Book Jubilee patterns OUR future –

This article follows the previous article of how The Book of Jubilees proves an earlier flood; 1334 years from Adam. The Lord’s Feasts are still important for our generation. Is 35 a number of blessing? Noach got off the ark in 1335 to multiply. Daniel states that if you can make it to the 1335 day, you’ll be blessed. What markers will confirm 35 a blessing number? What about the 153 fish that they caught with Yeshua’s help. Hebrew words are defined by reading the word forward and backward. Thus 351 is part of the definition of 153. Each Hebrew word is a letter, number and picture. This language is alive!

Day One of 5784 began on Erev Sabbath, September 15, 2023. September I6 is Rosh Hosanna, Yom Teruah and Sabbath. 3 on 1 day. This has an amazing message to it. It actually shows us the NEXT day, Day Seven, of our Creation days.

Man/Adam created on Day Six. Then Sabbath was created. It was created to picture man RESTing with God. Now at the closing of 6000-earth years, we experience Day Seven being Day One, Tishrei 1 and a New Year.

Yes, we have pushed Heaven’s calendar to discuss ‘Beginnings’ on Day Seven that patterns to year 7000 (6001-7000). As we ponder this appointment with God, in Kansas City area we had hail, with rain on one side of the street but not the other as Day Two Trumpets began at dusk. Rain is blessing. During prayers at this church thundering was heard. It had been weeks of no rain. Yet, it does rain starting Friday nights and some sprinklings on Sabbath. And this Feast of Trumpets 2023 heard God’s trumpets in the sky with over 50 plus recognizing the ‘voice’ of agreement.

We now enter The Days of Awe…Tishrei 1 – 10. (September 16 – 26 in 2023)

Yom Kippur is The Last Awe where we do afflict ourselves. All Sabbaths are to be a joy serving the orphan and widow. The Fast is a day of affliction. It is a Sabbath Day called out by YHWH.

Repenting to each other and among nations is key. As what is written in the books at Yom Kippur will remain in Heavens books for the year. Interesting to think about this. God has a time frame and you’re part of it. Sadly, people wonder from what they are to repent…. as in the Days of Noah and Lot… they went on getting married and had life. Except today, people are choosing NOT to marry because they don’t want their kids to go through what they did. Separation and divorce are nasty… it is selfish and thinks only of itself. Yet, third generations are affected by disobedience of The Torah’s divorce laws.

I stopped by saying no to self. My children are saying no to even separation. It is their children that can only look back and see and talk to these two previous generations in how they handle their marriage disputes… and all will be examples to “NO” divorce or separation. If the chain is broken, so will the third generation be broken….thus the ‘curse’ falls to the THIRD generation.

Yes. 3.14 pi. If the 3 strands break it is because God’s ways are discarded. Without God man and wife, Ish and Isha, live in fire.

We can look to The Family unit of Noach, Emzara and their three children with their wives. We look at Abraham and Sarah bonding together without even given a child for 100 years.

Lot life adopted by Abraham. His father died at age 4. He found a wife, but she looked back to the world wanting it more than her husband. As in the days of Noach is us. Children abandoned by their fathers at a young age. Children growing up not trusting their spouse no matter how many gifts given, or trips traveled.

The death of Lot’s father came from him trying to save ‘the factory of idols’ their personal family artistically made for the community of Nimrod. When God told us about the earth’s future cleansing by fire, we can take it personal, too. Haran was warned for years about God’s disgust for idols. God gave Haran a child…Lot. Haran cast a lot and went in to save idols leaving his son an orphan.

Patterns we cannot ignore. They come in characteristics of how we live out our lives. They come in what we eat, clean or unclean. They come in ‘self’ people or ‘selfless people.’ They come in the sun, moon and stars. They come, they come, they come.

Jubilee 12:9 And in the 40th jubilee, in the second week, in the seventh year thereof, Avram took to himself a woman, and her name was Sarai, the daughter of her father, and she became his woman.

40th jubilee – 1950 – 2000 married in 1964. Abraham was 46 when marrying Sarai

His half-brother, Haran took himself a wife in 1967 and she bore him a son Lot born in the 7th week of that year, 1971. If Abraham is born 1928 then he is 42 when Lot is born.

Haran tried to save their gods from the fire and died because of it in the Ur (fire) of the Kasdiym before his father Terach’s eyes in 1975. They buried him there. Baby Lot is 4 years old.

Jubilee 12:16 And in the sixth week, in the fifth year (1990) thereof, Avram sat up throughout the night of the New Moon of the seventh month to observe stars from the evening to the morning, in order to see what would be the character of the year with regard to the rains, and he was alone as he sat and observed.

17 And a word came into his heart and he said: All the signs of the stars, and the hand of YAHUAH, Why do I search them out?

18 As If he desires, he causes it to rain, morning until evening; And if he desires, he withholds it, And all things are in his hand.

19 And he prayed that night and said, ELOHIYM, EL ELOY, you alone are my ELOHIUM, and you and your dominion have I chosen. And you have created all things, and all thing that are the work of your hands.

20 Deliver me from the hands of evil ruachot who have dominion over the thoughts or men’s hearts, and let them not lead me astray from you, my EOHIYM. And establish me and my seed forever that we go not astray from henceforth and forevermore.

21 And he said, Shall I return unto Ur of the Kasdiym who seek my face that I may return to them, and I am to remain here in this place? The right path before you prosper in the hands of your servant that he may fulfill it and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my heart, oh my ELOHIYM.

22 And he made an end of speaking and praying and behold the Word of YAHUAH was sent to him through me, saying: Get you up from your country, and from your kindred and from the house of your father unto a land which I will show you, and I shall make you a great and numerous nation.

23 And I will bless you and I will make your name great, and you shall be blessed in the earth, and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed, and I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you…………..

26 And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his lips, and I began to speak with him in Ivright (Hebrew), and he transcribed them, and I made known to him that which he could not understand, and he studied them during the six rainy months.

28 And it came to pass in the seventh year of the sixth week (42) that he would leave Haran to go into the land of Kena’an to see it and return to him. 1992 (40th Jubilee 1950-2000) Lot is now 21 years old.

I want to comment on this jubilee. If we push forward to our 21st Century it ties Lot to us since he was 21 years old. And what would be the 120th jubilee since Adam? The year 6000 AM (from Adam). (50 x 120 = 6000)

1950 – 2000 should coordinate with our current 1950-2000. What has been happening on our earth. Has there been the warning of destroying idols before you? Emphatically yes! Israel became a nation in 1948 and is challenging the world with The Torah. How much Torah will our world tolerate is the question year right now in 2023. We are pushing past Haron dying in fire and Abraham at age 75 left his father Terah’s house saying he will return. Terah is alive until age 205. This is the storyline that our generation is living in and we are missing the details’ because the universities and scholars outlawed The Torah and books such a Jubilees and Enoch. Well, now those books are being read and the pattern of our earth’s salvation is fully exposed.

The Caesar’s (zars) started a new calendar in honor of their father, Julius of whom died 50 BC. They started over at year one…not year zero. There is no year zero.

If we can get through the deception of the many things zars have changed on our earth and go back to the Hebraic, we would not be confused at what even the word jubilee means. 120th Jubilee of our earth is 6000 years which patterns to Ya’cov with Lavan 20 years. It is in that 21st year that Binyamin was born. It is our 21st century that Israel is in her land and now 75 years old.

40th Jubilee is 2000 years – Armenian Abraham marries Sarai – they cross over to God by Ur, fire.

80th jubilee is 4000 years – Yeshua marries Jewish bride called Isra’el, crosses to God by cross, fire.

120th jubilee is 6000 years- Torah in man’s heart goes throughout the earth. Death (removal) to those not wanting God’s rule.

Now back to The Patterns –

41st jubilee

Jubilee 16:15 And in the sixth year of the fourth week (27) we came to Avraham, to the Well of the Oath, and we appeared unto him as we had told Sarah that we should return to her, and she would conceive a son.

16:16 And we returned in the seventh month, and found Sarah with child before us and we blessed him, and we announced to him all the things which had been decreed concerning him, that he should not die till he beget six sons more, and should see them before he died; but in Yitschaq should his name and seed be called.

The current month Nisan is Month Seven on the Civil calendar, and Month One declaring months.

The current month Tishrei is Month Seven when counting months. It is Month One when declaring the year. We just declared 5784 on 1 Tishrei 2023. It is used as the day man was created… Creation Day Six.

Creation Days look like this: Day One 25 Elul, Day Two 26 Elul, Day Three 27 Elul, Day Four 28 Elul, Day Five 29, 1 Tishrei Day Six.

From the time of Enoch’s writings, we continue to understand the importance of marking four months out of the year. We are told to mark Month One, Four, Seven and Ten. Marking their ‘new moons’ will help keep us from being off by TEN days. If we are off by TEN days, then we may find ourselves celebrating other Gentile (pagan) festivals.

The Fast called by God is known as Yom Kippur. If the months are not marked, we will not know The Day of Judgment which also reminds us it is a day of JOY for those Atoned by Yeshua’s blood. This is the day we must never forget.

God does not like symbols of him or heaven displayed in our lives. God is spirit and has no physical form. God works through The Spirit and God works through physical Yeshua.

Other gods are not real and are figments of our imagination. Demons are real but they are not to be feared because He (the spirits of God) is greater in you than anything that can come against you.

He will not be associated with non-existent gods. He is the only God… a Living God. We make up these other gods which insults the ONLY God of the universe.

Daniel tells us that carrying trees decorated with silver and gold being outside or brought into our home is not going to hurt you. Yet, it is a severe ‘insult’ to God. To take wood and pour gold on it to store safely in your home or under your ‘saddle’ (like Rachel) becomes your idol. It becomes more important than trusting God for all. These things burn.

Rev 3:18  My advice to you is to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich; and white clothing, so that you may be dressed and not have to be ashamed of your nakedness; and eye salve to rub on your eyes, so that you may see. 
Rev 3:19  As for me, I rebuke and discipline everyone I love; so exert yourselves and turn from your sins! 
Rev 3:20  Here, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me. 

4 years, 40 years 400 years, 4000 years – The DOOR increases the spirit flowing through men.

Forty – Letter ‘mem’. water, flow, chaos

Two – meaning: house, daughter. symbolic: household, in, into, family

At year 4000 when Yeshua walks the earth, correction comes to the violations against The Torah.

Paul tells them God’s disgust of taking food first dedicated to other deities. They had over 50 plus gods…Diana, Zeus, Caesar, Alexander the Great etc. God tells them he is a jealous god and will not no other gods before Him. His feasting table is to be set apart from all other gods.

These people had already learned how to eat clean. It was not the kosher food God was upset with, but that they also entertained other gods in their lives.

And they also did not wait to sit down at a meal together but were gluttons in a hurry to eat. This is an insult to God. It showed their offerings were just about them and not God.

We see instructions of giving thanks after we eat and teaching us to be thankful when we are full. We can also thank him that we are satisfied with one plate and not a glutton for two.

Gentiles normally did not eat with the Jewish. Now things were changing with Yeshua telling them to go out to all the world. They were to go into the homes of Gentiles as we see Peter going to Corneilius’ house and over time his entire household accepted Yeshua’s message of salvation. Corneilus had already accepted The Torah and he was even praying three times a day toward the Tempe. He was already eating clean as were many Gentiles who wanted to be blessed by The Living God that dwelled right there in Jerusalem.

So, when Paul told them not to worry about what was placed before them by a Gentile, the food was assumed clean. It was assumed no idols were involved, too. They certainly would not have been sitting at an Easter celebration with ham being served and told, ‘Eat Peter.’ Peter and Paul were both now eating with Gentiles which was condemned. They were told not to worry what others were saying but go ahead and eat. As time went on and Paul revisits these communities, he had to warn them again about bringing the Caesars into their worship.

There is a menorah emboldened into a synagogue arch and there is the sign for Zeus on it as well. This is evidence they were adding other gods. These churches were warned by John to stop doing this or their menorah would be removed. He walked that entire area warning them. He died after 90years old. The Menorah is The Torah. When you remove The Torah, you remove God’s Light from the earth. People who do this will be removed. The Tu-B’Shevat Turkey 2023 earthquakes removed 50,000 people. Islam covers Turkey and Syria. It is being removed as The Torah comes back to the earth even where The Seven Assemblies were.

Jubilee 41 (2000 – 2050)

Tishrei 1

Isaac – weaned at 15 Tishrei – Celebrated to now tabernacle with man.

16:21 And he built Sukkot for himself and of this servants on this feast, and he was the first to celebrate the Feast of Sukkot on the earth.

This weaning is celebrated at Sukkot in Jubilee 41.

2039 – Isaac conceived

2040 – Isaac born. Tishrei

Weaned at the First Succot by Abraham – Tishrei

In ‘Honor of Isaac’ patterns in ”Honor of Yeshua’s’ who came at year 4000 and projected at year 8000.

September 29, 2023 at dusk The Lord’s Feast of Tabernacles began first in Israel. They are 8 hours ahead of the United States time.

Sukkot is 7 days with an extra day at the close making it 8 days. People go camping getting out from their own homes. There is safety in the wilderness. Sukkot is about family and friends.

Our granddaughter is 25 on October 5, 2023. She was born on Day One Sukkot. She does love God very much. Yet to embrace the feasts. We were married on Tishrei 10, not knowing it was Yom Kippur. I now embrace it as a joy as God pushes me to understand even the TEN in Yom Kippur. Ten is the letter ‘yud’ indicating the closed Hand of God. It is His judgment hand. Abraham had ten trials and Sarai moving away from him, after ‘The Isaac Offering’ was one of those trials. He spends 14 years at Chevron where he will bury her. This is where Isaac also spends 14 years as he dedicates himself to his mother after being a willing sacrifice. Abraham and Isaac believed in ‘resurrection.’ They both knew God promised Isaac would return to the two servants waiting for them.

We also know Yeshua was seen with two servants confirming all that must take place before His willing offering could take place. He had to fill up every prophecy that had been declared over the last four thousand years about him. Elijah reaffirmed prophecies and Moses confirmed the prophecies. They talked a very long time. It was getting dark, and the disciples wanted to put up three sukkots, one for each of them.

Forty-second Jubilee – The end of Sarah’s Life. God’s Bride taken at 6000 years (4+2 =6)

Jubilee 19:1 AND in the first year of the first week in the forty-second jubilee (2051), Avraham returned and dwelt opposite Chevron, that is qiryat Arba, two weeks of years (14 years; 2065)

Our current generation just experienced the 2014-2015 Tetrad marking another segment of time. 2014 + 14 years will be 2028. 28 is the last year in Week Four. It makes sense for RETURN as Yeshua came at year 4000 and was on the earth in 28 AD.

Took 40 lashes. Stayed 40 more days…left 10 days before Shavuot (day 50). Sold for 30 pieces silver… Abraham paid 400 pieces of silver for land against Mamre at caves of McPhelah.

19:2 And in the first year of the third week (2050+15 = 2065) of this jubilee the days of the life of Sarah were accomplished, and she died in Chevron.

Jubilee 19:5-6 400 pieces of silver

Jubilee 19:7 And all the days of the life of Sarah were one hundred and twenty seven years, that is, two jubilees and four weeks and one year: these are the days of the years of the life of Sarah.

19:8 This is the tenth trial wherewith Avraham was tried, and he was found faithful, patient in the ruach.

Sarah age 127 died in 2065 from Adam. (2065 minus 127 years = 1938 b.) Abraham is ten years older; born 1928.

Yet, some figure he was born in year 1948. The Book of Jubilees is very specific about 1914.

Their ages still pattern well to what we know of Israel’s history of returning to her land, as a nation recognized by the United States with Harry S Truman as its president in 1948. Belford Accord 1918, WWI, WWII all fit the timeline even being in the 1900’s.

Nation of Israel 1948 + 75 years = 2023 for ISRAEL to walk back on the earth with her King of Kings.


1928 – Abraham’s age born + 75 years = 2003 leaves father’s house.

1928 + 100 years Issac born = 2028.

Could Messiah have his second visit to our earth in 2028? It divides by 7 to fit the profile of Shemittah / setting captives free. Many rabbis agree with 2029 in looking for Messiah. Once a 7-year cycle ends, it is the next year that gives the freedom year (50). Thus, it is Year 1 that can be significant. The important thing is that we keep looking. It is those that say, “He is taking too long.” that will miss out on declaring The Lord before the world. They live as if in the ‘days of Lot and Noach’… not looking for God in their lives. The bible states that the Gentiles will seek rabbis to teach them The Torah. Gentiles will find a Jewish Jesus named Yeshua. This name is the word for ‘salvation’. Gentiles will share Yeshua with the Jewish.

1938 + 127 years = 2065 year Sarah died.

Sarah born 1938

1938 + 90 years – 2028 – Isaac b.

1938 + 127 years = 2065 – Sarah d.

Isaac is 37 when his mother dies. It is said that she moved away from Abraham after he tried to kill Isaac. He then moves by her for the last 14 years of her life.

Jubilee 19:11 And Avraham took to himself a third woman, and her name as Qeturah, from among the daughters of his household servants, for Hagar had died before Sarah.

19:12 And she bore him six sons, Zimran and Yoqshan, and Medan, and Midyan, and Yishbaq, and Shuach, in the two weeks of years. (14 years)

In the next fourteen years. Avraham moved to where Sarah was with Isaac.

After fourteen years he begins another set of 14 years to multiply the earth.

Sarah dies when Abraham was age 137. Fourteen more year makes him 151 years old.

Abraham did reach age 153 in those two weeks of years (2 x 7 = 14). He brought all of his children together and told them to obey God. When he died at age 175 he had exactly 100 children and grandchildren’s children.

Palestine (God’s bride) was promised her land in 1918 but was being displaced again in 1937. Abraham at age 137 is distraught losing Sarah.

The Sixth Man cycle (43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49)

After the Holocaust ending in Spring 1945, Israel as a nation in 1948 still struggles to keep her land.

Abraham too struggled for land. He was hidden away at age TEN. Shem was teaching Abraham in a cave at an early age. His great grandfather Enoch taught in a cave…. perhaps it was the same situation of hiding their writings. By 1953 AD the Hebrew children were returning to the nation. The Holocaust of 1938 to 1945 involved the sixth and seventh Shemittah cycle. Abraham was born in 1928 with his first seven years being hidden as a child. I will verify his birth year in Jubilees soon.

Terah’s wife, and mother to Abram, was not liked after her father Avram died. Terah married another woman and had sons. Those sons resented Abram. At age TEN he was taught in a cave to study with Shem’s son Arkapashad.

Avram’s grandfather died before his daughter gave birth to Avram…thus he was named after him, Avram.

Age 50 he left the Chaldean area for the established area of Haran with his wife, father and Lot. He had burnt down Nimrod’s idol shop and had to go into hiding before moving to Haran. Twenty five years later he’s leaving that area. He is promised wherever his foot steps will be his. We see him winning a war at Damascus where his servant Eleazar is from. Yes, Israel still does not have every piece promised.

Other 4 Facts

Lot is 4 years old when his father Haran dies.

In the 44th Jubilee Week 1,Year 1, Rosh Chodesh of Month One; Tishrei. YAHUAH appeared to Isaac and he built an altar there and called upon the name of YAHUAH.

Herod Antipas reign c. 4 BC and 4 AD. -4 BC to AD 1 – 39. He held authority over man for 40 years. He held the door to many lives that were executed in years -4, 4, 14, 24, 34. His reign would be known as an ‘executioner’ of even babies. He tried to close Yeshua off the earth by at least five segments of four. He was a door (the letter dahlet) to the Messiah being executed.

This is earth’s 80th Jubilee. Yes, Yeshua came at the jubilee that speaks of ‘New beginnings.”

This evil Herod took John the Baptist’s head off. He sent Yeshua back to Pilate. Yeshua’s trial would be within this Herod’s rule. It is Yeshua that acted as a lamb before the world.

There is another interesting date from The Days of Abraham. In 2003 Abraham offered a burnt sacrifice and called upon YAHUAH ELOHAYU. In 2004 Abraham and Lot have so much wealth that they part. It saddened Abraham that Lot chose the area of Sodom. The door (4) of compromise was knocking at Lot in year 4 once again. His father died in fire when he was 4. Now he chooses a town that will burn as well.

Fourteen plays a serious roll in patterns. It’s two weeks of 7 days. It could play out two sets of seven as we see with Yoseph helping Egypt to get fat while the world becomes very thin. Today, in the worst of days for the world, could be viewed as the best of days for believers. True believers have a kingdom viewpoint.

After two years of world famine, Ya’cov’s family is preparing for Egypt. It will take Yacov’s son coming back to him in glory with wagons and chariots for Ya’cov to agree to set up his glorious family in another area.

We see here The Father sending for us to enter His glory to be light to the world. There are two very dry years before the entire family leaves Isaac and Rebecca and Abraham and Sarah’s bones in the caves at McPhelah. In 17 years, all of Egypt will caravan to bring Ya’cov back to be buried with Leah at McPhelah. Seventeen sees God in control (7) of rest or change. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for The Sabbath. When we observe 17 in our generation, let us not forget who moved our world for good in 2017. We were given a President like Grover Cleveland…a man who cared about people. Trump is still like Joseph in Egypt. There but not lifted back up. He was respected, but not now; but hewill rise again serve God’s chidlren. Trump will NOT be forgotten. He told America it’s future and he is the Jospeh that can make it happen again.

Trump in 2014 was being groomed for office. By 2017 he was carried to The White House. Trump was born on a Friday, 14 June, 15 Sivan. In 2021 he had left office, but on his birthday the world was ‘marked by an eclipse on his birthday 15 Sivan. The world has gone into darkness because they rejected God’s chosen leader. His son-in-law had the Noachide Laws posted in the white House. He was endorsing Torah for the earth. The world found darkness in the next administration.

Ishmael was 14 when is Isaac born. Yet at age 13 Ishmael obeyed his father allowing himself to suffer. His bloodied circumcision would connect him to inherit land via Abraham’s promise. We can see his pride in being ‘firstborn.’ Adam’s wife Chanoah is taken out of Adam’s side causing blood to spill on Day 13. Abel’s blood cried out from the ground. Yeshua’s blood cries out to us to for our salvatoin.

Yoseph is born after 14 years of working with Laven. His father Ya’cov had his wages changed TEN times which follows a pattern that his father Abraham had gone through TEN trials before Isaac got married and had his father, Ya’cov. Yoseph was the last born with Laven outside the homeland. Binyamin is born near the homeland but yet outside the city. Yeshua was killed outside the City of Jerusalem.

15 Tishri Feast of Tabernacles (Jubilee 32 Rachel is pregnant after Ya’cov named Israel.)

23 Tishri (Jubilee 32 Deborah, Rebeca’s nurse, dies

2186 Cheshvan 11 – Binyamin born Rachel died

1334 – Cheshvan 10 – God closes Noach door. Day TEN 8 humans inside. Flood begins Day 17.

(Tishrei 1 marks Noach 600 years. Tishrei 1 marks Noach 601. This Head of Civil Year, dark night begins Tishrei with 30 days. Then TEN more days to Door Closing in Month Two, Cheshvan.

Both months picture 30 and 10. Month 1 – Man Designed, Month 2 – Man Destroyed

Adam created at Head Month (Tishrei). Noach saves man building Ark by 1 Tishrei.

Adam judged Month Two Day 17. World judged by Flood Month Two Day 17.

Adam consecrated 30 days, 7 days, 3 days (40 days). Goes into Garden Month Two Day 10.

Chanoah consecrated 60 days, 14 days, 6 days (80 days). Goes into Garden Month 3 Kislev, Month Three Day 11. (only 29 days in Cheshvan)


Yoseph was 7 when his full brother Binyamin was born. Yoseph is 17 when he is sold into slavery. Binjamin loses his brother at age TEN. Binyamin will have TEN children by the time they go to Egypt. Yet, he will dwindle down to almost a non-existent tribe… having to marry into the Tribe of Judah in order to remain a tribe.

Binyamin is only TEN years old. Isaac follows a TEN pattern as they mourn him for TEN years and then move to Egypt. What is of worthy note is that there are Ten-year wars. TEN is the Hand of God.

It appears that the last two years of Isaac being given memorial for ten years, the tribes will be in pain for their own misdeeds. They have been in pain from the famine, the loss of their brother and great grandpa Isaac. The EIGHT (new beginning) was happening in this family.

This current Israeli story began in 2015. I remember sitting with my friend Joyce at The Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 at Lake Paradise when this occurred in Israel to a male teen age 15.

Nathan was in his Aunt’s extra bedroom resting on her bed as others enjoyed the family gathering at that Feast of Tabernacles in 2015. When he came back from his after-deathexperience, he was very weak. It took him awhile to tell his uncle his experience. That uncle asks him to share with other men what happened to him. As I reviewed the video over and over again in 2015, he said that God’s War had started 27 Elul 2015.

Eight years from that is 2023… this year. I am going to suggest that if a TEN-Year War is in play…then there are TWO years left before something comes to take ‘beloved’ to safety. 2025 seems to be a marker we may hang our hats on. Tribulation will be great on the earth. In the next two years, it will be very dry years for God’s enemies who are against The Torah. I keep having confirmed to me that The Torah is going to flourish all over the world these next two years. And, then the next five years will be a ‘famine’ of evil. The War Against Evil will drown it.

Yom Kippur – Month 7 Day 10 and Month 1 Day 10 could happen last.

The middle feast is Shavuot. It has always been in the spring involving The Spirit of God on men. Christians call it Pentecost and Moses experienced it first at Mt. Sinai where all stood in the Presence of God.

Adam hosted it with Cain failing it. Noach hosted it with his kids failing it. Abaham re-ignited it with Solomon failing it. Yeshua was given and then left at 40 days. The Holy Spirit was then given on Day 50 indwelling The Torah within us designed to set us free. The Torah leads out by those called, “the greatest’ in the Kingdom of God. I’m not sure what the ‘least are doing? Maybe they aren’t there?

Once Isaac dies it is TEN years before they go to Egypt during famine.

Isaac is 60 when twins Ya’cov and Esau are born. Good and evil are presented at age 60. Good and evil will be dealt with for 6000 years.

Jubilee 19:13 And in the sixth week, in the second year thereof, Rivqah bore to Yitzchak (Isaac) two sons, Ya’aqov and Esau, and Ya’aqov was a smooth and upright man, and Esau was fierce, a man of the field, and hairy, and Ya’aqov dwelt in tents. 2094. (42nd Jubilee: 2050-2100.)

42 completes a matter. Shemittah cycle Six last number: 42. It divides by 7.

34 – (3+4=7)

Pi 3.14, the diameter of a circle. It projects continuity in a one-third pattern.

One-third of the angels fell when wanting to be gods.

One-third of the oceans are destroyed.

One-third of land destroyed

One-third of people removed etc. etc.

September 16, 2023: Erev Sabbath Rosh Hoshanna / New Year 5784, Sabbath begin. FEAST OF TRUMPETS!

NEXT Solar ECLIPSE will come after all the wonderful events of Tishrei. In 2015, at Succot, I took pictures as if there were two suns in the sky. In 2023 in 30 days from now…we will witness an annular solar eclipse on the very first Torah reading of the year.

Three Fold Festival in 2023 * Sabbath, Head of Year, Terumah

The Civil calendar begins Month One in the dark with Moses still gone asking YHWH for atonement for the people and himself.

At Creation, Civil Month One is remembered by first coming out of Chaotic waters. The waters were separated and revealed earth. These chaotic waters will be again used to witness earth’s future destruction with Noach in year 1334.

Civil Month Two: Flood Water


The next Rosh Chodesh (Tishrei 29), will behold saros series 134 annular solar eclipse in the heavens. We see The Hand of God in this. The one-third theme 3.14 pi (as in the days of Noach) is again seen as more one-thirds of our earth are disciplined. More and more pi pi pi.

And, it is Parshah 1 Bereshit, ‘Beginnings’.

We are being signaled to begin 5784. The number 80 is the letter ‘Pei’ seen as a mouth. This mouth announces the door. We know Yeshua knocks at the door to have us open unto him. We will have TEN years of Pei (80) the mouth making announcements from The Land of Isarel. Hebrew Year with Pei – Mouth: 5780, 5781, 5782, 5783, 5784, 5785, 5786, 5787, 5788, 5789. Gregorian with Beit – house, Son, In the beginning: 2020, 2022, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029.

Eclipse saros 134 October 14, 2023 Sabbath Bereshit, beginning. Annular solar U.S. eclipse Oregon to Texas. 29 Tishri, dark night. This eclipse makes the X look like an Aleph. God is in charge and desires us to keep looking up and to the skies.

April 8, 2024 crosses U.S. south corner to east corner marking U.S. with an X.

August 21, 2017 Total Solar U.S. eclipse Washington to FL crossed 7 cities named Salem…removed their peace.

Is The Return NOW? Could be soon!!! Are you ready? Since the 2014-2015 Tetrad eclipse, mankind is without excuse. Pastor Biltz, John Hagee and many others have told us to look to the skies for knowing the ‘signals’ of return. Yes, science in the sky.

In 2032-2033 we will have the next Lunar Tetrad eclipse, 4 consecutive blood Moons. These numbers show us The Flood…as in The Days of Noach. Change is here and yet we will just continue to say, “I’m tired of looking.”

Perhaps this is the reason for my urgency to get this posted. Time is short as 2023 sees her King in the Field in the month of Elul. He is in the field of the sky. Fourteen is an end number which begins with 15 (fullness of the moon). This ‘eighteen-year’ lunar cycle signals us of dark days in between it. Noach’s years are now the numbers for the Tetrad..pi 3.14 and counting up to 35.. Behold Eight, new beginnings with gimel (man walking) toward beginnings.

Creation Day One began on Monday, September 11, 2023. Man was created on Day Six, so we celebrate the New Year with Adam having God’s breath put into him celebrated on Tishri 1, Rosh Hoshana.

Thank you, Adonai, for creating Adam and the human race. Without this, The Deceiver would win. We are thankful for your plan for bringing Yeshua to earth so all men can repent from trying to be a god. You alone… Psalm 100.

Monday, we drove 2.5 hours for my grandson JV football game. Before this JV game started one of our football player left the field… it was #43. At one point the scoreboard stayed at 11:11 left in the game. These are just a small sampling of God I experience every day. I see God’s hands straight up in 11… and double 11 confirms He’s in action drawing men to Himself.

Seeing 11 together at this season of The Head of The Year 5784 means to me that God is in all. By Month 12 we have heard of our king. In Month 12 , Elul, Moses goes up on Mt. Sinai for the third time. He so wants the people to know their God. Thirteen attributes plus are given so they know the character of God.

He will accept their election of Him, but they must know His ways and obey them. They cannot be an embarrassment to Him. We cannot be an embarrassment to our spouse. We cannot embarrass God by being very poor. We cannot forget God when we become rich! Proverbs 30.

God’s hands are open for a season of time. There is a time of a half hour that there is ‘silence’. If an hour of heaven’s time of 1000 years is 42. years then 21 years is a half hour. This patterns to Micheal being delayed 21 days because of a spiritual battle with Persia.

Persia (Iran) released 5 American prisoners today in exchange for 5 of their prisoners released by contained along with 6 billion in Euros. We now have increased the spiritual battle going on in the heavens in 2023, the 21st century. Returning To God through the righteous living via The Torah pulls down those strongholds. If you are estranged right now in any relationship, return to peace before Yom Kippur. Our world needs your help.

People are choosing sides rights now. 1111 His hands are straight up…I’ve witnessed the ALEPH many times in the past months.

This is an urgent letter to you my friend to REPENT of any wrongdoing to wife, children, family, friends, church. Judgment could quicken and get personal as I see it in myself right now. Tears flow in weeping as people have babies suffering…not able to take nourishment in. There are many on this earth so many are dying. We are thankful to know when we are accused by The Accuser before God, that we have The Plan of Blood covering us. We don’t eat blood. It is special as God in the flesh poured out his life-giving blood for us. We are atoned by His blood, especially at Yom Kippur.

We look to your patterns seen in eclipses, latitudes, earthquakes, winds, your calendar and even a football jersey with number 43 reminding me of Parshah 43 called, Journeys.

This is our journey and I’m glad I’m part of His ‘tribe’, Parshah 42. (Mattot Masei)

Joseph died age 110. Lunar Eclipse Saros 110 will end itself on July 18, 2027. 13 Tammuz Sunday. 5th Shemittah cycle. Balak Torah portion. It hosted 72 eclipses. May 28, -0747 BC.

It only darkened earth’s skies 13 times. It held 43 partial eclipse and 17 Prenumbral. 34 comes into play as it’s last release number is 34. It’s Luna Num is 340.

Every 18 years 1 days 8 hours it has signaled us.

34 – The 4 Door to the (3) upright man walking.

43 – The Gimel (3, walking man) comes through the door (4, letter dahlet).

Come soon ADONAI and give us that final redemption of the whole earth living out Torah with Yeshua as King of Kings.

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