Rabbi teach The Torah

SHOAH 2024 – The ‘Remembrance’ is on our campuses!

Yom HaShoah

Day (yom) The (Ha) Remembrance (Shoah)

It is the remembering that keeps us alive.

I am in tears as I write. I put on a CD composed by Kerry Alexander that I got many years ago after hearing him play his music many times in the Kansas City area. Today, there is no march in Kansas City to remember ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day’. But, ADAT YESHUA had a gathering where the MNL group was invited. And, I know of other happenings as well.

Today I hold in my hands the shirt that I got from marching in ‘March of Remembrance’ in the Kansas City area. Years ago, my wonderful mail lady helped organize it. She helped have the shirts made and the program centered around the Shoah (holocaust). Today, she is no longer my mail person and she and her husband are on staff at a Messianic assembly 40 minutes from their home. I truly admire her leadership in our community of making others aware of Israel being our lead to righteous living.

In 2024, a new type of ‘remembrance’ stares us in the face. The college campuses have been infiltrated by paid lobbyists taking the form of marchers against Israel. Out of 72 arrested marchers at one campus, only 15 were students.

The chant ‘Pro-Palestine’ is a misnomer. There has never been a state called Palestine. And yes, there was a people group slanged and called Palestine.

The land was first called Palestine by an Arab desiring to insult the Jewish people. They were demonized and likened to their biblical enemy the nasty Philistines. There has never been a state with coins or a king from an area called Palestine. The name Palestine was used by him as it sounded like their arch enemy The Philistines.

King Saul battled people called the Philistines. A herdsman known as David was probably left-handed and good with a sling. David and his men continued to battle these Philistine giants and conquered them. The chant about David was that he killed his tens of thousands where Saul only killed his thousands. This chant made Saul jealous over David, eventually making him a madman. In these end-times, we see evil wanting its ‘make over’ name and statehood.

Same location but with modern caves and exceptional ammunition.

Little David’s sling no longer slung stones. David’s Sling is now one of Israel’s defense mechanisms that uses rockets to take down rockets fired at little David (Israel). We see this area of the Philistines under demonic control. I commented a few years ago that it needed to be scrapped off into the sea. Yes, I still feel we need to drown any giant that remains. Goliath never repented but kept on for years. They were the reason for the 40-year delay. Calev and Yoshuah knew God could do it for them. The other Ten leaders of the twelve tribes had no faith in God.


Alexander Kerry’s music is soft and sobering. He begins this song taking us back to remembering 1914.

It is in the ‘remembrance’ that we live. Kerry’s lyrics pour into my soul.

I was born in 1950, so what do I remember about 1914? My husband was born in 1948 when Israel became recognized as a nation by Harry S Truman, May 5. Yet, God moved us to Independence Missouri, Harry’s town with our two sons both working for Harry’s Fire Department. Yes, I know God directs our paths for such as a time when He also open ours eyes to His works on this earth.

Harry Truman owned property with a grand view. It is called Grandview. His vision was for America to be grand. That land has now been donated for the good of Israel.

Harry Truman Library – His memorial was just remodeled. Harry’s U.S. Congress did not like his views. He was Vice President for Franklin Dewight Roosevelt at the time FDR died in April 1945. President Roosevelt had privately made plans to have the Ishmaelites (Arabs) have their say about how much land Israel could have when it was divided up by Britain after WWII. He would die within a few months along with Hitler and Mussolini the three fulfilled a scripture that says that God will remove three leaders of whom abhor him, and it will be within a Rosh Chodesh of time. Yes, within the month of April 1945 FDR, Mussolini and then Hitler dies last.

Yes, Harry S Truman was now president and took some profoundly serious actions to STOP WWII. He dropped two Atom bombs on Japan, but they only stopped because Russian said it could no longer supply it with arms against America. Yes, RUSSIA was and still is NOT America’s friend. WAKE UP…. Vote Ukraine. Stop the deception of evil.

America’s Congress hated Harry for recognizing Israel. He would put a line through the name Palestine and write in State of Israel. The name Palestine was intended for the Jewish people and never for Ishmaelites. If there continues to be a group that does not like Israel, they could claim the name Philistines. Hamas will soon be leaving the land named by an Arab in defiance of his hatred for Jewish Ya’cob. Hamas is the invader of a land given to see if these two people could live next to each other. It originally had the PLO in charge until Hamas booted them out and then had illegal elections putting itself in charge of the people living in The Gaza Strip.

America had committed to working with Britain in setting up the new borders after World War II. By 1945, Ishmael’s (Arab) oil became important as the automobile became popular. Not one country was committed to this little country the size of New Jersey.

The Church had convinced people that ‘The Jew’ killed their Jesus. Thus, it seemed okay to kill those responsible for Jesus execution.

FACT: Jesus was a Jew. The Father planned His own execution from the foundation of the world as seen in Genesis with Satan head being crushed. Yeshua is God in the flesh which accomplished crushing Satan’s power. Satan would no longer be the head, but the heal.

The Plan: People could see and hear The Father’s spirit through his only begotten son, Yeshua Jesus. Isarel has always survived the wars against any half-brother. In May 1948 Israel did not have a military. Israel’s own family members (Jewish) showed up to fly borrowed old retired airplanes. Yes, they continue to be little David with a simple sling and still overcome their enemies because it is God’s battle and not theirs. When you come against Israel you come against the name: One who struggles WITH God. Yes, they are partners, not enemies.

The Jewish Heart returns from all the corners of the earth to be part of defeating all the anti-Torah Ishmael’s that rise.

There is no TWO-STATE solution seen in The Bible.

There is ONE-SOLUTION in The Bible: The Promise of Land.

Abraham will no longer dig wells and move on. The well at Beth-el was not filled in by Abraham’s jealous neighbors. Beth’el still stands today with more wells being re-settled. Israel settled this land first and are the original owners. Britain was booted off and now the Ottoman Empire (Turkey/Iran) are AGAIN reminded to leave.

The Persian Empire with Queen Esther was at peace only when the Hebrews returning from their 70-year exile in Babylon were allowed to defend themselves. This is NOT a new ‘rodeo’ for God’s chosen few. God’s desire has always been for righteous men to increase and multiply across all the earth.


Israel became a nation on October 7, 1947. On October 7, 2023, Gazan giants struck with a vengeance to the Israelites that had loved them. The LEFT-thinking Israelites had given Gazans rides to work, to doctor appointments, and treated them as ‘loving their neighbor as themselves’. This Torah command would change to correct or (right) thinking. There is a time to flee to the mountains without going back for your suitcase.

The Philistine giants emerged on October 7, which was Day Eight of a festival that celebrated The Marriage of Israel to the Lamb. It was also Month Seven Day 22. Yes, COMFORT (7) for the BRIDE (2).

1200 Israeli’s would be put under Heavens’s altar that still cries out, “How long, Oh LORD until you avenge our blood?” Yes, 133 are still in The Goliath caves asking, “How long?”

And what is the end of that verse? Do you remember it? Until, all the others have been brought to where they are.

Our world is being given the opportunity to suffer (stand up) that God’s land is viable on this earth with NO ‘sanctions’ against Isra’el. Hamas’ leaders will give hostages back if other nations sanction against ISREAL. That will NOT happen. Evil Esau has no good side to him. He is likened to ADOM meaning blood. He only knows the blood of hunting…hunting humans. Bloody Esau and meandering Ishmael can NOT be trusted in any treaty.

People were told the world was flat and they thought ‘to the end of earth’ was a literal meaning. People thought you could walk off the earth when you reached its end. People also thought that the sun evolved around the earth. Yet, in the days of Jewish Isaac Newton and Copernicus, the earth and our moon were proven to revolve around the sun.

Isn’t it fun to link this to our lives revolving around God’s Son Yeshua Jesus? Earth revolves around the sun just as our lives are to revolve around God’s only begotten Son!

What are we to ‘remember’ that was different than any other clannish war? Yes, instead of Hitler’s ‘hidden’ holocaust, Satan upped the ante to ‘in-your-face’ holocausts. Evil creates holocausts taking human life. God remembers this and calls it a Shoah (remembrance).

Each victim’s torture was videoed and purposely sent out to their social media accounts via their own phones. Shock struck our world. No one could believe the barbarism. In night garments (in their see through linen) the innocent were cut down pridefully by Gazan citizens.

Philistine evil rose up on our earth even in wheelchairs to help place bombs inside Ya’cov’s dead bodies and homes.

We MUST remember so their souls can stop crying out ‘how long’, OH LORD?

These tortures were intended to occur in front of their children’s eyes. Body organs were cut off. Mutilated Israeli bodies were strewn down the roadways. It took great DNA effort to match up body parts so they could be buried whole. Religious values were intentionally undermined and laughed at before the world by these worms of a people.

There is no movie ever made that was so evil as what happened at the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, October10.

Psa 139:1  [For the leader. A psalm of David:] Adonai, you have probed me, and you know me. 

Psa 139:2  You know when I sit and when I stand up, you discern my inclinations from afar, 

From afar God watches. He watched men give ‘remembrance’.

I write this on May 5, 2024, Holocaust Remembrance Day. I have entered the buildings of these three types of worship centers to know what they say.

60-Year Anniversary – New Hope Baptist Church, Independence, MO.

40-Year Anniversary – Ministries of New Life – Bringing full Torah to the pastors.

33-Year Anniversary – Adat Yeshua, KS – Bringing part Torah to the dogs (Gentiles).

New Hope – Celebrated today with a pork BBQ. Pastor has two brothers of whom are pastors and they arrived to celebrate. This pastor recognizes The Father in heaven honoring the blood of His beloved son, Jesus. This church loves and supports Israel but considers their lineage to Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cov not their lineage. They see the giftings of tongues and miracles happen but don’t recognize them for their group.

Most Christians churches today fail the question, “What is their first love?” Revelation 2:4-5.

Adat Yeshua – NY Messianic Rabbi brought Torah to the area 33 years ago. His group has amassed books now worth millions of dollars. These thousands of books are logged to be checked out by the public. Torah is our first love for Jew and Gentile. Yet, they see the Gentiles being limited in their judgments. They see The Land for the Jewish. I question this thinking because those called Jews are not necessarily Jew in their hearts. To be Jewish is to have a heart for God and His ways. Therefore, I can call myself Jewish according to God’s standard.

It is the heart of David that God approved. I believe that if your heart is right, then you will circumcise your flesh and that is the ‘sign’ to The Land. Yes, it is those with a sincere heart for Yeshua Jesus and The Land that will not be spewed out.

Catholic, Seventh Day, Mormon and others place themselves as Israel. They therefore usurp Israel’s authority and don’t have much to say except they wish she would just go away. They say they are Israel because The Temple left our earth and they thought they knew how to fill that void. Is 76 years worth of grace enough? Isn’t it time to figure that God told us about The Land and He’s still talking about The Land?

How long Oh LORD, until they REPENT?

This last 76 years is enough time to stop copying Israel and accept her at face value. Dressing like her priests and throwing out incense is a mockery of The Most High. He is saying he does not know you. We have become Nadab and Abyhu in strange garments and we will burn up as God told us since the days of Noach. They will look like that but be different. Instead of water of baptism it will be by the spirit of fire. We either get a real FIRE within us or we will see a real burn.

MNL – God directs their events through believing wonders through The Spirit (fire). Unknowingly, their leader has walked out their events honoring the Gregorian dates while God had them happening on Hebrew dates.

MNL vision has been for pastors.

In 2015, Revelation 2:4-5 ‘Return to Your First Love’ was realized. The Torah would now be taken to the pastors of the area and beyond. Livestream took The TORAH to the world.

God said to remember The Exodus and how I brought you out of bondage.

Yeshua said do the Seder in ‘remembrance of me’ and remember how I brought you into spiritual salvation.

The Disciple Paul told his readers that since he could not make it back for the original festival, he hoped to be back a Rosh chodesh later at the second one, 14 Iyar (May 22, 2024).

Yes, a God of second chances. If you miss (remembering) the first one scheduled for 14 Nisan, you can (remember) hold your own on 14 Iyar. 14 Iyyar is known as Hezekiah’s Pesach.

Wow… even Jesus stood at Herod’s Temple honor Chanukah at 25 Kislev. What does this festival portray? It is called, The Feast of Dedication. Yeshua was standing The Temple dedicating Himself to be The Light of the World. He could look back to 163 BC and know that He would also fill up that prophecy of being The Menorah that was reset after it had been missed for 42 months.

After 3.5 years (42 mths) it would take Gentile Macabees to stand with The Jewish Esscenes… grafted together they fought to bring God’s light back to correct worship in Solomon’s Temple. It would last until another time slot had to be a marker in time: 70 AD. God would let The Temple burn down and it’s gold melted off of it to pay the Roman soldiers as blood money for killing Jews. Yes, The Temple itself was a blood offering.

God’s calender was created in Genesis. It is time to turn back to remember how God established our earth and its seasons with the sun and moon as His witnesses. These two items mark God’s calendar so we see His hand on the earth. He is NOT invisible. He is spirit and in action constantly.

Psa 139:16  Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed. 
Psa 139:17  God, how I prize your thoughts! How many of them there are! 
Psa 139:18  If I count them, there are more than grains of sand; if I finish the count, I am still with you. 
Psa 139:19  God, if only you would kill off the wicked! Men of blood, get away from me! 
Psa 139:20  They invoke your name for their crafty schemes; yes, your enemies misuse it. 
Psa 139:21  Adonai, how I hate those who hate you! I feel such disgust with those who defy you! 
Psa 139:22  I hate them with unlimited hatred! They have become my enemies too. 
Psa 139:23  Examine me, God, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts. 
Psa 139:24  See if there is in me any hurtful way, and lead me along the eternal way. 

God wants us to TEST out The Torah. Taste it and see that it is good. It is NOT works but loving God His way, and not our own. Try them and see if they don’t help you to live long on the earth.

Thank you for ‘remembering’ us, Adonai. Thank you for giving us something to test you with so we do not just ‘do what is right in our own eyes.’

And please do not TEST up more than we can endure. We love your ways. They do NOT lead us into temptation. Your ways are good and worthy to be praised. Please help us to endure.


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