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Day Eight War Brings in Day Seven MARKED BY ECLIPSES 134, 139 * Update: UAE washed away IN 24 HOUR RAIN

Update: Exodus 40:2 shadows Day One. On Nisan 1, Month One Day One, God’s presence totally consumed Moses Tabernacle. For SEVEN days they enjoyed God’s presence. Then on Day Eight another shadowing is seen. On Day Eight, sin is removed. … Continue reading Day Eight War Brings in Day Seven MARKED BY ECLIPSES 134, 139 * Update: UAE washed away IN 24 HOUR RAIN

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Union Station chief’s Ground Zero

GROUND ZERO – Who is Drinking the Cool Aide? For America we note New York City as Ground Zero. The twin towers, pentagon and another plane were downed into the ground on 911 – September 11, 2001. Hebrew Date: 23 … Continue reading Union Station chief’s Ground Zero