The Call of the SILVER trumpets!

Numbers 10:2  Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps. 

With the blowing of a single silver trumpet, we learned in the Torah Portion last week that the leaders are to come to the front of the camp to hear the instructions. With the blowing of both silver trumpets, all the people come before the front of the Tabernacle. Wow…. that would be an amazing number of people jamming through to see what’s up. God has order when there are substantial numbers of people. Yet, let’ look at Matthew 30 –

The Coming of the Son of Man

Mat 24:29  Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 

Mat 24:30  And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 

Mat 24:31  And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 

Jericho had many trumpets to warn all the people of that area. Numbers 30 declares angels call people from one end of heaven to the other. WOW… Does this mean heaven? If it does, then it is people who have died and are called to see the judgment of the earth. This is after what Hamas with Ishmeal ideology and other proxies of Persian (Iran) pogoms have done to the earth through the Emirates who have built their towers high upon the earth…which YHWH just collapses…but they say we will built back better…come and see us soon is the ad I saw.

People on earth are mourning. Those from Israel are saying, “Blessed is He that comes in The Name of The LORD.” Yes, from Jews from all over come back to Israel and proclaim they desire The Anointed One to return. This is what fills up The Scriptures.

This is coming soon. Our earth has been on fire, tornadoes ravage through the United States and water removes our bridges in those states that ISLAMIC thinking is thought best. Our youth wear crosses and think they’re going to step in The Kingdom when they have no idea what The Kingdom looks like. Many are going to be sad their one line prayer didn’t work.

I just pulled from my Hebrew calendar of happenings that may be very key to for us to see the pattern to our soon future. If Israel does not get support from America, she can only wait for His feet to come down and stop the deception. America’s bridges are collapsing, roads disconnecting with people on rooftops just like in Brazil and other countries. You would think Russia would relent, but pride to own more minerals and to have old borders is what our soldiers are worth. No MORE my friends. The Silver Trumpets are in God’s hands. Only The Father can bring our earth upright. Repentance is a MUST.

June 12, 2024 on the Orthodox Jewish calendar, SHAVUOT known as The Feasts of Weeks could be honored on 6 Sivan.

JUNE 14 – 2024 – Hajj deaths begins on Trump’s birthday.

JUNE 16 – 2024 – Hajj deaths increase on SHAVUOT.- Hebrews give their first fruits. God take tares (NON-FRUIT) from the earth. (1301).

In 2024, 1301 souls perished at Mecca between June 14 to 19. The Trumpetman was honored that day as June 14 was President Trump’s birthday.

On Sunday, June 16, 10 Sivan gave honor to Shavuot by most in Israel. June 16 was Father’s Day in America. I honored both days as a Sabbath to give my best to God. It is my attitude of remembering what this day means that is important.

Juneteenth Juneteenth, June 19, 1865 – America celebrated the abolishment of slavery. Yes, God removed those promoting slavery to a false god.

When did The Hajj people begin dying off? Sivan 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Yes, they were dying when Father’s were being celebrated on the Sunday SHAVUOT honored in Israel. 10 Sivan is huge. TEN represent the letter, ‘yud’. TEN is GOD. Ten is Hand of Strength…just like Benyamin… son of Strength. YHWH showed strength at the Hajj in taking tares off the earth. Yes, He is separating right now. Angels are called to bring death to those without the mark of Ya’cov on them. It is this Jubilee’s time of judgment. It could go on longer or it could close…But America’s churches have not repented and many still claim they are Israel. Amire Tsafati had a wonderful program today on why Israel is valid on the earth.

Man will NOT undo what God has designed to do.

Let’s go back to the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad where Israel’s calendar was solidified. On 15 Nissan there was a full Total lunar eclipse of the moon. The next lunar total eclipse occurred on 15 Tishrei. The third total lunar blood moon occurred on 15 Nissan 2015 and the fourth final Total Lunar eclipse again occurred on 15 Tishrei.

YHWH told Mosch to make the month they came out of Egypt a Month One. It is now known as the Head of Months. YHWH did not want us to forget the WHY or the HOW he fulfilled The Land promise to Abraham. God can NEVER break a covenant promise once He makes one. This is where God walked between the animals burnt with fire so it was His committment to Abraham.

This fire would happen again with God in the flesh hanging on a stake at the perfect time in history that people were executed by hanging on a tree. Month One became known as Nissan when they were in Babylon and the name stuck.

Thus, in 2014 and 2015 we have a ‘marker’ of history by YHWH’s two witnesses the sun and moon. Yes, eclipses are signals viewed from a Hebrew mindset.

And 2014 and 2015 were marked as well as to the FIRST day of the Wedding Banquet. The spring feasts show God’s betrothal to us and in the fall YHWH is showing us his marriage to those connected to Israel (Ya’cov).

Thus, let us not forget our skies gave witness to a calendar to follow. It gave witness to the coming of a Messiah who first suffered for all who would believe. He did the suffering part in Nissan / Month One. God (the Aleph / ) even performed every prophecy about this sacrifice in Month One that he established with Moses so all could look back to Egypt and see the same reference points being used again.

This last week I heard a man from Iowa saying that he thought 40% of Iowa was in threat of flooding while other parts had land cracking open. On Monday we watched a 115-year-old dam crumble from the weight of debris pushing against it. Towns the size of 7,000 and 8,000 were being evacuated quickly as it was inevitable that the dam was going to collapse. Minnesota is a state over-run with Islamic thinking as well as Michigan.

We don’t want to be superstitious but informed. The letter Mem has a picture language of water. Chaotic waters and bitter tears is seen in Moses sister Miriam. Miriam loved her brothers but soon became a thorn in their side. Complaining about God’s ways just does not go well for anyone. She was given leprosy and banned from the camp for SEVEN days. They could not move on until she was allowed back into the camp because of her bitter mouth. She is a picture of our earth going through 7000 years until all bitter mouths have been corrected by year 8000.

2024 and 2015 mirror each other in Mecca having a great number of deaths and judgements. 204 just hit over 1300. They don’t now the totals because illegal organizations brought people in that the Emerites did not know.

Let us keep in mind that the one-third theme is seen in this. It runs through the earth in many things as even the circle flows in pii. And I still side with the year 1334 being The Flood year. This also fits with the age of The Suffering Servant Yeshua’s age during his ministry, the years in AD of ministry and even the longitude and latitude of HIS ministry. None of these can be dismissed. They are definite patterns. I would say that Islam may have lost 1334 if God so desired it. They may never know their count as in past years they don’t clarify the count of bodies… maybe they are just a sacrifice as Hamas considers the Palestinian a sacrifice.

Events are critical to wrap our minds around because we will see God’s hand happen again but perhaps in a different location or way.

We don’t need to be best friends with our children, but we do need to be a good parent to them. God’s purpose is for us to grow up and embarrass him. He will spew us out saying, “I never knew you!”

2024 – Israel is facing a crushing blow because of America’s poor leadership. It is now TEN years from 2014 when the first SIGNAL came at Pesach (Passover). Trump will win in 2016 to reign in 2017 immediately consoling Israel. His presidency was blessed because He supported Israel to the best our Congress would allow it.

When I was reviewing one of the largest deaths at Mina near Mecca, I was reminded of what I wrote at that time in 2015. 111 died just ahead of the Hajj that lasts five days. A crane came down as the earth shook and they recorded at least fifty lightning strikes in that area. They held Osama Bin Laden Family Construction company responsible for the deaths. Hmm… I wonder if people ever give God credit when He was deserving of the credit. Could Osama cause lightning and earthquakes? I don’t think so!

The real crushing blow happened when to-the-day our US Congress failed to come against PERSIA. In 2015, The US Congress does not push to keep Israel supplied with arms for their war against Persian / IRAN. In 2024 the United States talks out of both sides of its mouth. It says it will supply Israel with arms but does NOT. It has left Israel open to destruction. This is why America has seen disaster after disaster in 2024. Even BB Netanyahu was told by a US Congress member that he should be impeached. The Senate made amends and invited BB to come. Yet, aide keeps going to ISLMAIC jihad via Hamas which even Egypt has been found out to having been aiding Hamas through the location of David’s Philistine giants, now called Hamas. Same area, same intent… kill Ya’cov and take back Ishmael and Esau’s rights.

These eclipses signaled deceit on the part of America’s Congress. SEVEN years later America is STILL the one responsible for coming against The Apple of God’s Eye…Jerusalem.

2024 is the Year of The Dragon thanks to Dragon China. China has many heads attached to her and now she connects to North Korea and Russia of whom are both nuclear active. They will support IRAN of whom will be nuclear active shortly unless the other countries STOP the world’s demise. Do they want to rule only 500,000 people? I guess that is how to do it. But, YHWH will not allow it. We are going to see things never seen before.

The Dragon movie promotes itself by having dragons handing off buildings all around New York. Scripture even calls out the enemy’s name as the Dragon.

Dragons are fake. But, scripture says this one has many heads. The bible speaks of the many governments being part of the dragon’s head that tries to kill off mankind. A head dragon is The United Nation that created itself in 1949. They have always had Hamas in their midst. Their programs are designed to REMOVE Israel off the face of the earth via politics.

Islamic leaders are seen with Hitler and his leaders. When their goals of removing The Jew did not completely work, the UN was created to keep pursuing that agenda.

What is the abomination of all abominations that stands on The Temple Mount? ISLAM!

I notice a demonic figure on a stain glass window of the mosque with the golden dome. It sits in the bottom right glass. It hides within the glass’s beauty, but once you see it, you will always see it. How long has that mosque been defiling The Temple Mount claiming Ishmael was the one slain inside the memorial to him? An Arab prince had it built thinking it was the original site. It is not the original site and therefore The Arabs are afraid of it being destroyed.

On Simchat Torah, Shemini Atzeret, 22 Tishrei, 5784, October 7, 2023 the Hamas terrorist gleefully stated that it would just be a short time before they secured The Temple Mount.

On Day Eight of The Wedding Feast known as Sukkot, were there pregnant woman have their babies cut out of their bodies? Were the Israelis’ able to return to their homes or were they told to flee to the hills? Why could the Israelis’ not return to their rooftops?

Since YHWH put Israel back into His land in 1948 has there ever been a time when this Scripture fulfilled itself in such horror? NO, there has never been a time of such savagery with such demonic spirits of joy laughing while publicizing the extreme cruelty as what they did was good. The deception of Gazans loving their neighbor, or the world is sinister. Deceived people move forward believing their own lies when it truly makes no sense. Liars just beget more liars.

Mathew 24 is fulfilling itself right before our eyes and we don’t want to believe it.

And, since God is slow to His wrath so not all will perish, we now see the ‘second’ wave. We continue to have a presidency that was part of a presidency that was just the ‘set up’ guy to what we see today.

Our president tricks us with a dementia excuse when true evil has ruled his person his entire life. The real Joe Biden has always liked to be called, “Slow Joe!” Slow but sure Joe is intentional, and he is the one ruling Obama. They fit each other like a glove. War fits them both like a glove… and swearing in on The Quran was intentional to show Arabs where true allegiance really is.

The Abomination of Desolation

Mat 24:15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 

Mat 24:16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 

Mat 24:17  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house: 

Mat 24:18  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 

Mat 24:19  And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 

Mat 24:20  But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 

Who would have thought that God would REMOVE over 1300 Islamic people ON the Hebrew’s very very special festival of weeks known as Shavuot.

We had a calf born on Shavuot in 2018 I believe. I named him Shavuot.

To understand that our Creator just gave correction to Islam on this special time of TRUTH is huge. It is another ‘God In Amazement’ day to me.

2015 Mecca deaths were on Yom Kippur Day Two. ISLAM lost 2411 along with 111 a week before with the crane correction.

In order to get this published I’m going to copy what I copied from news articles and then you will see God-events from my own calendar that I have built since 2015 when I started the website.

Does God remember? Yes! Does God, correct? Yes. Did Dubai just go under water because of no drainage systems on April 15, 2024… YES. I wrote about that… it happened on Month One Day Eight… Yes, the day Nadab and Abyhu offered their strange incense to God…they burnt up. Yes, ALL seven cities (emerites) were affected by this ‘cloud’ that they have been watching coming toward them for SIX days. It was an Elijah moment of disbelief that it would finally rain after seven years. Dubai built in the desert thinking no rain would ever get them.

Is God active…YES…. and I want to state that I am so so saddened when I see relatives almost naked on their accounts on their boat or beach trips. I don’t care if they are over twenty years old. If we don’t believe in modesty, then God will shut our bodies down for us. Do not wear a cross on your neck and appear naked before mankind. What an insult to our LORD and Savior. Do NOT make him what you are when your PRIDE is showing off the body that God gave you to honor and respect.

BOATS – 497 boats were moved quickly from a Marina around Storm Lake, Iowa. After my eyes were insulted on the internet by an out-of-state, evidently confused relative, I realized that God is going after the Iowa beaches. America and our world is having record heat. We are seeing humans show their shame. God just shutting down the nudity. No boats to recreat in. They were put on high ground to be saved in the towns going under water.

Towns don’t even know what is happening. They are like ISLAM with their deception walls built so high that they just can’t get over their own righteousness. Yet, they will say, “How can do God do this to us? What did we do to deserve this?”

Yom Kippur Day Two… the day of the 2411 deaths at Mecca in 2015. Wow… amazing Hand of God on our earth. The Day of Atonement is beautiful by Yeshua’s blood. Day of Judgement… books are closed. Judgment falls quickly after 10 Tishrei where a Day of Fasting is commanded. It is NOT an option! Really? Yes, it is one day out of the entire year that God says, STOP..REPENT between yourselves. Have a circumcised heart.

Judgment on SHAVUOT – Israel’s 50th Day of Counting of Omer. The Day the Torah was given to ALL who would hear it at the time of coming out of Egypt.

AND, The Day of The Holy Spirit at Jerusalem TEN days after Yeshua Jesus ASCENDS up to Heaven.

Do NOT even think Satan can retake The Land or The Cities. The Holy Spirit hovers in His remnant. We do NOT run in fear of evil!

Internet information:

More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced Sunday.

Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj rituals in and around the holy city of Mecca.

Speaking to state-owned television, the minister said 95 pilgrims were being treated in hospitals, some of whom were airlifted for treatment in the capital, Riyadh. He said the identification process was delayed because there were no identification documents with many of the dead pilgrims.

The fatalities included more than 660 Egyptians. All but 31 of them were unauthorized pilgrims, according to two officials in Cairo. Egypt has revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies that helped unauthorized pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia, authorities said.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, said most of the dead were reported at the Emergency Complex in Mecca’s Al-Muaisem neighborhood. Egypt sent more than 50,000 authorized pilgrims to Saudi Arabia this year.

Saudi authorities cracked down on unauthorized pilgrims, expelling tens of thousands of people. But many, mostly Egyptians, managed to reach holy sites in and around Mecca, some on foot. Unlike authorized pilgrims, they had no hotels to return to to escape the scorching heat.

In a statement Saturday, Egypt’s government said the 16 travel agencies failed to provide adequate services for pilgrims. It said these agencies illegally facilitated the travel of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia using visas that don’t allow holders to travel to Mecca.

The government also said officials from the companies have been referred to the public prosecutor for investigation.

According to the state-owned Al-Ahram daily, some travel agencies and Hajj trip operators sold Saudi tourist visas to Egyptian Hajj hopefuls, violating Saudi regulations which require exclusive visas for pilgrims. Those agencies left pilgrims in limbo in Mecca and the holy sites in scorching heat, the newspaper said.

The fatalities also included 165 pilgrims from Indonesia, 98 from India and dozens more from Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Malaysia, according to an Associated Press tally. Two U.S. citizens were also reported dead.

The AP could not independently confirm the causes of death, but some countries like Jordan and Tunisia blamed the soaring heat. AP journalists saw pilgrims fainting from the scorching heat, especially on the second and third days of the Hajj. Some vomited and collapsed.

Historically, deaths are not uncommon at the Hajj, which has seen at times over 2 million people travel to Saudi Arabia for a five-day pilgrimage. The pilgrimage’s history has also seen deadly stampedes and epidemics.

But this year’s tally was unusually high, suggesting exceptional circumstances.

In 2015 a stampede in Mina killed over 2,411 pilgrims, the deadliest incident ever to strike the pilgrimage, according to an AP count. Saudi Arabia has never acknowledged the full toll of the stampede. A separate crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque earlier the same year killed 111.

The second-deadliest incident at the Hajj was a 1990 stampede that killed 1,426 people.

During this year’s Hajj period, daily high temperatures ranged between 46 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) and 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca and sacred sites in and around the city, according to the Saudi National Center for Meteorology. Some people fainted while trying to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil.

The Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is one of the world’s largest religious gatherings. More than 1.83 million Muslims performed the Hajj in 2024, including more than 1.6 million from 22 countries, and around 222,000 Saudi citizens and residents, according to the Saudi Hajj authorities.

audi Arabia has spent billions of dollars on crowd control and safety measures for those attending the annual five-day pilgrimage, but the sheer number of participants makes it difficult to ensure their safety.

Climate change could make the risk even greater. A 2019 study by experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that even if the world succeeds in mitigating the worst effects of climate change, the Hajj would be held in temperatures exceeding an “extreme danger threshold” from 2047 to 2052, and from 2079 to 2086.

Islam follows a lunar calendar, so the Hajj comes around 11 days earlier each year. By 2029, the Hajj will occur in April, and for several years after that it will fall in the winter, when temperatures are milder.

Published 12:29 AM CDT, December 10, 2015


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The September stampede during the hajj in Saudi Arabia killed at least 2,411 pilgrims, a new Associated Press count shows, three times the number of deaths acknowledged by the kingdom three months later.


Yom Kippur Day Two 2004: 11 Tishrei, 9.26.2004 Category 3 hurricane, Hutchinson Island, 105 knots.

Yom Kippur Day Two 2010: 2010 BP Mexico Oil Spill finally sealed off after 87 days. 11 Tishrei, 4.4M barrels, 10B cleanup.

Yom Kippur Day Two 2015: 9.24, 2015 – Congress did not block President Obama’s release of billions to IRAN that could support Hezbollah. 11 Tishrei 5778

Yom Kippur Day Two 2015: 11 Tishrei 5776 9.24.2015 – 2411 pilgrims die at Mina, Hajj. Saudi Arabia… 111 die from crane falling with 50 lightning strikes.

Yom Kippur Day Two 2015: Pope with Biden on Yom Kippur 10 Tishrei 2015. Pope at US Congress on YK Day Two, 2015 (23 September)

RUSSIA 2015: 9.5, 5.9, 4.9 Earthquakes – 21 Elul. September 24.

21 Elul September 24, 2015 21 4.5+ earthquakes, Panama 4.7, 10 in Alaska Atka, Iw Jima Japan 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.7

Yom Kippur Day Two 2015, 11 Tishrei 2015 Nevada Lake drains in one day killing all fish. Slow leak. September 24, 2015, 11 Tishrei.

The AP figures establish the Sept. 24, 2015 crush at Mina as the deadliest in the history of the annual pilgrimage. It occurred just weeks after a fatal crane collapse in Mecca.

Saudi Arabia rebuffed criticism from its regional Shiite rival Iran and efforts by other countries to join a probe into the deaths. And while King Salman ordered an investigation into the tragedy almost immediately, few details have been made public since.

The AP count is based on state media reports and officials’ comments from 36 of the over 180 countries that sent citizens to the hajj. Hundreds of pilgrims remain missing. The official Saudi toll of 769 people killed has not changed since Sept. 26, and officials there have yet to address the discrepancy.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency has not mentioned the investigation into the disaster since Oct. 19, when it reported that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who is also the kingdom’s interior minister, was “reassured on the progress of the investigations.” The crown prince is the next in line to the throne and any blame cast on the Interior Ministry, which oversees safety during the hajj, could reflect negatively on him.

The ruling Al Saud family maintains its major influence in the Muslim world through its oil wealth and its management of Islam’s holiest sites. Like Saudi monarchs before him, King Salman has taken the title of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

Authorities have said the Mina crush and stampede occurred when two waves of pilgrims converged on a narrow road, suffocating or trampling to death those caught in the disaster. Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars on crowd control and safety measures for those attending the annual five-day pilgrimage, required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their life, but the sheer number of participants makes ensuring their safety difficult.

The hajj this year drew some 2 million pilgrims, though in recent years it has drawn more than 3 million without any major incidents.

Iran was most affected by the disaster, according to the AP count, with 464 Iranian pilgrims killed. Mali said it lost 305 people, while Nigeria lost 274 and 190 pilgrims from Egypt were killed.

Others include Bangladesh with 137 pilgrims killed; Indonesia with 129; India with 120; Cameroon with 103; Pakistan with 102; Niger with 92; Senegal with 61; Ethiopia with 53; Ivory Coast with 52; Benin with 50; Algeria with 46; Chad with 43; Morocco with 42; Sudan with 30; Tanzania with 25; Burkina Faso with 22; Kenya with 12; Somalia with 10; Ghana, Tunisia and Turkey each with seven; Libya and Myanmar with six apiece; China with four; Afghanistan, Djibouti, the Gambia and Jordan with two each; and Lebanon, Malaysia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka each with one.

The second deadliest incident at hajj was a 1990 stampede that killed 1,426 people.

The Sept. 11 crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque, which preceded the Mina disaster, killed 111 people.

Hamas, Hezbollah, and all Prince of Persia (IRAN) proxies are caught up in a death cult. “If ALLAH wills it” they say. Since there is but ONE living God, this ‘allah god’ is fake. One of the foundations of Islam that must be true is that The Gan of Eden is in Meca. (That is false).

Another pillar is that the man must be real. There is no evidence of him anywhere. He was made up by an Arab in the year 900 AD.

The Third pillar is The Book. There can only be one book. This is untrue. There are many Qurans that have been published in other languages. The Arabs dictate that it can only be printed in Arabic. People don’t want to learn Arabic and have printed it in their own language for which they have been persecuted. Now there are many other versions of the Quran. The Arabs will say this is not true, but those copies have been found. YES, The Book Pillar has crumbled. Islam falls flat on its own face….and is why they fight each other.

Ya’cov’s living God is in action. Our Living God will not tolerate any ‘false’ god before him. That includes the worshiping of ourselves in our own self-made image. We all stand ‘naked’ before our Creator.

More wind, more fire, more drought, more water ….. This is Year One of the Hebrew calendar…. Yes, it IS a year of Jubilee….like it or not. It is YEAR ONE and it is about The Bride.

October 7 was Day 7, Day 22 and Day Eight.

Sabbath, Bride (House), New Beginnings.

Yes, the message is clear. The Annular Eclipse on October 14 was Saro series 34 which is 7 (3+4). SABBATH.

What did YHWH say, Hope it’s not a Sabbath! YES, October 7 and 14 were Sabbath.

Yes, they could only FLEE to the mountains.

We are to hide our shame….the priests wore under garments under their linen so their

SHAME would not show.

Mathew 24 is ALIVE. Our earth is not well. Repentance is the only answer.

God is in judgment to see who will repent. Pay attention. We are naked before God.

We are to have fine linen on which let’s God see through us. There is to be no vanity as all is from God.

To Him be the glory as our world falls at His feet and welcomes the man of Torah back to the earth.

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