TBN Praise Prophecy Program: Pastor Mark, Bill Cloud, Joel Richardson, Perry Stone on Livestream

TBN Praise Program: Pastor Mark, Bill Cloud, Joel Richardson & Perry Stone on Livestream — Read on livestream.com/accounts/1969900/events/8107761/videos/171465492 Dry bones rising. Fabulous broadcast of experts on the days we live in. Israel prophecies unfolding in our generation! One of the … Continue reading TBN Praise Prophecy Program: Pastor Mark, Bill Cloud, Joel Richardson, Perry Stone on Livestream

Who is mercy and grace?

elshaddaiministries.podomatic.com/enclosure/2018-03-05T07_41_56-08_00.mp3 Ki taso. Outstanding teaching when Moses after 400 years instructs how to enter new land. Just as israel has entered the earth’s atmosphere celebrating 70 years,,,also a generation. Bringing peace with mercy for those entering God’s way. Continue reading Who is mercy and grace?

Enshrining Torah study as supreme value causes ‘political crisis’

Enshrining Torah study as supreme value causes ‘political crisis’ endangering Knesset coalition — Read on worldisraelnews.com/analysts-assess-new-political-crisis-endangering-knesset-coalition/ Continue reading Enshrining Torah study as supreme value causes ‘political crisis’

Rosh Hoshana, High Holiday – Hebrew calendar patterned to show God to men.

Tishrei 1, Rosh Hoshanna is the Head of the New Civil Year.  It is also known as The Feast of Trumpets.  It begins October 2, 2016 at dusk.  It is a High Holy day set-apart to blow shofars to call … Continue reading Rosh Hoshana, High Holiday – Hebrew calendar patterned to show God to men.

Madrid 1811 Earthquakes 206th Anniversary – Kislev 30 2017

Today is Kislev 30, 2017, Chanukah Day Six, December 18, 2017 –  It is the 206th year Anniversary of The Madrid Earthquakes.  On Day Six we studied about the anointing oil.  There truly is an anointing going on even as … Continue reading Madrid 1811 Earthquakes 206th Anniversary – Kislev 30 2017

Earthquakes 2014 Increase Decrease?

12 DISCIPLES This summary report is by the usgs.gov website reported January 7, 2014. “While the number of large earthquakes fell to 12 in 2014, from 19 in 2013, several moderate tremors hit areas relatively new to seismicity, including Oklahoma and Kansas, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Worldwide, 11 earthquakes reached magnitude 7.0-7.9 and one registered magnitude 8.2, in Iquique, Chile, on April 1, (Nissan 1). This is the lowest annual total of earthquakes magnitude 7.0 or greater since 2008, which also had 12.” TWELVE DISCIPLES is what I call them. They teach us lessons and minister to us. … Continue reading Earthquakes 2014 Increase Decrease?