Galatian's Paul About Resurrection

Puffy seders

Pesach 2024 – I have now attended three different Passovers in 2024. At each one I met friends from the past and we loved on each other. At my first Sedar the group controlled the food by serving the Seder guests the correct food. I did not hear any word about ‘offending the Gentile.’

At the last two ‘potluck-type’ of Seders I saw the same ‘puffy cookies’ and similar small cakes. The hostess that provided the meat and food also did not want ‘puffy’ at the Seder. It was nicely done in a meeting room and open to the public. She was glad to see the ‘puffed’ up items tucked under the table. They could be retrieved by their owners later.

Then, something strange happened. It came after she announced that some puffy food had been brought unintentionally and so it was put under the table to be retrieved later by its owner. She was teaching about ‘removing’ sin from our lives which during this week of Pesach reminded us of doing just that. We are instructed to eat a piece of matzah each day this week so remind us to ‘remove’ sin from our lives.

A woman intentionally went over to retrieve and serve herself each of the cakes with leaven in them. After, I went to her with a smile and shared it was not appropriate at this time to eat it, she smiled back and continued to serve herself with larger pieces. I sat down and she sat down to just smile back at me. Now, after I witnessed another group allow it to be served, my heart writes this letter to you.

After she took her cake, others got up and served it themselves, too. Finally, I smiled to this group and said, “We are guests at this Seder and will want to honor its hostess’s guidelines.” Then I heard the words, “We don’t want to offend The Gentile.”

On Sabbath I attended my third Seder and saw the same ‘puffy’ cookies at their dessert table. This time there were two small ice cream cakes with flour in them. I put them under the table again thinking it was a mistake. Then, from the speaker I heard the words “Perhaps all the food was not kosher and unleavened, but we will have to decide for ourselves what to eat. We don’t want to offend the Gentle.

Thus, the ‘puffy’ cookies and two cakes may have been intentional by this host to fulfill a Scripture that says, “Don’t offend your brother if you see him eating something so as not to offend your brother…. something like that. It goes along with the Scripture taken out of context that the Gentle does not need to do any of The Torah except, “Don’t eat blood, refrain from sexual immortality… etc.” These verses state that the Gentile is to do Torah, all of it is assumed… and yet Christian Gentile teachers and jealous Jewry teach just the several items.

Question? So, now the Gentile can lie, steal, curse and whatever isn’t specifically written out in that general statement? How absurd to think Gentiles can act as animals and be part of a God that is committed to holiness. We know our salvation is not based on how much good we can do. When I was in Cairo and we needed a ride somewhere, we would ask a good Muslim and he would have to give us a ride because he got brownie points with Allah. That is operating under ‘works’. We don’t do those ‘works’ but we do help the orphans and widows etc. out of LOVE because God loved us first and we love him back.

I am SHOCKED but I am NOT surprised. I saw this coming when Isaac Shapira came to America and convinced Christian leaders NOT to ack Jewish. Take off your prayer shawls and tzitzit. Do not put mezuzahs on our home, etc. You see, the frustration came when Israel would not act like Israel. so, how do you get Gentiles to calm down and stop acting ‘set apart’? You make up two sets of rules to live by. The people who have accepted this deception have put another middle page of partition in their lives. Is this worse than saying there is an Old Testament and a New Testament? A testament is between a dead person. A covenant is between the living. There should never be a dividing page in our bibles, nor how we act toward God.

I saw this play out in Arizona, and it destroyed the praise and worship that was rising there. No one could tell the difference between the Saturday or Sunday people. It’s like being Catholic where you can go to church Saturday night if Sunday didn’t work out for you. Yes, there is no difference between The Messianic as they are neutralized once again through a food guideline… just as Adam was tricked.

People want to do Torah but are misled by the ignorance of Pattern. Gentile teachers desire to teach Torah, but don’t have the foundation yet to ‘think’ Hebrew. They are still stuck in ‘old’ NT ways. Scripture calls them old wineskins (old teachers) that can’t hold new wine, or they would burst and break open. These teachers must go away and the ‘new’ teachers rise up to bring Torah back to the earth.

Some Gentiles are still challenged with Peter. The Bible studier has made sense of it, but our Sunday School moms or dads don’t deep into the Hebrew understanding of who is being spoken to. To blame Peter is going to be laughed at in the Kingdom. He was speaking to the fact that he too would bring the good news to the ‘unclean / Gentile’. They, too, could come to The Torah. They too could come through The Messiah Yeshua Jesus of whom is known as filling up every word spoken in the Torah. Even Christ says, I have NOT come to destroy The Torah. Wow… I just think we need to step back and look at the entire context because Gentile Christians are making fools of themselves.. Yes, haughty fools.

Thus, we have Messianic believers taught by those that don’t have a solid foundation in ‘pattern’ either.

And how did Peter respond? He said, NO, LORD I’ve never eaten anything unclean, nor have I eaten with those called ‘unclean’… The Gentile. Peter was confused about what the same vision meant given to him three times. Three meant that it is true and don’t think it’s not. Something given to anyone twice is confirming, but three times… there is no denying what action needs to happen. Peter was told to go to the ‘unclean’ Gentile. Gentiles were known as dogs… not worthy to eat with. Hmm. Wow… And Peter tells us that he only ate kosher food. He would never have eaten a pig, nor animals that did not chew their cud and have a split hoof at the same time. He would never have eaten horse meat, but he would eat a goat or calf.

I stand amazed at the deception… but then if we had Constantine at 325 AD and before burning up The Jews and The Torah… then they go to mandate and label it the OLD and the NEW. Wow again! ALL things are made new in Christ…The Living Word.

OUR last generation is seeing the highest deception in all of history. Who would have thought we would see Anti-Israel protests and Communism proliferating on the world’s campuses.

Yes, we are in a ‘new ‘Spring’ that is designed to rip the Jew and Gentile apart. The ‘Arab Spring’ ripped at us by bringing Islam to the forefront on our earth. King Obama did that swearing in as the United States President with a Quran under his hand. Yes, he is still dedicated to bringing Islam to our earth. The Arab Spring is The Muslim Brotherhood. This Brotherhood is now calling for a new spring that is Anti-Zion (nation of Israel) and Anti-Semitic (Jewish people).

Dennis Prauger states that Islam is filling in earth’s wells. The Ishmaelites do NOT want to join Abraham’s wealth in his wells. They want their own wells with NO other wells ruling the earth.

Yet, our world is seeing ISRAEL as a leader on our earth even having more common sense than America with its current LEFT administration. People can’t wait for this next election to get back the man that never really walked away from Abraham’s wells. He states that the LEFT hates the RIGHT because of jealousy. He is right.

We see this is a spiritual battle happening in the Heavens. We are in the 21st Century which patterns to Daniel’s 21 days of prayer and fasting to bring The Archangel Michael. Our Messiah is coming as a Michael to fight. When Yeshua comes out of Bazra it is done in a flash.

YES, the fight is still with The Prince of Persia that holds the minds of Islam.

Exo 40:2  “On the first day of the first month, you are to set up the tabernacle, the tent of meeting. 

Exo 40:3  Put in it the ark for the testimony, and conceal the ark with the curtain. 

The Seder hides part of the matzah cracker that has no leaven in it. We know that Christ had no leaven in Him. He would raise himself up on Day Three. Yeshua Jesus is our testimony for salvation. For 3500 years the Hebrews have followed the ‘instructions’ of The Seder. They are to ‘remember’ coming out of the Egypt…the world. Then, they remembered all the fish, leeks, and herbs they had to eat. They were glad that their manual labor was over, yet their stomachs wanted more than dessert food made from the manna. Yes, another ‘food’ problem as seen with Adam and a ‘fruit’ tree. They had to leave because they could no longer eat of The Tree of Life that let them live forever. (It’s interesting that eating ‘clean’ does help you live a longer life.)

For 8000 years our earth is to ‘REMEMBER’ to come away from our slavery, our Egypt’s.

Exo 40:10 Anoint the altar for burnt offerings with all its utensils—consecrate the altar; then the altar will be especially holy. 

Something that is holy is ‘set apart’. The ‘un-leavening’ of our lives represents our desire to be set apart to not be part of sinning.

King Solomon was too busy building his empire through joining other countries via marriages. These wives had backgrounds different than Solomon’s background. They honored other gods when truly there are no other gods that are real. Our Creator acts in our lives to assure us we are on the right path…His path of pattern.

The Seder is instructed by God for all humans who want to be part of bringing our earth forward to its redemption at The Eighth Day (8000 years).

Israel is in the ‘fullness of her times’ right now. She is being righteous in removing evil. The Day Eight War (Shemini Atzeret War) happened on their 75th Anniversary. October 7, 2023 is when Israel had official statehood on October 7, 1947.

Abraham left his father’s house at age 75 at Haran and walked the earth. When he dug a well and found water he was blessed. Instead of enjoying the blessing of that well water, the neighbors would fill in that well. They would rather be destitute than prosperous because of their jealousy of his God. This continued to happen to Abraham until he finally settled at Bethel. Yes, this is where ADONAI wanted him to anchor on the earth. It is the same location where Ya’cov would return to.

YHWH had been leading Abraham there for three days and three nights with Isaac in hand. It is the place where ‘outside the camp’ God in the flesh was able to FILL up all that was said about this over 4000 years.

David would buy the land at Hebron where he would reign for SEVEN years. Yes, it was a 7000-year program for the earth. Then Beth’el (the house of God) would accept the ark of the covenant where we see The Temple with good intentions. Yet, God burnt His house down in 70 AD. YHWH will not be mocked by false teachers. Today’s leaders are being chastised. Their seminaries don’t want to teach The Torah. Colleges are closing and The Jewish teachers and students are being barred from classrooms. YHWH wants FULL Torah for the earth. He is again making Alliyah (going home) to Israel for His children.

He is once again leading The Jewish children ack to Israel. He will fill up where the Philistines once lived with fresh new people from The Tribe of Ya’cov. It will be Israel that spread out over the earth… not Ishmael.

What we are seeing on our earth in our day are people being led by wolves because their foundation came from saying a prayer to ‘get out of hell’. And now how do these new Believers stand up for Jesus in these last days? The Jewish side still is not being allowed to be called, TRUTH. The words, ‘dirty Jew’ is blasphemy. God calls himself Israel. Ya’cov wrestled with the Angel of God and won. He then has his name changed to Israel. They are ONE and they are friends. Israel means one who struggles with God. Do I struggle for the things of God? If I do this, my name is joined to Israel.

Yes, Ya’cov goals would be to struggle with God for righteous living on our earth.

Yes, I heard the phrase ‘dirty Jew’ come from a pastor wife’s mouth in 2002. Her background was Catholic and then charismatic. I stopped her immediately and told her Jesus was a Jew. He came through the line of Judah. He came through the line of Nathan on his mother’s side. He did not come through Solomon’s line. That was his stepfather Joseph’s side. He came through the Holy Spirit… hm. perhaps conceived or birthed on SHAVUOT? (a guess)

Jewish Jesus could only speak what The Father spoke. The disciples could only retell their stories, just as Moses was only giving an ‘account’ of their journey for forty years in the ‘wilderness’ in the last thirty days of his life. The Book of Deuteronomy was his last 30 days of his life. They were his words and not the direct words from YHWH.

If we are going to live by every word of God, then it will never deviate from what was taught during that wilderness experience. All of Scripture must line up with God speaking. Even look at Nadav and Abyhu at Month One Day Eight. They were burnt up. There were the two priests selected to set that first example to The People. They were to be there 7 days and 7 nights. They could not leave. They showed us that God does not leave us for 7000 years. There was a strange fire in their incense burners. I would say their prayers were strange (not sincere). Perhaps pride set in on them being selected. In 2024, Month One Day Eight the emirates (cities) of Dubai and Oman were flooded in waist high water covering their expensive automobiles and closing flights completely. For 75 years they taunted the God of Isaac. Yes, Month One Day Eight we see in Leviticus 19 they burn up like crispy critters. To-the-event of Nadab and Abyhu the Arab United Emeritus witnessed their destruction for being haughty Gentiles. Yes, Ishmael was sent off once again on April 16, 2024. This time his TWELVE tribes will be thirsty even as they stand in water without electricity and help. God is in judgment my friends and we are NOT to mourn them as they are carried out. We are NOT to mourn the Gazans who won’t give back 133 hostages…even if they are dead or alive they won’t give them up. This tells us that God is NOT done with Ishmael. More judgment is coming. And we know that the final judgment is by burning.


We are in a great wilderness on our earth right now. There is so much confusion as pastors don’t want to lose their flocks. People commit to their church as if it’s their family. But the flocks are hearing God speak to say, “Come out of her.” Come out and be blessed as you join The Torah given in The Wilderness. It was not given at Jerusalem, but it was given in The Wilderness because it is meant for ALL people…foreigners and strangers…all who will believe this FIRST LOVE. Rev 2:3-5 RETURN to your first LOVE… it is not a person my friends, it is The Torah given from the beginning way before Jesus was born. The ancient fathers are Abraham, Isaac and Yacov and Noach and Adam. Adam offered clean sacrifice. And Abel’s offering was acceptable because it followed pattern. Perhaps God clothed them in the skins of a young bull calf.

Poor Moses is getting the worst wrap as people think God said that they could divorce one another, when God said, ‘No’. Moses is talking to a ‘hardhearted’ people. They wanted waht they wanted. And now we lean into them and agree with those ‘Haughties’ again saying Moses said so. There is no place in God’s direct words for ‘separation’ or ‘divorce’. PERIOD.

Divorce is manipulation. People step into ‘separation’ claiming some type of false abuse against each other. Thus, even if they do NOT divorce thinking they are obeying God, they are still manipulating the other person because now they are still controlling that life while in separation. Yes, they continue to control when separating and NOT divorcing because neither can enter a relationship with another person. God designed men and woman to ‘comfort’ each other. So, now there is NO comfort but only loneliness for the one being manipulated. It is sin to not bring forth fruit on the earth. I have been told this is ‘witchcraft’.

Witchcraft is a controlling spirit that manipulates. And divorce manipulates children to choose sides. It is a strong family that will come against the accuser and choose the offended. Yes, perhaps a ‘going away’ party is in order. It says that we will remain family and not be manipulated. It says that we will not be offended if you leave. It says that we will no longer be ‘indifferent’ to the argument. When we stand in God’s instructions, God is there.

So, let’s go back to not offending The Gentile.

Hmm, did God really say that? I’m really confused about how God thinks the Gentile is to be treated even more special than His own children through Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov that are our examples to holiness before a HOLY Creator.

I have witnessed the Spirit of Confusion that keeps appeasing the ‘gentile’ to places them in a ‘haughty’ position before YHWH.

When I asked how to blow a shofar in its correct pattern I was given an instruction. When I ask that same teacher how he would, being Jewish, would blow it, I got a different answer.

You see, there is a struggle between Jew and Gentile. They know they are instructed to teach The Gentile, and yet they want to remain separate. Thus, we see Scripture being misinterpreted about food. This Jewish teacher and others are falsely using the ‘dietary’ guidelines as not necessary for the Gentiles. Thus, this ‘don’t’ offend’ the Gentile theme has not permeated our world.


We are all blessed equally by God as Jew and Gentile are grafted into all the Promises of God. This is not just about saying a praying. It is about living our lives in accordance to GOD. If we don’t understand it, just DO it! Did they understand what eating manna for 40 years would mean to our earth? No, they just did it. Did they understand the depth of SEVEN? No, they just did it. It is PATTERN that brings the fullness of God to an Unbeliever.

Why do we spring clean? I came from The Seder! Taking SIN out of your life. We do NOT kill other humans. Do you think Gazans know what sin is? No, Deception is so heavy upon them as they are led by IRAN, the Prince of Persia. Yes, false information does lead to spiritual death. There is no place for murder, adultery, sexual perversion, etc. in the Kingdom of God.

The Temple in Jerusalem was lost in 70 AD. The High Priest and all positions were no longer of a circumcised heart. Positions had been put in place to replace The Torah. Evil’s goal is to remove The Torah.

The October 7 Day Eight War’s goal is to remove God from the earth. If you remove The Jewish, you remove The Torah…which his removing God. Gentiles are not currently fighting for The Torah. They want the New Testament… secondhand words… and not directly from God. Jesus keeps telling us he could do nothing but fill up all what The Father instructed him to do. And, in human flesh He did it… even after many temptations. Yes, ONE man came and defeated spiritual death…Amein and thank you… especially at Pesach that continues into the Holy Spirit arriving at SHAVUOT. Yes, a perfect day of Arrival again…Day 50 of The Counting Up to the Omer.

Even Islamic’s have their corrupt leaders. Islam is deceptive in that it wants Ishmael’s peace on the earth and not Ya’cov’s peace for the earth.

I just found out that Islam (made up in the 9th century) wrote in its manifesto that once an Arab (Islamelite) lives in a state, it cannot be lived on by any other. Hmm…. Wow… that is a world-conquering degree, don’t you think? And yet, Mohammed’s story began in the 7th century AD is supposed to outrank God who began with Isaac and not Ishmael 3500 years ago. Yes, a false narrative to appease the Arab Gentile. They do not follow Ya’cov’s twelve tribes but their own 12 tribes always battling their half-brother with false narratives.

Israel gave the Sinai to Egypt in 1979. Arab Sunni Egypt wanted protection from Shi’ite IRAN. Israel has always acted as a buffer between these Islamic nations who fight each other.

Rom 11:12 Moreover, if their stumbling is bringing riches to the world—that is, if Isra’el’s being placed temporarily in a condition less favored than that of the Gentiles is bringing riches to the latter—how much greater riches will Isra’el in its fullness bring them! 

Rom 11:13  However, to those of you who are Gentiles I say this: since I myself am an emissary sent to the Gentiles, I make known the importance of my work 

Rom 11:14  in the hope that somehow, I may provoke some of my own people to jealousy and save some of them! 

Rom 11:15  For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? It will be life from the dead! 

Rom 11:16  Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. 

Rom 11:17  But if some of the branches were broken off, and you—a wild olive—were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, 

Rom 11:18  then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you. 


Rom 11:19  So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 

Rom 11:20  True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! 

Rom 11:21  For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won’t spare you! 

Paul only met Jesus on a road from which he was blinded for three days and three nights. It took a Jewish person to open his eyes. He was ordered to go to Jew that The Torah was for The Gentile, too. He was ordered to go to The Gentile to tell them the good news of The Torah being theirs as well. And he confirmed Jesus’ resurrection as he witnessed him in Heaven. John witnessed Yeshua Jesus in Heaven’s realm. We have two people giving eyewitness to Yeshua being the strength of The Father in Heaven’s realm. This same YESHUA is He that will return to earth to cleanse it. We will be likened to Adam where all evil washed away except for EIGHT individuals. Those EIGHT pattern the earth to year 8000. It is truly a NEW beginning then.

GENTILES: Don’t take listen to Jewish people that teach you, you don’t have to be set apart to God. Certainly, we are set apart to God. If he told Adam now to eat, then he is telling you how to eat. We are to be a CLEAN people! Why do you want to eat with the pigs?

God says to be HOLY (set apart) as I AM holy (set apart).

Did Cain say a prayer of forgiveness? His countenance was lowered as his offering wasn’t accepted. He had brought an improper offering. It did not fit the pattern to being ‘unleavened’; without sin.

Our Messiah is pictured in patterns. If we eat those puffy cookies when it is a week of abstinence picturing our resolve to not sin, then we are ‘haughty’ and our Gentile pride cuts us off.

Yes, God’s love will never cease for his children. But we ourselves walk away. Solomon walked away from The Torah. He never let the earth’s land rest was the biggest challenge to the people. No crops? No income? For 490 years they kept their income from God’s earth. Then, to correct them, they were removed from its soil for 70 years. One year for every Shemittah year (year 7) that was missed. This lesson is to be remembered.

We are testing God when we don’t obey The Torah. You are setting yourself up for failure. If you don’t see it in your lifetime, it could come in your children and their children’s life time.

TEST ME, he says… see what I will do for you.

We moved into our bare 24.3 acre in 2010. I decided to TEST God even though our land was not in Israel. Oh my… he certainly confirmed to me The Shemittah years. He confirmed it through hay and the birth of black Angus calves. Production. The 14 calves followed The Sabbath and The Lord’s Feasts.

We name our properties ‘El Shaddai’. But this time in my life, I’ve learned to notice what happens on His Hebrew calendar. I also see His calendar in my grandchildren and great grandchildren being born. Even my niece’s cat having kittens was at Pesach. I was amazed. I love seeing The Hand of God on us. I’m sad when others think it’s a superstition. I hate horoscopes but I love God’s signaling us.

Year SIX – double blessing – 42 bales.

In the Shemittah year 7 we went to 23 bales.

Then in another year 7 (2022) we struggled to get 23 bales.

In 2023 our 34 bales confirmed the saros series 34 Annular Solar eclipse. The October 7, 2023, Day-Eight Bride War happened 7 days earlier. (3+4 = 7 = Sabbath, a sign used by God)

Romans 11:20

So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! 

Rom 11:21  For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won’t spare you! 

What Day Will God Call Us Out? Day Eight!

Exo 40:2  “On the first day of the first month, you are to set up the tabernacle, the tent of meeting. 

Exo 40:17  On the first day of the first month of the second year, the tabernacle was set up. 

Lev 9:1  On the eighth day, Moshe called Aharon, his sons and the leaders of Isra’el, 

Lev 10:1  But Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, each took his censer, put fire in it, laid incense on it, and offered unauthorized fire before Adonai, something he had not ordered them to do. 

Lev 10:2  At this, fire came forth from the presence of Adonai and consumed them, so that they died in the presence of Adonai. 

Lev 10:3  Moshe said to Aharon, “This is what Adonai said: ‘Through those who are near me I will be consecrated, and before all the people I will be glorified.’ ” Aharon kept silent. 

Lev 3:17  It is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations wherever you live that you will eat neither fat nor blood.’ ” 

Lev 4:12  in other words, the entire bull—he is to bring outside the camp to a clean place, where the ashes are emptied out. There he is to burn it on wood with fire; there, where the ashes are emptied out, it is to be burned up. 

Sins of ignorance –

Lev 4:22  ” ‘When a leader sins and inadvertently does something against any of the mitzvot of Adonai concerning things which should not be done, he is guilty.

 Lev 4:27  ” ‘If an individual among the people commits a sin inadvertently, doing something against any of the mitzvot of Adonai concerning things which should not be done, he is guilty. 

How do we find out if we’ve sinned against God?

When we return to our ‘first love’ and study the ‘instructions’ we will find Yeshua our Messiah in them and fall in love with him and His love of God’s instructions, called The Torah.

Who is grafted in?

Rom 11:19  So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 
Rom 11:20  True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! 

Yes, now the Gentile has great responsibility! What if their fire looks strange before a HOLY God?

Now, let’s close with Revelation 2

Rev 2:2  “I know what you have been doing, how hard you have worked, how you have persevered, and how you can’t stand wicked people; so you tested those who call themselves emissaries but aren’t—and you found them to be liars. 
Rev 2:3  You are persevering, and you have suffered for my sake without growing weary. 

Rev 2:4  But I have this against you: you have lost the love you had at first.

Did they lose Jesus? NO!

Did they hate evil? YES!

Did they call leaders that were false? YES!

So, these were good works… hating the ways of Ishmael. But, what did the Ephesians’ lives look like?

Rev 2:5  Therefore, remember where you were before you fell, turn from this sin, and do what you used to do before. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your menorah from its place—if you don’t turn from your sin! 

The Ephesians sin was not doing The Torah. They had gotten choked up with Greek idolatry. Even having a menorah in their window did no good because it didn’t mean anything to them.

Today, no one sits a menorah in their window because they are NOT Jewish is what I’m told. So, what is being Jewish? It certainly does not have anything to do with your lineage as Scripture says. But he that is Jewish loves The Torah through whom patterns The Messiah Yeshua Jesus.

Interestingly, I carry my small menorah with me when I go to functions. It is strange that even these groups that have been misled don’t even bring a menorah to sit at their tables. When I sat mine on the table Saturday night, I was asked why I brought it. When several brought our menorahs to display on Thursday night a helper said that there were enough things sitting around.

Interesting that we want to have Seders, but we have no heart for The Menorah. Do you know what was inscribed on the doors of the synagogues in Ephesus? The menorah was cut into a stone header indicating the gathering place. Yet, they also found a header stone with a menorah engraved and also a triangle. Yes, believers in Zeus also moved in. This, my friends, is what Paul, Peter. etc. were entrusted to declare…. ONE God and ONE Torah. There could be no food offered to Zeus and then carried into the setting where the menorah was. This rendered YHWH as common. YHWH refuses to be called, common. YHWH is set apart and will not share his synagogue (gathering place) with any other of their hundreds of gods.

Abraham shut down Nimrod’s factory that made gods and got kicked out. Nahor died in those fires that made the hardened figurines. Nimrod hated Terah’s family and that is when they went back to Canaan…. to later witness Abraham, wife Sarai and Lot head out to only have their wells filled in.

We are seeing that some areas act the same way. We know what happened and so we know what happens now.

Only now we have Yeshua speaking to John what a disappointment the church is. They are good but not good enough. There is another two thousand years of history that needs to happen and now we need another one thousand years to operate with God’s Instructions coming through our hearts.

If we only say a prayer, there can be no action to verify that heart.

James tells us that faith without action is void.

Yes, deception is HIGH because Christians are so afraid of ‘works’ that they can’t see the ‘pattern’ of LOVE. Torah does not mean law, but instructions. Let us love God’s instructions. Let us not be told, “I don’t know you.”

Let us not EAT Leaven at Pesach…. as now we verify we are Gentiles of whom can be offended.

That verse was telling Peter that he could eat with Gentiles because they too would be eating clean. They were grafted into The Torah. It shocked the Jewish community. Today, our Jewish community is shocked and really does not yet believe it. They encourage us to go to church on Sunday and eat what we want. That is why people are bringing puffy food. Truly, it has only made them haughty as they gleam back at me as if to challenge them in their action of eating LEAVEN at Pesach.

UNBELIEVEABLE but understandable.

Our Mandate:

Act 5:37  After this, Y’hudah HaG’lili led another uprising, back at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax; and he got some people to defect to him. But he was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 
Act 5:38  So in the present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these people, but to leave them alone. For if this idea or this movement has a human origin, it will collapse. 
Act 5:39  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!” They heeded his advice. 
Act 5:40  After summoning the emissaries and flogging them, they commanded them not to speak in the name of Yeshua, and let them go. 
Act 5:41  The emissaries left the Sanhedrin overjoyed at having been considered worthy of suffering disgrace on account of him. 
Act 5:42  And not for a single day, either in the Temple court or in private homes, did they stop teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Yeshua is the Messiah. 

Psa 96:9  Worship Adonai in holy splendor; tremble before him, all the earth! 
Psa 96:10  Say among the nations, “Adonai is king!” The world is firmly established, immovable. He will judge the peoples fairly. 
Psa 96:11  Let the heavens rejoice; let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and everything in it; 
Psa 96:12  let the fields exult and all that is in them. Then all the trees in the forest will sing 
Psa 96:13  before Adonai, because he has come, he has come to judge the earth; he will judge the world rightly and the peoples with his faithfulness. 

Rev 2:5  Therefore, remember where you were before you fell, turn from this sin, and do what you used to do before. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your menorah from its place—if you don’t turn from your sin! 

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