Sabbath, Festivals, and God’s Covenants: The Significance of Time and Redemption

Sun and Moon Mark God’s Throne

In the Beginning God expressed The Throne Day on Day Seven.

Genesis 2:2  On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 

Revelation 22:2  Between the main street and the river was the Tree of Life producing twelve kinds of fruit, a different kind every month; and the leaves of the tree were for healing the nations— 

Is it coincidence that these verses holding two as a pattern even work together in meaning?

The number two means: daughter, bride, house, new beginnings. It is the letter Beit.

The number seven mentioned in Genesis 2:2 is a weapon. Seven is the letter, zayin. Day Seven shows us God comforting Himself in knowing all he created will work together for good for eternal salvation for man. Noach name was COMFORT. He was lifted up on our current Month Seven known as Tishrei. In his day, it was called Month One. Month One and Month Seven are both firsts with God. One is God, Seven is weapon… God is the weapon. God’s weapons are totally different than what we would use as a weapon.

From Enoch to John (writers of Genesis to Revelation) we have the same message. The Tree of Life returns at Day Seven. This Tree supports ALL the nations…to those that eat from it.

Psalm 89:36  his dynasty will last forever, his throne like the sun before me. 

Psalm 89:37  It will be established forever, like the moon, which remains a faithful witness in the sky.” (Selah) 

Psalm 104:19  You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set.

The Messiah Yeshua Jesus knew when to set and when to rise up. God in the flesh knew exactly how long to hide and when exactly to shine forth to humans. He is the zayin which means weapon. The number seven is the letter zayin pictured as an axe representing a weapon.

It is dangerous to think that God is a covenant breaker. Man breaks the vows they make, but God canNOT break a vow. We walk away but God never walks away. Repentance brings us back to God.

He established the sun and moon as covenant signals to earth’s seasons aligning God’s spiritual seasons. Even if man profanes The Sabbath designated by a ‘new moon’, God will not. Day Seven is not the only Sabbath declared. Every head of a month is a Sabbath. Hmm… 12 months, equals 12 Sabbaths. 52 weeks equals 52 Sabbaths. The Lord’s festivals have Sabbath days within them. You add them up… do you think the number 70 just got involved? If you don’t know what the Festivals are, shame on you!

God will not profane His Sabbaths which equate to time. God will not lose track of earth’s schedule for redemption. God will NOT lose track because he ‘remembers’ why He brought forth the earth.

Not all people are priests on this earth. Not all people want to follow God’s regulations. It is only a person who wants to be set apart in God’s ways that is found in solid relationship with God. Man’s ways are not God’s ways. Man cannot put words in God’s mouth and over time expect God to change. It didn’t work with Cain, and it didn’t work with Esau or Ishmael. All were left on the earth to work out their communication problem with God. Cain had his stone house fall on him as he had killed his brother with a stone. Esau had an arrow shot through his heart as he killed others through the heart. Ishmael made peace but not completely. But he did keep Joseph safe in Egypt of which God said not to destroy them.


A strange name would be given to the Israeli children after the resurrection of Yeshua at 30 AD. The Torah scrolls would be burnt as ‘new’ religions took up the Cause for Christ’.

Constantine was not even a believer and yet Christians look to him as their heritage. He and his wicked mother ruled an empire that pushed God’s true witnesses further into the world.

Another false narrative will be created at 900 AD pushing Islamic foundation back at year 600 AD? This group grew out of a whim by a person putting materials together. Much later this made-up group would feel qualified to give Ya’cov the name, Palestinian. This name was meant to be a nasty comparing Israel after your arch enemy, the Philistines.

The two words Philistine and Palestinian sound similar. The ‘insult’ would stuck until in 1948 when Harry S Truman crossed out that name. It was the Hand of God on him. He recognized this new land for the Jewish as The State of Israel.

The word ‘state’ was crossed out during The Trump Presidency with Israel naming itself, ISRAEL. They accepted their title deeds being in The Bible. They (Israel) would Struggle With God to bring Torah to The Nations.

The name ISRAEL was correct. It was Ya’cov of whom struggled with God and did not let go until the morning light. In his struggle his hip was displaced. Israel was destined to walk with a limp. Yes, he had struggled with God’s angel and now his name would fit that activity, ‘Struggles For God.’ Israel continues in that familiar struggle of being picked on. They are like Abraham of whom did not look to this world for happiness but to that ‘Heavenly Country.” They walk in trusting God for their very existence.

Ya’cov did not want to go any further in life unless God went with him. Moses also knew he could not lead such rebellious people. God had the grace to forgive and push them forward to righteous purposes.

Who was to get the message? Gentiles

Mark 13:9  “But you, watch yourselves! They will hand you over to the local Sanhedrin, you will be beaten up in synagogues, and on my account, you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. 

Mark 13:10  Indeed, the Good News has to be proclaimed first to all the Goyim. 

Mar 13:13  and everyone will hate you because of me. But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 

We MUST hold out until the end.

Has every Gentile heard The Gospel? Has every Arab understood, ‘Do NOT Murder’?

What gospel? It is two-fold. It is The Torah of which Yeshua Jesus was the only one that never failed it in one point. And this 613 thesis is consecrated in God-blood when nailed to that door, the cross. The Blood sacrifice of The Word of God nailed his thesis to the cross. God put The LIving Torah on the cross.

Yeshua is God come to earth to straighten out the wrong imposed upon The Torah. Instead of hearing ‘the voice’ in the Gan of Eden we heard ‘the voice’ on the stake of redemption.

Our world is full of Amalekites and Hamans. When we do NOT see evil as evil, our eyes have grown so dim that we are now blind to truth. It is in these ‘last days’ that ‘deception’ is so heavy that we cannot tell the difference between a Palestinian and a Philistine. We canNOT grasp loving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov (Israel). We do not understand because ‘church’ deception keeps us in pews not emboldening ourselves to see God actually act in our lives. We don’t know how to hear God when he works in signs. We seem to be waiting for a dumb (mute) donkey to speak to us.

I have a map that shows Palestine as The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Yes, Palestinians were never called a state. The Arab world was willing that Israel have very little land. FDR had private conversations about this on The Quincy in February/March. He died in April of heart failure.

His Vice President Truman said that Israel could have land and become a state. He told the Arab world that his constituents were Americans and not Arabs. He alone recognized Israel as a state. The Arab world relatiated with war the very next day in May 1948. And they continue to control our world by oil. We get oil if we dump Israel. In 2024 we see the Obama Biden teams still invoking disaster on Israel. Obama swore in on a Quran, not Bible. His allligance is to the Arabs governing our world.

David and King Sh’aul killed their thousands upon thousands of giants in Gaza. Hamas warriors are in the exact same caves with Gazans having updated them with bombs to destroy Ya’cov. FEAR has been set upon our earth as these deceived giants have crossed into earth’s border cities under a false narrative believing it is better to die a martyr than to die of old age.

God’s covenants began in Month Three, Sivan, at Mt. Sinai. The Holy Spirit was given on Day 50 of the Count of the Omer in Jerusalem this same day. It is called SHAVUOT which means ‘Weeks.’ The best of the harvests is gathered. Sivan 6 can be declared that or close to it. Day Six is about removing giants and redeeming God’s chosen in a harvest. In Gaza, the wheat are Israel and the tares are Hamas.

Could 2024 see a harvest of souls on this Shavuot which occurs on Father’s Day? Could June 16 see this as a ‘HARVEST’ of ‘Gathering’ ? Will the wars end after 42 months or 3.5 years of Joe Biden reign. Is this the mid point of a 7-year cycle or is it the end. It feels to be an end because it makes sense that the United States ordered a census and got a plague in 2019. most people felt it in 2020 so that really is a major start date.

And, we sit inside the 2014-2015 Lunar Tetrad. It gave us a new president that put fear into the world around us. No wars and closed borders. In 2020 over 60 Trump mandates were wiped off the slate and OPEN BORDERS have brought 10 million to now vote for Biden.

What does deception look like? Evil media that blocks out truth. There is only slanted media guiding the sheep to the next slaughter. What will the election look like in the United States? And what will Israel look like as BB Netanyahu, convicted of war crimes, comes through their fires?

Two righteous men, Donald J Trump and BB Nethanyahu, both found guilty by courts that have no meaning in the world’s standard. A guy got to be attorney general vowing in his election campaign to take Trump down. The statute of limitations was over and it could have been taken to the federal level. He didn’t observe the limitations and he didn’t take it to the federal level because they had already said there was no charge against Trump. All of this to preoccupy a person from being out campaigning. And to say he is a felon is not true because The Appeals court should overturn it but who knows. It is the Supreme Court that agrees this is not a worthy case. In fact, how can someone be found guilty when there has been no charge defined of what they did?

Little mice believe they have made mince meat of great men. But, it is with The Creator that they deal. The earth opens up and men are swallowed up or we see many drowning in thehir own sewage.

We live in the days of Ahav whose chariot wheels are stuck in the mud after 7 years of drought. He just did not want to believe Elijah. Many believe God’s only ‘Beloved’ son will not personally reign on this earth. But who is left to do it? NONE are worthy as we know. And if it is to come… it will be a time of Jubilee…of which no one is connecting the dots of 1973 and 2023. We are so deceived that we don’t even now The Gaza War happened on Day Eight… The Day of the Bride. So much to say… so little space to write this.

This jubilee number fifty is always committed to Month Three on God’s timeline. No matter how anyone wants to calculate the Hebrew calendar that HOLY MOUNTAIN experience will always be remembered in SIVAN. It could be Sivan 6 or after depending upon which Sabbath is calculated to start the counting up to the Omer. Every day we count the days by perhaps a prayer or thankful for it. It shows we are looking forward to God’s returning to earth for us. We are His harvest of wheat, not tares.

Month Three relates to one-third rebellion and judgment. One-third of angels fell one-third waters blood (means one-third people die). One third of Brazil did not flood beginning April 28, 2024. They saw their rain forecast coming for six days. Two-thirds of Brazil were completely under water for a week. A man was rescued on day five of still being on his roof. Yes, it continued and continued unprecedentedly for 80 years.

One third of the 7 United Arab Emirates fell to flooding on April 16, 2024. They also had an Elijah moment where they checked the skies for SIX days and finally saw it arrive on Day Seven. Royal cars’ roofs were covered, and buildings submerged with no drainage available in what was thought was a desert oasis. No passports with Israel stamped in them would be accepted. The Emirates also wavered when 48 hours earlier in believing they finally should side with IRAN since Iran finally stepped into the game of destroying Israel. Wrong! God hard you and after 75 years took you down…. letting you sit in your own sewage for at least a week or more.

Families in tears. Colleges in tears as open hated for Jews in our world was exposed. Month Two of Iyar showed us God’s miracles of the exposure of real evil on our earth. And then on May 31, 2024, Saros Series 134 Annular Solar Eclipse was confirmed. Thirty-four can also be forty-three. Words can be read backward. This number 34 and 43 hold the same value of 7. God is being comforted in 34, (3+4 = 7 Sabbath)

God uses people like President Trump who wonders at time why he continues in this mess. It is only God that holds him there. No one person could take such abuse.

May 31, 2024, was Count of Omer Day 34. Watch this————

President Trump’s 34 felony counts were upheld on Day 34.

What day was May 31? It was Friday, Day Six of the Week. It would be on Day Seven (3+4) that the world would confront this issue. And, it was the Sabbath so many would not engage in business talk and be left to their own opinion after many had aleady discussed it. And what else happened on May 31? Carolyn Glick also complained Biden offering a Peace Deal by Israel Friday evening as their Sabbath started and no one in the Knesset could retaliate that Israel had NOT agreed to such a plan. Here we see Biden abusing the torah (instruction) for the Sabbath.

Full evil wants a past president put in jail. As a felon you cannot vote and yet this man is the leading candidate in 2024 for being the President a second term in the United States of America. The few nations that stand for democracy are being shaken to the core. And all for an election.

Trump’s hush money to protect his wife when there was no such thing to protect was a federal case. Woman make accusations in order to make a name for themselves and Donald Trump was a big name. His attorney called this money a ‘business expense’, of which Trump did not know about. This man is a convicteed liar and has now lied about this. On his testimony and no other testimony of truth allowed, we have a very confused America about our justice system. Those that understand justice, shake their heads in disbelief at this even being a trial.

A simple county judge put a gag order on his victim that forced a former President of the United States to not even be able to talk about his side of the situation.

Our Savior went to the slaughter not opening his mouth.

Luk 23:11  Herod and his soldiers treated Yeshua with contempt and made fun of him. Then, dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate. 
Luk 23:12  That day Herod and Pilate became friends with each other; previously they had been enemies. 

Evil loves evil.

The 2017 and 2024 Total eclipses signaled one-third of the United States with an X marking the spots of cities with Egyptian names.

This new month of SIVAN is represented by the tribe of Zebulun. They along with the tribe of Issachar lived at the shoreline and had access to the mountain. They called people to the mountains. They called people to The Torah.

Zebulun had access to sea creatures from which the blue dye was acquired to make their tzitit strings blue designed according to The Torah. Their cords of blue remind us today to stay dedicated to the ways of YHWH.

Judges 5:18  The people of Z’vulun risked their lives, Naftali too, on the open heights. 

Zebulun is a call the number SEVEN. It the word Zayin meaning weapon. Zebulum was a sea port used as a weapon guiding goods brought in just as Gaza could be a wonderful port of good instead of choosing destruction.

In the days of judges D’vorah with Barak fought to defeat Amalek. Yet, many of the tribes were a disappointment as they did not come to fight their enemy. These were the days of judges when there was not yet a king.

We see a woman warrior named Ya’el driving a stake through Sissi’s brain.

Jdg 5:24  “Ya`el will be blessed more than all women. The wife of Hever the Keini will be blessed more than any woman in the tent. 

Jdg 5:25  He asked for water, and she gave him milk; In an elegant bowl she brought him curds. 

Jdg 5:26  Then she took a tent peg in her left hand and a workman’s hammer in her right; with the hammer she struck Sisra, pierced his skull, yes, she shattered and crushed his temple. 

The Third Day Pattern:

It is in this setting of the THIRD month, known as Sivan, that we see God’s instructions given to the children of Israel. If you do NOT believe you are grafted into these ways of being set apart, then you are not part of it. If you embrace these ways, then you can expect unusual things to happen to you.

Psa 89:28  I will keep my grace for him forever, and in my covenant be faithful with him. 

Psa 89:29  I will establish his dynasty forever, and his throne as long as the heavens last. 

Psa 89:30  “If his descendants abandon my Torah and fail to live by my rulings, 

Psa 89:31  if they profane my regulations and don’t obey my mitzvot, 

Psa 89:32  I will punish their disobedience with the rod and their guilt with lashes. 

Psa 89:33  But I won’t withdraw my grace from him or be false to my faithfulness. 

Psa 89:34  I will not profane my covenant or change what my lips have spoken. 

Psa 89:35  I have sworn by my holiness once and for all; I will not lie to David— 

Psa 89:36  his dynasty will last forever, his throne like the sun before me. 

Psa 89:37  It will be established forever, like the moon, which remains a faithful witness in the sky.” (Selah) 

The Abomination of Desolation

Mark 13:14  “Now when you see the abomination that causes devastation standing where it ought not to be” (let the reader understand the allusion), “that will be the time for those in Y’hudah to escape to the hills. 

Mar 13:15  If someone is on the roof, he must not go down and enter his house to take any of his belongings; 

Mar 13:16  if someone is in the field, he must not turn back to get his coat. 

Mar 13:17  What a terrible time it will be for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 

Mar 13:18  Pray that it may not happen in winter. 

Mar 13:19  For there will be worse trouble at that time than there has ever been from the very beginning, when God created the universe, until now; and there will be nothing like it again. 

Mar 13:20  Indeed, if God had not limited the duration of the trouble, no one would survive; but for the sake of the elect, those whom he has chosen, he has limited it. 

Mar 13:21  “At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here’s the Messiah!’ or, ‘See, there he is!’—don’t believe him! 

Mar 13:22  There will appear false Messiahs and false prophets performing signs and wonders for the purpose, if possible, of misleading the chosen. 

Mar 13:23  But you, watch out! I have told you everything in advance! 

On October 7, 2024, the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, it was the ‘second’ time a surprise attack happened. What an awful thing to have Israelies show love to Gazans to whom then fiercely attacked them. They slaughtered parents in front of their children’s eyes. They booked babies in ovens. They cut babies out of mother’s wombs. They cut off body parts and displaced them so bodies could not be buried complete.

These are harsh words. Demons put bombs inside of Israeli victims, so their recovery was hampered from even entering the homes.

At this 2023 attach Israel’s Prime Minister was not a woman which was disrespected by Henry Kissinger and President Nixon. Prime Minister BB Netanyahu’s father saw all of this coming. BB was prepared but mentally the unthinkable demonic activity is still hard to conceived. The premediation of this kind of terror was trained over years.

Israel is NOT a stumbling stone to the world. They are the CORNERSTONE to righteous living and ready to bring The Torah to the earth. They are leading out in a Righteous War with Righteous Judgment. God’s miracles are every day where the books canNOT hold all their stories.

SIVAN is Month Three. It IS an end-game month. It is the end of weeks and weeks of preparation allowing the last of evil to change their mind. Burning Israel’s orchards will grow back. These are God’s orchards and God’s leaders. Both President Trump and BB Netanyahu are God-ordained for such a time as this.

These are the Days of Elijah seen throughout our earth. He told Ahab to look for the water cloud seven times. Yes, Ahav’s chariot got stuck, but Elijah could run with his feet. We are always safe in the shed blood of God’s only begotten Son, Yeshua, our Messiach.

What will Father’s Day hold as SHAVUOT once again visits our earth? Will we talk about these Hebrew stories being a Jubilee of years as marked by the 1973 and 2023 Yom Kippur wars? Or we hand dad a tie. And yet, that is an old gift idea. Few dads even wear ties today.


These are the days of Elijah, declaring the word of the LORD

And these are the days of your servant Moses, righteousness being restored

And these are the days of great trial, of famine and darkness and sword

Still, we are a voice in the desert crying, “Prepare ye the way of the LORD!”





These are the days of Ezekiel, the dry bones becoming as flesh

And these are the days of Your servant, David, rebuilding the temple of praise

These are the days of the harvest – The fields are as white in the world

And we are the laborers in Your vineyard declaring the word of the LORD!

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