Galatian's Paul About Resurrection

Three Days and Three Nights

Our calendars move around but these days have been made holy and never move. The same days remembered into our future. Yeshua Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance’. We must never forget! Continue reading Three Days and Three Nights

PodOmatic | April 7, 2018: Shemini Shel Pesach

Exodus 13:17,18 It happened, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God didn’t lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when … Continue reading PodOmatic | April 7, 2018: Shemini Shel Pesach

Three Sabbath 2011 #eclipse bring message#: He Sent Statutes for Generations

2011 #Sabbath Eclipses# July 1  Sivan 29  *  November 25  Cheshvan 28  *  December 10  Kislev 14 Erev Sabbath means the Sabbath begins at dusk.  The Hebrew day begins at dusk. Our first Sabbath eclipse was an Erev Sabbath partial … Continue reading Three Sabbath 2011 #eclipse bring message#: He Sent Statutes for Generations

World experiences Tishrei for next 50 years on Saros schedule

The month of Tishrei is known for blowing the shofar so God will come to our rescue.  We are also listening for The Angel of the Lord to blow His Trumpet.  Why are the lunar eclipse schedules looking to Tishrei? … Continue reading World experiences Tishrei for next 50 years on Saros schedule

#Italy Earthquake Aug 24 2016 “Do you see what I see?”

Turkey vulture sits on my fence overlooking a dead deer carcus…and now I write about another turkey…Turkey…of the Ottoman Empire that is expanding…by preying on the innocent…Both are scavengers…..detestable. I wrote this post five days ago of 4650 words and … Continue reading #Italy Earthquake Aug 24 2016 “Do you see what I see?”

Earthquakes 2016 Show Pattern on Calendar…Why? Part 2

January 24 to August 19 2016 7+ Earthquakes! Please read the yhebrew blog, ‘Earthquakes 2016 link to Hebrew Calendar.’  These are the notes that go with the TEN 7+ earthquakes.  They begin with the Four Horsemen of Zechariah 1 and … Continue reading Earthquakes 2016 Show Pattern on Calendar…Why? Part 2

2015 Counting of Omer with 4.5+ Earthquakes

Please join me to Count the Omer and God’s earthquakes to praise Him daily! Psalm 67:1-7 Counting The Omer 2015 * 4.5+ Earthquakes March 1        10 Adar        18   4.5+ quakes March 2       11  Adar         17 March 3        12 Adar         15                     eve Fast of Esther begins BB Netanyahu speaks to U.S. Congress as Mordicai. March 4        13 Adar         11                     … Continue reading 2015 Counting of Omer with 4.5+ Earthquakes

Earthquake Alert at PURIM updated for ‘ELUL Watch’

EARTHQUAKES AND GOD….Who controls them? April 19, 2015 Why 36? – Three times the amount of 4.5+ earthquakes occurred ON  10 Nissan (Lamb chosen) than the day before, Nissan 9 2015 2015 – A record 36 (THIRTY-SIX) 4.5+ Earthquakes….WHEN?  March … Continue reading Earthquake Alert at PURIM updated for ‘ELUL Watch’

Earthquakes 2014 Increase Decrease?

12 DISCIPLES This summary report is by the website reported January 7, 2014. “While the number of large earthquakes fell to 12 in 2014, from 19 in 2013, several moderate tremors hit areas relatively new to seismicity, including Oklahoma and Kansas, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Worldwide, 11 earthquakes reached magnitude 7.0-7.9 and one registered magnitude 8.2, in Iquique, Chile, on April 1, (Nissan 1). This is the lowest annual total of earthquakes magnitude 7.0 or greater since 2008, which also had 12.” TWELVE DISCIPLES is what I call them. They teach us lessons and minister to us. … Continue reading Earthquakes 2014 Increase Decrease?