forehead and arms as it means you are in covenant with that cross (t).

Don’t be a covenant breaker. Honor the ways of God by honoring the first sign he gave Adam. Day Seven was made for man, not God. It is a sign that man believes God when you rest on Day Seven. When you honor Day Seven, you are projecting God’s belief in Day 7 for the earth. Yes, there will go into years 6000-7000 very soon. In fact, many believe we are already into it.

Let us welcome the year 2025 as elections come. Hezekiah and also Amatzyah (2 Kings 14:2) were 25 years old when beginning rule as kings. Neither removed the high places but both were considered GOOD kings. Hezekiah ruled another 39 years and Amatzyah ruled another 29 years. Amatzyah was imprisoned as Jerusalem gates were demolished 600′ long between the Gate of Efrayim and the Corner Gate. All the gold and silver, all the articles in royal palace and treasuries were taken. (2 Kings 14:13,14)

Today, we are witnessing the ‘finding’ of these articles worth several billion dollars now being prepared for the next Temple. Yes, the Qumran findings have led to the dowry needed for the Temple that could be set at a moment’s notice.

They were both 25 years old when they began to rule. Our Messiah could arrive for rule in 2025.

The two is the letter ‘beit’ meaning daughter. Hei is breathe. It is the year of God putting His breath into Israel his Bride.

1Ki 18:31  Eliyahu took twelve stones, in keeping with the number of tribes of the sons of Ya`akov, to whom the word of Adonai had come, saying, “Your name is to be Isra’el.” 

1Ki 18:32  With the stones he built an altar in the name of Adonai. Then he dug a trench around the altar large enough for half a bushel of grain. 
1Ki 18:33  He arranged the wood, cut up the bull and laid it on the wood. 
1Ki 18:34  Then he said, “Fill four pots with water, and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood.” They did it. “Do it again,” he said, and they did it again. “Do it a third time,” he said, and they did it a third time.

Yes, He arose on The Third Day and He will return in what is known as Third Day… right on schedule.

Every two thousand years can be considered a type of Day. 2000 x 3 equals 6000 years.

It will be as in the day of Elijah.

1Kings 18:40  Eliyahu said to them, “Seize the prophets of Ba`al! Don’t let one of them escape!” They seized them; and Eliyahu brought them down to Vadi Kishon and killed them there. 

Rev 20:10  The Adversary who had deceived them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

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